
The CHARACTERS - CLASSES section for the Remake Romancing SaGa 2: Revenge of the Seven is here.


Heavy Infantry
Light Infantry
Court Mage

Armed Merchant
Desert Guard
Diviner [Re]
Imperial Guard
Levante Guard
Mage for Hire
Ninja [Re]
Saigo Clansman

Last Emperor



Romancing Saga 2 has a very distinctive character system.

With the exception of a few special characters at the start and at the end of your adventure, your characters will change all the time (don't get too attached ; ), every time one of them dies (which can happen quite a lot, be it LP-death or party annihilation), every time there is a time skip, and they come from a pool of characters of various classes.

They belong to various classes, but within each class, even if there are some common traits, the characters are all different! It insures a great variety and distinctive flavors, but makes it quite difficult to keep track of the techs they are able to spark or not, mainly - especially as there are more than 250 available characters (256 over 32 classes + 5 special characters on SFC / 272 over 34 classes + 5 on Remaster).

Characters from each class can be recruited always at the same place(s). Once a class is unlocked (some are available from the start), individual characters circle endlessly through the list in order, after each death or each time skip.

Note that at any time you can only have one member of each class in your party (e.g. you cannot have two Female Crusaders in your party), and that once recruited it is impossible to make them leave until they die, until your party gets wiped out, or until a time jump occurs (so for any reason if you want to change a character, you must LP-kill them). Note that if your Emperor LP-dies, you must choose their successor among the remaining party members, and that the rest of the team remains unchanged. For details see the Generation Skip & Reincarnation section.

When you recruit a new character, their starting levels will depend on your MLVs (Master Levels) and on character-specific corrective values:
- the relevant MLVs will be adjusted (+ or -) according to the tables below,
- while the other Weapon LVs will be reset to 0
- and when you teach non-default Magic to a character, all Magic LVs start at MLV -7.

Notes on the following tables

The Gender (whatever people may say these days ; ) is an important stat, since some quests, branchings and dialogues are Gender-related, and since the enemy tech Fascination does not work on Females. Note that Gender is determined by the presence or absence of a Female flag (which means that if the flag is absent, the character is not necessarily a Male, it just means they are not Female).

Note also that there is a separate, gender-related flag (two, in fact) that mainly determine your Emperor's Reaction when you eavesdrop the Armed Merchants in Mobelm, i.e. whether you are Wild enough to deceive and take on the guard or not (Norm = normal: you cannot), and how (the M or F way).
The Wild Classes are: Mercenary, Hunter, Nomad, Armed Merchant, Saigo Clansman, Brawler, Vagabond, Iris.

Another quest-related flag: is your Emperor Strong enough to operate Hiraga's Windmaker or do physical labor?
The Strong Classes are: Light Infantry, Mercenary, Imperial Guard, Levante Guard, Desert Guard, Male Nomad, Male Crusader, Armed Merchant, Saigo Clansman, Brawler, Salamander, Coppelia, Last Emperor.

The Inheritance stat refers to the Imperial Succession Category:
- 00 for Mage: Court Mage M/F, Mage for Hire M/F, Crusader F, Strategist, (Diviner).
- 01 for Archer: Ranger M/F, Vagabond M, Hunter, Nomad M, Amazon.
- 02 for Warrior A: Light Infantry M/F, Salamander, Mole, Nomad F, Levante Guard, Iris, Nereid, Vagabond F, Diver.
- 03 for Warrior B: Mercenary M/F, Saigo Clansman, Heavy Infantry, Crusader M, Imperial Guard M/F, Desert Guard, Brawler, Armed Merchant, (Ninja).

The choices you get for your new Emperor depend on the Class and Category of your previous Emperor, and are determined randomly among Classes and Categories set like so:

Inheritance Category of
your Previous Emperor:
00 Mage01 Archer02 Warrior A03 Warrior B
1st ChoiceSame Class as Previous Emperor
2nd Choice00010203
3rd Choice02030001
4th Choice01 or 0300 or 0201 or 0300 or 02

Through random inheritance, you can make a specific character the Emperor only once. If all the characters of one Class have become Emperors, the 1st Choice will be a random Class from the Category of the 4th Choice.

The starting equipment is linked to your Workshop research and to the Shops. A few set items excepted, Classes get certain sorts of items in the version available in the shops at the time of recruitment. Note that a few fixed starting items are either good or useful, like Brawler's Budo Gi, Diver's Trident, Amazon's Naginata, Levante Guard's Katana..
(NR) means Non-Removable.

The starting tech(s) are determined by category.
Your entitled characters get one per weapon category, the highest ranked tech in a list of 4, among those already available in the Dojo (the techs between square brackets are available from game start):

- Sword: [Knee Split] < Cross Cut < Whirlwind < Vacuum Cut.
- Greatsword: Sunder < Smash < Watefold Blade < Flowing Slash.
- Axe: Tomahawk < Cut Timber < Echo Blade < Tree Cleaver.
- Mace: [Headblow] < Bonecrusher < Twinstrike < Fissure Strike.
- Spear: [Double Stab] < Aim < Charge < Sharp Thrust.
- Short Sword: [Feint] < [Sidewinder] < Snake Shot < Mega Thrust.
- Bow: [Id Break] < Haphazard Arrow < Rain of Arrows < Barrage Shot
- Martial: [Kick] < Sobat < Corkscrew < Quadrastrike.

The starting spells are attributed like so:
- Each character gets 2 spells per magic.
- The first spell is always the basic spell of the relevant magic (ie. Fireball, Life Water, Blades of Wind, Gilden Stregth, Light Ball, Wracking).
- The second spells are determined according to a few random sets of spells, as per in the table below.
The Magic order is the order in which they appear in your character's stat screen. The number of the spell is that of the spell list (e.g. Self-Immolation is spell #2 of Pyrology). Your characters can only get spells that have been unlocked previously.

Set of spellsSpell# for Magic 1Spell# for Magic 2Spell# for Magic 3

The starting techs and spells have no influence whatsoever, since they are taken from those already available to you and since you can just change them in the Dojo or Magic Research Center.
Remaster: If you have not built the Umbrology Research Facility, UM spells still get unlocked as your UM MLV goes up, and Diviners may randomly access one high-tiered spell. Just save your game before recruiting, recruit, check your spells, quit and reload if you do not get the one you want.

The characters' Spark Type is one of the most important pieces of information: it determines which Techs the characters is able to spark in battle. See the Sparking section for sparking conditions, types and details, particularly the Characters Type Tech Lists (you can also CTL+F the page with your character's name to see which techs they can spark).

STR DEX MAG LOG SPD STA: see the Stats section.
Note that the general relevant variable for offensive Spell Power is [MAG + 2x(MAG-LOG)]. See the Magic section for details.

Weapon/Magic LVs: corrective values for your characters' starting LVs (upon recruiting).
For the mentioned categories, add or subtract from the corresponding MLVs (Master/Global Levels). For the rest: Weapon LVs reset to zero / non-default (taught) magics: Magic LV = MLV -7.
Note that Weapon/Magic LVs for Special Characters are absolute values (unrelated to MLVs).

SW = Sword / Greatsword LV
AX = Axe / Mace LV
SP = Spear / Short Sword LV
BOW = Bow LV
MA = Martial Arts LV
PY = Pyrology (Fire)
HY = Hydrology (Water)
AE = Aerology (Wind)
TE = Terrology (Earth)
COS = Cosmology (Light)
UM = Umbrology (Dark)



These classes are available from the start in Avalon.

Heavy Infantry

Romancing Saga 2 Heavy Infantry Bear Romancing Saga 2 Heavy Infantry Bison Romancing Saga 2 Heavy Infantry Walrus Romancing Saga 2 Heavy Infantry Ox Romancing Saga 2 Heavy Infantry Gorilla Romancing Saga 2 Heavy Infantry Tortoise Romancing Saga 2 Heavy Infantry Rhino Romancing Saga 2 Heavy Infantry Ferdinand

Location: Avalon Castle, 1F.
Gender: M | Race: Human | Reaction: Norm M | x | Inheritance: 03 | Formation: x
Starting equipment: Sword, Shield, Full Armor.
Starting tech: Sword.

Named after animals (including 'Ferdinand the Bull'), most Heavy Infantry, except Bear, have a high STA and can keep Defending to serve properly as a frontline tank in the Imperial Cross in the early game.
Most are Spark Type 13 (can spark some Sword techs). Give them maybe a Mace too if you want them to try to spark a few techs at the beginning. Type 14 (Ox) can spark most Sword and Greatsword techs.
Note that 'Snail' was curiously translated as 'Ox' and 'Hedgehog' as 'Gorilla'..

Bear (00) ベア
13161215121114SW +3 14
Bison (01) バイソン
13171216131121SW AX MA +115
Walrus (02) ウォーラス
13161414101023SW AX +113
Ox (03) スネイル
14151216131321SW +212
Gorilla (04) ヘッジホッグ
13181216121122SW AX BOW +011
Tortoise (05) トータス
13151315141222SW +112
Rhino (06) ライノ
131614 15111321SW +113
Ferdinand (07) フェルディナント
13151316131023SW +210

Light Infantry (M)

Romancing Saga 2 Romancing Saga 2 Light Infantry John Romancing Saga 2 Light Infantry Richard Romancing Saga 2 Romancing Saga 2 Light Infantry Harry Romancing Saga 2 Light Infantry Ronald Romancing Saga 2 Light Infantry Dwight Romancing Saga 2 Light Infantry Franklyn

Location: Avalon Castle, 1F.
Gender: M | Race: Human | Reaction: Norm M | Strong | Inheritance: 02 | Formation: x
Starting equipment: Greatsword, Heavy Armor, Gauntlet, Greaves.
Starting tech: Greatsword.

Named after US Presidents, Male Light Infantry are your Sword or Greatsword users in the (very) early game.
Type 11 (James, John, Harry & Dwight) are focused on Greatsword & Sword. Type 14 (Herbert & Franklyn) can spark most Sword and Greatsword techs; Type 10 (Richard) can conveniently spark most Sword, Greatsword and Short Sword techs; Type 13 (Ronald) can spark some Sword techs.

James (08) ジェイムズ
11161513111718SW AX SP BOW +111
John (09) ジョン
11161514101817SW AX SP BOW +113
Richard (0A) リチャード
10171512121916SW AX SP BOW +18
Herbert (0B) ハーバート
14181614111717SW AX SP BOW +1AE -610
Harry (0C) ハリー
11181616151516SW AX SP BOW +111
Ronald (0D) ロナルド
13171514111818SW AX SP BOW +19
Dwight (0E) ドワイト
11171813121617SW AX SP BOW +18
Franklyn (0F) フランクリン
14181513131817SW AX SP BOW +1HY -513

Light Infantry (F)

Romancing Saga 2 Light Infantry Liza Romancing Saga 2 Light Infantry Jessica Romancing Saga 2 Light Infantry Shirley Romancing Saga 2 Light Infantry Audrey Romancing Saga 2 Light Infantry Judie Romancing Saga 2 Light Infantry Grace Romancing Saga 2 Light Infantry Ingrid Romancing Saga 2 Light Infantry Greta

Location: Avalon Castle, 1F.
Gender: F | Race: Human | Reaction: Norm F | Strong | Inheritance: 02 | Formation: x
Starting equipment: Short Sword, Uniform, Guard, Heavy Armor.
Starting techs: Sword, Short Sword.

Named after famous actresses, Female Light Infantry have better overall stats than their male counterparts, but the Type 02 and 03 have inadequate stats (STR > DEX..).
Type 03 (Liza, Shirley & Ingrid) can spark all Short Sword techs, while Type 14 (Jessica, Audrey & Grace) can spark most Sword and Greatsword techs. For the rarer types in this class: Type 02 (Greta) can spark all Bow techs, and Type 10 (Judie) can conveniently spark most Sword, Greatsword and Short Sword techs.

Liza (10) ライーザ
03161616131617SW AX SP BOW +211
Jessica (11) ジェシカ
14161817101416SW AX SP BOW +18
Shirley (12) シャーリー
03171516131718SW AX SP BOW +1AE -47
Audrey (13) オードリー
14181517111517SW AX SP BOW +215
Judie (14) ジュディ
10171516161818SW AX SP BOW +110
Grace (15) グレース
14181515151717SW AX SP BOW +112
Ingrid (16) イングリット
03171615141618SW AX SP BOW +18
Greta (17) グレタ
02171515111716SW AX SP BOW +19

Ranger (M)

Romancing Saga 2 Ranger Henry Romancing Saga 2 Ranger Louis Romancing Saga 2 Ranger Charles Romancing Saga 2 Ranger William Romancing Saga 2 Ranger Philip Romancing Saga 2 Ranger Edward Romancing Saga 2 Ranger Alexandr Romancing Saga 2 Ranger Friedrich

Location: Avalon Castle, 1F.
Gender: M | Race: Human | Reaction: Norm M | x | Inheritance: 01 | Formation: x
Starting equipment: Spear, Bow, Helmet, Light Armor.
Starting techs: Spear, Bow.

Named after European Kings and Tzars, Male Rangers are good with Bows (high DEX) and Short Sword too for the 3 of them who come with default SP LVs.
And they are conveniently all Type 02 (can spark all Bow techs).

Henry (18) ヘンリー
02132213111615SP BOW +212
Louis (19) ルイ
02142114111515SP BOW +111
Charles (1A) チャールズ
02152013121514BOW +210
William (1B) ウィリアム
02132212101616SP BOW +213
Philip (1C) フィリップ
02152114121416BOW +112
Edward (1D) エドワード
02162011141715BOW +410
Alexandr (1E) アレクサンドル
02132216101517BOW +112
Friedrich (1F) フリードリッヒ
02142113121615BOW +2PY -515

Ranger (F)

Romancing Saga 2 Ranger Therese Romancing Saga 2 Ranger Mary Romancing Saga 2 Ranger Agnes Romancing Saga 2 Ranger Catherine Romancing Saga 2 Ranger Anne Romancing Saga 2 Ranger Juliana Romancing Saga 2 Ranger Isabella Romancing Saga 2 Ranger Elizabeth

Location: Avalon Castle, 1F.
Gender: F | Race: Human | Reaction: Norm F | x | Inheritance: 01 | Formation: x
Starting equipment: Short Sword, Bow, Uniform, Light Armor.
Starting techs: Short Sword, Bow.

Named after Queens and Tsarinas, Female Rangers also, thanks to a high DEX, are good with Bows (and Short Sword too for 3 of them) and are more versatile than their Male counterparts, as they can be used as decent magic support (half have default magics, all higher MAG).
All are Type 02 (can spark all Bow techs), except Mary who is a Type 03 (can spark all Short Sword techs).

Therese (20) テレーズ
02132015101614SP BOW +2HY -610
Mary (21) メアリー
03152114131513BOW +28
Agnes (22) アグネス
02142017121612SP BOW +1HY COS -56
Catherine (23) キャサリン
02132215111514BOW +27
Anne (24) アン
02162014121513BOW +1TE -49
Juliana (25) ユリアナ
02122314121315BOW +311
Isabella (26) イザベラ
02142119101412SP BOW +1TE -17
Elizabeth (27) エリザベス
02132215121315BOW +28

Court Mage (M)

Romancing Saga 2 Court Mage Aries Romancing Saga 2 Court Mage Sagittarius Romancing Saga 2 Court Mage Libra Romancing Saga 2 Court Mage Taurus Romancing Saga 2 Court Mage Gemini Romancing Saga 2 Court Mage Capricorn Romancing Saga 2 Court Mage Kygnus Romancing Saga 2 Court Mage Crux

Location: Avalon Castle, 1F / Magic Research Center.
Gender: M | Race: Human | Reaction: Norm M | x | Inheritance: 00 | Formation: x
Starting equipment: Mace, Erudite Robe (NR).
Starting tech: None.

Named after constellations, Male Court Mages are all Water & Wind magic casters with adequate stats but they lack speed. Among them Libra has the best magic power, higher too than any Mage for Hire.
Most (Libra, Taurus, Gemini, Kygnus, Crux) are Type 15, the regular "mage" type with only some basic sparking abilities (can still be useful early on). The rest are either Type 05 (Aries & Capricorn) who can spark all Mace techs, or Type 02 (Sagittarius) who can spark all Bow techs; which mean that in addition to their role as a support spellcaster, they can be great sparkers as well.
Court Mages have an extra defense item slot equipped with a non-removable Erudite Robe (body armor with moderate magic def (and immunity to Pressure attacks).

Aries (28) アリエス
05121621111312AX -5HY AE +110
Sagittarius (29) サジタリウス
02101919101410BOW +0HY AE +112
Libra (2A) ライブラ
15111623111211HY AE +38
Taurus (2B) タウラス
15121721131410HY AE +211
Gemini (2C) ジェミニ
15111720121413HY AE +210
Capricorn (2D) カプリコーン
05121619141312AX -4HY AE +19
Kygnus (2E) キグナス
15131821141212HY AE +213
Crux (2F) クラックス
15111720121511HY AE +110

Court Mage (F)

Romancing Saga 2 Court Mage Emerald Romancing Saga 2 Court Mage Amethyst Romancing Saga 2 Court Mage Onix Romancing Saga 2 Court Mage Topaz Romancing Saga 2 Court Mage Garnet Romancing Saga 2 Court Mage Opal Romancing Saga 2 Court Mage Ruby Romancing Saga 2 Court Mage Sapphire

Location: Avalon Castle, 1F / Magic Research Center.
Gender: F | Race: Human | Reaction: Norm M | x | Inheritance: 00 | Formation: x
Starting equipment: Short Sword, Erudite Robe (NR).
Starting tech: None.

Named after gemstones, Female Court Mages are all Fire and Wind magic users with slightly lower magic stats (the highest in general being Onix with MAG 20 & LOG 12) but higher speed than their male counterparts. The fastest of them (Sapphire) is a more versatile character (Short Sword and Magic with decent DEX & MAG).
All are Type 15 (only some basic sparking abilities), except Sapphire (Type 03) who can spark all Short Sword techs.
Court Mages have an extra defense item slot equipped with a non-removable Erudite Robe (body armor with moderate magic def (and immunity to Pressure attacks).

Emerald (30) エメラルド
15101720141610PY AE +210
Amethyst (31) アメジスト
15101719131513PY AE +18
Onix (32) オニキス
15101820121611PY AE +111
Topaz (33) トパーズ
15111620151510PY AE +110
Garnet (34) ガーネット
15111621141511PY AE +18
Opal (35) オパール
15111720141611PY AE +212
Ruby (36) ルビー
15111822151610 PY AE +310
Sapphire (37) サファイア
03131718121712SP +3PY AE +212

Mercenary (M)

Romancing Saga 2 Mercenary Hector Romancing Saga 2 Mercenary Orion Romancing Saga 2 Mercenary Jason Romancing Saga 2 Mercenary Theseus Romancing Saga 2 Mercenary Achilles Romancing Saga 2 Mercenary Ulysses Romancing Saga 2 Mercenary Perseus Romancing Saga 2 Mercenary Hercules

Location: Avalon Castle, 1F / Avalon Pub.
Gender: M | Race: Human | Reaction: Wild M | Strong | Inheritance: 03 | Formation: x
Starting equipment: Greatsword, Spear (Halberd), Heavy Armor.
Starting techs: Greatsword, Spear.
Available in the Introduction after the Goblin Invasion.

Named after heroes of the Greek mythology, Male Mercenaries have the highest STR among the very early recruits and good SPD in general. Hector (with STR 21, SPD 16, STA 18) is a good Sword/Greatsword user and sparker; Ulysses (21,16,17) a good Axe/Spear user and sparker.
Type 09 (Jason, Theseus, Ulysses) can spark all Axe and Spear techs. Most of the rest are focused on swords: Type 11 (Hector, Hercules) are focused on Greatsword & Sword; Type 08 (Achilles) can spark most Greatsword & Sword techs; Type 10 (Orion) can spark most Sword, Greatsword and Short Sword techs). Type 13 (Perseus) can spark some Sword techs.

Hector (38) ヘクター
11211412111618SW AX +2TE -613
Orion (39) オライオン
10201513101716SW +3PY -611
Jason (3A) ジェイスン
09191614111517SW AX SP +111
Theseus (3B) シーシアス
09201413101617SW AX SP +1AE -510
Achilles (3C) アキリーズ
08191514131519SW +213
Ulysses (3D) ユリシーズ
09211513121617SW AX SP +1HY -512
Perseus (3E) パーシアス
13181613121716SW AX +211
Hercules (3F) ハーキュリーズ
11201714131416SW AX +1COS -613

Mercenary (F)

Romancing Saga 2 Mercenary Andromache Romancing Saga 2 Mercenary Side Romancing Saga 2 Mercenary Media Romancing Saga 2 Mercenary Hippolyta Romancing Saga 2 Mercenary Deidamia Romancing Saga 2 Mercenary Penelope Romancing Saga 2 Mercenary Andromeda Romancing Saga 2 Mercenary Deianira

Location: Avalon Castle, 1F.
Gender: F | Race: Human | Reaction: Wild F | Strong | Inheritance: 03 | Formation: x
Starting equipment: Sword, Bow, Guard, Heavy Armor.
Starting techs: Sword, Bow.
Available in the Introduction after the Goblin Invasion.

Named after characters of the Greek mythology, Female Mercenaries generally have more balanced stats (unfortunately?) than their Male counterparts, and are also slower.
Their Type is varied. Type 14 (Andromache, Medea, Penelope) can spark most Sword and Greatsword techs. Type 02 (Sidhe & Andromeda) can spark all Bow techs. The rest are Type 11 (Deidameia & Dianeira), focused on Greatsword & Sword, and Type 09 (Hippolyta), who can spark all Axe and Spear techs.

Andromache (40) アンドロマケー
14191615111318SW BOW +1HY -611
Sidhe (41) シーデー
02181715111516SW BOW MA +1COS -510
Media (42) メディア
14191614181417SW AX BOW +2PY TE -615
Hippolyta (43) ヒッポリュテー
09181517121318SW SP +212
Deidamia (44) デーイダメイア
11191615101417SW +114
Penelope (45) ペネロープ
14201614111319SW +2TE -511
Andromeda (46) アンドロメダ
02171815131517SW BOW +1AE-67
Deianira (47) ディアネイラ
11191614131418SW BOW +210


These classes will become available as you complete certain quests.

アマゾネス (Amazoness)

Romancing Saga 2 Amazon Jeanne Romancing Saga 2 Amazon Kriemhild Romancing Saga 2 Amazon Ekaterina Romancing Saga 2 Amazon Theodora Romancing Saga 2 Amazon Agrippina Romancing Saga 2 Amazon Artemisia Romancing Saga 2 Amazon Wuhou Romancing Saga 2 Amazon Tomoe

Unlock: In Salamat, help the Amazon with a female Emperor / Defeat Rocbouquet.
Location: Amazon Village or Eirunep.
Gender: F | Race: Human | Reaction: Norm F | x | Inheritance: 01 | Formation: Amazon Raid
Starting equipment: Naginata, Bow, Light Armor.
Starting techs: Greatsword, Spear, Bow.

Named after powerful and independent women across history, most Amazons are good Bow/Short Sword users (higher DEX than STR) and top Spear sparkers with rather high STA. Unfortunately, only Tomoe (Spear) and Artemisia (Bow) have stats consistent with their Spark Type.
Most are Type 09 (can spark all Axe and Spear techs), except Theodora (Type 04, can spark all Spear techs) and Artemisia (Type 02, can spark all Bow techs).

Jeanne (80) ジャンヌ
09171913101719AX SP BOW +311
Kriemhild (81) クリームヒルト
09152012141818AX SP BOW +28
Ekaterina (82) エカテリーナ
09141815211621SW BOW MA +115
Theodora (83) テオドラ
04171912161817SP BOW +110
Agrippina (84) アグリッピナ
09151913151719AX SP BOW +211
Artemisia (85) アルテミシア
02152014141618BOW +5COS -68
Wuhou (86) ブコウ
09161714131520SP BOW +213
Tomoe (87) トモエ
09191812181718SW SP BOW +314

Armed Merchant

Romancing Saga Armed Merchant Henrique Romancing Saga Armed Merchant Magellan Romancing Saga Armed Merchant Gama Romancing Saga Armed Merchant Mahan Romancing Saga Armed Merchant Fisher Romancing Saga Armed Merchant Tirpitz Romancing Saga Armed Merchant Zhenghe Romancing Saga Armed Merchant Drake

Unlock: Subdue the Armed Merchants Group (Mobelm/Nuono).
Location: Nuono, top building.
Gender: M | Race: Human | Reaction: Wild M | Strong | Inheritance: 03 | Formation: Rapid Stream
Starting equipment: Axe, Bow, Crescent Sword, Guard Shield, Light Armor.
Starting tech: Axe.

Named after seamen (mainly military officers & explorers), all Armed Merchants are very fast characters and most are great Axe sparkers (but only decent/good users).
Three of them (Henrique, Fisher, Zhenghe) are Type 06 (can spark all Axe techs), three (Magellan, Mahan, Tirpitz) are Type 09 (can spark all Axe and Spear techs), while the remaining two are either Type 02 (Gama can spark all Bow techs) or Type 10 (Drake can spark most Sword, Greatsword and Short Sword techs).

Henrique (B8) エンリケ
06171612132115AX BOW +2HY -413
Magellan (B9) マゼラン
09181413162017AX MA +212
Gama (BA) ガマ
02171512152215SW AX +214
Mahan (BB) マハン
09171711162016AX BOW +2HY -311
Fisher (BC) フィッシャー
06181412202017AX MA +213
Tirpitz (BD) ティルピッツ
09191511142116AX SP +29
Zhenghe (BE) テイワ
06161811152016AX BOW +1HY -312
Drake (BF) ドレイク
10181610212215SW AX BOW +1AE -215

格闘家 Martial Artist

Romancing Saga Brawler Karl Romancing Saga Brawler Fritz Romancing Saga Brawler Dynamite Romancing Saga Brawler Terry Romancing Saga Armed Merchant Brawler Bruiser Romancing Saga Vader Romancing Saga Brawler Hase Romancing Saga Brawler Liger

Unlock: Fiends' Cloister Quest: let Karl kill the boss, or defeat Karl and choose a Brawler as Emperor.
Location: Dragon Lair (South Varennes).
Gender: M | Race: Human | Reaction: Wild M | Strong | Inheritance: 03 | Formation: Dragon Stance
Starting equipment: Budo Gi.
Starting tech: Martial.

Named after pro-wrestlers, most Brawlers are resistant (high STA), decently strong (good STR) but a bit on the slow side, and all are Martial Arts sparkers. Vader has top-10 STR & STA (23/25, as well as a great +4 MA bonus, but abysmal 10 SPD) and Dynamite an out-of-this-world amount of LP (28).
All of them can spark most Martial Arts techs (all Type 00, except Liger who is Type 01).

Karl (C8) カール
00171411121423MA +216
Fritz (C9) フリッツ
00191110111522MA +114
Dynamite (CA) ダイナマイト
00181210131621MA +228
Terry (CB) テリー
00171311121423MA +313
Bruiser (CC) ブルーザー
00191110101524MA +114
Vader (CD) ベイダー
00231010101025MA +416
Hase (CE) ハセ
00171311111623MA +219
Liger (CF) ライガー
01181410111819MA +313

Crusader (M)
ホーリーオーダー(男)Holy Order

Romancing Saga 2 Crusader Georg Romancing Saga 2 Crusader Peter Romancing Saga 2 Crusader Paul Romancing Saga 2 Crusader Jacob Romancing Saga 2 Crusader Benedict Romancing Saga 2 Crusader Valentine Romancing Saga 2 Crusader Orban Romancing Saga 2 Crusader Christoph

Unlock: Resolve the situation in Cumberland.
Location: Castle Nerak, 2F.
Gender: M | Race: Human | Reaction: Norm M | Strong | Inheritance: 03 | Formation: Divine Wall
Starting equipment: Sword, Spear, Heavy Armor, Templar's Shield (NR).
Starting techs: Sword, Spear.

Named after Christian Saints, Male Crusaders are strong (all STR 20+) and rather resistant (STA 17∼20) but slow, all have one starting magic and one extra equipment slot with an unremovable heavy Shield: the definition of a reliable frontline magic knight tank and hitter. Benedict & Christoph excepted, their starting SW bonus does not coincide with their Sparking Type, but that does not mean you cannot use them for sparking Spear and/or Axe techs too. Later, Sword and/or Axe to allow Shield activation.
Half of them (Georg, Paul, Jacob, Orban) are Type 09 (can spark all Axe and Spear techs). Among the other half, Peter & Valentine are Type 13 (some Sword techs), Benedict is Type 10 (can spark most Sword, Greatsword and Short Sword techs) and Christoph is Type 14 (can spark most Sword and Greatsword techs).

Georg (A0) ゲオルグ
09211316101118SW AX SP +5HY +414
Peter (A1) ピーター
13201415111317SW SP +3AE +213
Paul (A2) ポール
09221215101219SW +3HY +215
Jacob (A3) ジェイコブ
09211315101318SW SP +2TE +112
Benedict (A4) ベネディクト
10201418101117SW +2HY +213
Valentine (A5) バランタイン
13221317111216SW +4TE +215
Orban (A6) ウルバン
09211215101417SW +2AE COS +112
Christoph (A7) クリストフ
14211215101220SW MA +3TE +314

Crusader (F)
ホーリーオーダー(女)Holy Order

Romancing Saga 2 Crusader Sophia Romancing Saga 2 Crusader Agatha Romancing Saga 2 Crusader Monika Romancing Saga 2 Crusader ge Romancing Saga 2 Crusader Barbara Romancing Saga 2 Crusader Matilda Romancing Saga 2 Crusader Magdalena Romancing Saga 2 Crusader Maria

Unlock: Resolve the situation in Cumberland.
Location: Hofah (Castle).
Gender: F | Race: Human | Reaction: Norm F | x | Inheritance: 00 | Formation: Divine Wall
Starting equipment: Mace, Heavy Armor, Templar's Shield (NR).
Starting tech: Mace.

Named after Christian Saints, Female Crusaders are very powerful but slow magic casters (Sophia being the best of them) with default Water and Light Magic. Like their male counterparts, they also have one extra slot with a Shield that can protect them when not casting, since half are also great Mace sparkers (if not users, but you can also cleverly equip them with techs dealing Status ailments or Debuffs for instance).
Half of them (Sophia, Barbara, Matilda & Maria) are Type 05 who can spark all Mace techs, while the other half (Agatha, Monica, Gertrude & Magdalena) are useless Type 15 who only have basic sparking abilities.

Sophia (A8) ソフィア
05121124131212AX +1HY COS +412
Agatha (A9) アガタ
15131222131212AX +1HY COS +111
Monica (AA) モニカ
15121223131112AX +2HY COS +28
Gertrude (AB) ガートルード
15141122121311AX +1HY COS +113
Barbara (AC) バルバラ
05131022131414AX +1HY COS +111
Matilda (AD) マチルダ
05141221121313AX +2HY COS +212
Magdalena (AE) マグダレーナ
15131422121112AX +1HY COS +114
Maria (AF) マリア
05131123111213AX +1HY COS +312

Desert Guard

Romancing Saga 2 Desert Guard Sharrkan Romancing Saga 2 Desert Guard Numan Romancing Saga 2 Desert Guard Dandan Romancing Saga 2 Desert Guard Shahriyar Romancing Saga 2 Desert Guard Abu Hassan Romancing Saga 2 Desert Guard Marzawan Romancing Saga 2 Desert Guard Armanaus Romancing Saga 2 Desert Guard Sulayman

Unlock: Meet with Noel (Wandering Lake).
Location: Wandering Lake / Teretuva, Pub.
Gender: M | Race: Human | Reaction: Norm M | Strong | Inheritance: 03 | Formation: Desert Fox
Starting equipment: Bow, Drachenbrand, Crescent Sword, Light Armor, Gauntlet, Greaves.
Starting techs: Sword, Bow.

Named after male characters from the 1001 Nights (except Suleiman, a historic Sultan of the Ottoman Empire), Desert Guards have rather high STR and STA, and most have one starting magic (Earth or Wind). They are good, resistant attackers but in the same category Imperial Guards (M) are better.
Spark-wise, most are Type 13 (some Sword techs), except Sharrkan & Suleiman who are Type 10 (can spark most Sword, Greatsword and Short Sword techs), and Shahriyar who is Type 14 (can spark most Sword and Greatsword techs).

Sharrkan (78) シャールカーン
10191217161318SW +2TE -412
Numan (79) ネマーン
13201316141219SW BOW +1AE -511
Dandan (7A) ダンダーン
13181518171218SW +2TE -614
Shahriyar (7B) シャハリヤール
14191316151319SW BOW MA +1TE -515
Abu-Hasan (7C) アバールハサン
13181417131417SW BOW +3 10
Marzawan (7D) マルザワーン
13201216161418SW BOW +1AE -512
Armanaus (7E) アルマノス
13191518141216SW +214
Sulayman (7F) スライマーン
10191418131319SW BOW MA +2TE -613


Romancing Saga 2 Diver Natalie Romancing Saga 2 Diver Mariah Romancing Saga 2 Diver Janis Romancing Saga 2 Diver Olivia Romancing Saga 2 Diver Kate Romancing Saga 2 Diver Sarah Romancing Saga 2 Diver Debbie Romancing Saga 2 Diver Linda

Unlock: Complete the Sunken Ship Quest.
Location: Toba (Pub).
Gender: F | Race: Human | Reaction: Norm F | x | Inheritance: 02 | Formation: Seer's Focus
Starting equipment: Trident, Uniform.
Starting tech: None.

Named after Western female singers, Divers are fast, decent casters with default Wind & Light magics. Recruit them to spark Poseidon Shot with their default weapon Trident, which will unlock the tech on Ranseur and Poseidon's Spear.
All are useless Type 15 (only have basic sparking abilities), except Olivia who is Type 05 (can spark all Mace techs).

Natalie (B0) ナタリー
15151618131917SP -3AE COS +28
Mariah (B1) マライア
15161419141819SP -3AE COS +26
Janis (B2) ジャニス
15141518111916SP -4AE COS +47
Olivia (B3) オリヴィア
05151616121818SP -3AE COS +16
Kate (B4) ケイト
15141718122017SP -3AE COS +29
Sarah (B5) サラ
15161418131718SP -3AE COS +18
Debbie (B6) デビー
15171517121919SP -3AE COS +211
Linda (B7) リンダ
15141718221817SP -4AE COS +28


Romancing Saga 2 Diviner Seimei Romancing Saga 2 Diviner Makibi Romancing Saga 2 Diviner Tadayuki Romancing Saga 2 Diviner Yasuchika Romancing Saga 2 Diviner Yoshihira Romancing Saga 2 Diviner Kawahito Romancing Saga 2 Diviner Doman Romancing Saga 2 Diviner Nakamaro

Unlock: Remaster only: Maze of Memory (Black), 7F.
Location: Avalon Castle, 1F.
Gender: M | Race: Human | Reaction: x | x | Inheritance: 00 | Formation: x
Starting equipment: Short Sword, Hat, Uniform, Sorcerer Robe, Demon Ring (NR).
Starting techs: Short Sword.

Named after famous Onmyoji, Diviners are fast Umbrologists. On the top of being very fast, Doman has max MAG & LOG (25/25); Seimei is excellent too (23/23). But Diviners can be made the most of only if you have found the Ancient Magic Tome and unlocked the Umbrology Research Facility. See the Magic section for details.
Half of them (Tadayuki, Yoshihira, Doman, Nakamaro) are Type 05 (can spark all Mace techs). Three (Makibi, Yasuchika, Kawahito) are Type 03 (can spark all Short Sword techs). Seimei is Type 02 (can spark all Bow techs).

Seimei (Re:) セイメイ
02132023232013SP BOW +1UM +69
Makibi (Re:) マキビ
03121519221512SP -1UM +411
Tadayuki (Re:) タダユキ
05101918182010SP -1UM +410
Yasuchika (Re:) ヤスチカ
03131521191610SP -2AE UM +512
Yoshihira (Re:) ヨシヒラ
05111820191810SP -2TE UM +510
Kawahito (Re:) カワヒト
03101622201711SP -2HY UM +59
Doman (Re:) ドウマン
05101025252210SP -1UM +66
Nakamaro (Re:) ナカマロ
05182020201711SP -2UM +59


Romancing Saga 2 Hunter Hamba Romancing Saga 2 Hunter Kuwaa Romancing Saga 2 Hunter Mudyug Romancing Saga 2 Hunter Vai Romancing Saga 2 Hunter Osei Romancing Saga 2 Hunter Rangali Romancing Saga 2 Hunter Quechua Romancing Saga 2 Hunter Qadhakhum

Unlock: Kill the Termite Queen (Savannah).
Location: Ostro (Savannah).
Gender: M | Race: Human | Reaction: Wild M | x | Inheritance: 01 | Formation: Hunter's Gambit
Starting equipment: Spear, Bow, Light Armor.
Starting tech: Bow.

Named after various ethnic groups / tribes, Hunters are conveniently very straightforward: they are all great Bow users and sparkers. Their only drawback: they are rather slow. Qadhakhum has a whooping 25 DEX.
They are all Type 02 and can thus spark all Bow techs.

Hamba (88) ハムバ
02122410121415SP BOW +110
Kuwaa (89) クワワ
02112212171316SW BOW +212
Mudyug (8A) ムジュグ
02132411141514BOW MA +211
Vai (8B) バイ
02132310141315BOW +38
Osei (8C) オセイ
02142211211416SW BOW +29
Rangali (8D) ランガリ
02152111161314SP BOW +210
Quechua (8E) ケチェワ
02122411131217BOW +314
Qadhakhum (8F) ガダフム
02122510141414AX BOW +212

Imperial Guard (M)

Romancing Saga 2 Imperial Guard Wallenstein Romancing Saga 2 Imperial Guard Tancred Romancing Saga 2 Imperial Guard Davout Romancing Saga 2 Imperial Guard Marlborough Romancing Saga 2 Imperial Guard Hannibal Romancing Saga 2 Imperial Guard Epaminondas Romancing Saga 2 Imperial Guard Gustav Romancing Saga 2 Imperial Guard Belisarius

Unlock: Throne Event: Empire of 9 Regions + 300kG.
Location: Avalon Castle, 1F.
Gender: M | Race: Human | Reaction: Norm M | Strong | Inheritance: 03 | Formation: Imperial Arrow
Starting equipment: Spear, Short Sword, Uniform, Full Armor.
Starting techs: Spear, Short Sword.

Named after military leaders, Male Imperial Guards are great front line units: very strong and resistant but slow (with some default Cosmology too). All are great Spear sparkers and users; Wallenstein & Hannibal (who has the highest STR among all recruits) can use swords as well.
All of them have access to all Spear techs: most are Type 04 (can spark all Spear techs), except Wallenstein, Hannibal & Belisarius who are Type 09 (can spark all Axe and Spear techs).

Wallenstein (58) ワレンシュタイン
09231011101220SW SP +3COS +012
Tancred (59) タンクレッド
04211211111121SP +2COS +013
Davout (5A) ダブー
04221012121419SP +3COS +012
Marlborough (5B) マールバラ
04231113141318SP +2COS +014
Hannibal (5C) ハンニバル
09251211181118SW SP +4COS +015
Epaminondas (5D) エパミノンダス
04221312131217SP +2COS +011
Gustav (5E) グスタフ
04241010101120SP +3COS +013
Belisarius (5F) ベリサリウス
09231114121319SP BOW +2COS +012

Imperial Guard (F)

Romancing Saga 2 Imperial Guard Minerva Romancing Saga 2 Imperial Guard Luna Romancing Saga 2 Imperial Guard Juno Romancing Saga 2 Imperial Guard Ceres Romancing Saga 2 Imperial Guard Aurora Romancing Saga 2 Imperial Guard Fury Romancing Saga 2 Imperial Guard Victoria Romancing Saga 2 Imperial Guard Diana

Unlock: Throne Event: Empire of 9 Regions + 300kG.
Location: Avalon Castle, 1F.
Gender: F | Race: Human | Reaction: Norm F | Strong | Inheritance: 03 | Formation: Imperial Arrow
Starting equipment: Spear, Short Sword, Uniform, Full Armor.
Starting techs: Spear, Short Sword.

Named after female deities from Ancient Rome, Female Imperial Guards have (unfortunately) slightly more balanced stats than their male counterparts (less STR, more MAG).
Type 09 (Luna, Aurora & Fury) can spark all Axe and Spear techs. All the rest have different sparking abilities: Victoria is a Type 04 who can spark all Spear techs; Diana a Type 10 who can spark most Sword, Greatsword and Short Sword techs; Ceres a Type 11, focused on Greatsword & Sword; Juno a Type 13 (some Sword techs); Minerva a Type 14 (can spark most Sword and Greatsword techs).

Minerva (60) ミネルバ
14201217121017SW SP BOW +2COS +111
Luna (61) ルナ
09211018131216SP +2COS +114
Juno (62) ユノー
13231015121117SP +3COS +110
Ceres (63) セレス
11221015131316SW SP +2COS +113
Aurora (64) オーロラ
09211117151017SP +3COS +112
Fury (65) フューリー
09191318151116SP BOW +2COS +111
Victoria (66) ヴィクトリア
04211216141118SP +3COS +110
Diana (67) ディアナ
10221116181118AX SP +2COS +115


Romancing Saga 2 Iris Windie Romancing Saga 2 Iris Cloudia Romancing Saga 2 Iris Skya Romancing Saga 2 Iris Breezia Romancing Saga 2 Iris Gaile Romancing Saga 2 Iris Romancing Saga 2 Iris Stormie Romancing Saga 2 Iris

Unlock: Complete Bard Quest and talk to the Iris in Iris Village (Mt. Chikapa).
Location: Mt Chikapa.
Gender: F | Race: Wind Elemental | Reaction: Wild F | x | Inheritance: 02 | Formation: x
Starting equipment: Bow, Flurry Shawl (NR).
Starting techs: None.

With names related to atmospheric phenomena, Iris are all very fast, effective Aerologists (Skya, Eire & Stormy have top-5 MAG, and Skya & Eire top-3 Spell Power). They are also all great Bow sparkers (and good Bow users).
All are conveniently Type 02 (can spark all Bow techs).
Iris have a default equipment, Flurry Shawl, that gives Cold immunity and excellent Status def.
Iris have HP regen in Wind magic environment.

Windie (F8) ウィンディ
02101721132010BOW +0AE +57
Cloudia (F9) クラウディア
02101821122410BOW -2AE +36
Skya (FA) スカイア
02101924112110BOW -7AE +58
Breezia (FB) ブレズィア
02101723132010BOW -3AE +47
Gaile (FC) ゲイル
02101823152210BOW -1AE +46
Eire (FD) エア
02101724122110BOW -7AE +68
Stormie (FE) ストーミー
02101924152010BOW -7AE +77
Nadire (FF) ナディール
02102023132310BOW -7AE +59

Levante Guard
イーストガード (East Guard)

Romancing Saga 2 Levante Guard Jubei Romancing Saga 2 Levante Guard Tesshu Romancing Saga 2 Levante Guard Shusaku Romancing Saga 2 Levante Guard Ganryu Romancing Saga 2 Romancing Saga 2 Levante Guard Renya Romancing Saga 2 Levante Guard Bokuden Romancing Saga 2 Levante Guard Souji

Unlock: Clear Chonto Castle.
Location: Liangshan (Jauda).
Gender: M | Race: Human | Reaction: Norm M | Strong | Inheritance: 02 | Formation: Lightning Flash
Starting equipment: Katana, Heavy Armor, Gauntlet, Greaves.
Starting tech: Greatsword.

Named after famous Japanese swordmen, Levante Guards are very fast attackers with moderate STR and weak STA. Souji has 22 STR & 24 SPD but only 1 LP (as Okita Souji is often depicted as a sickly genius swordman affected by tuberculosis). Toshi (STR 20, SPD 20), on the other hand, is 'playable'. Jubei, with LOG 23, could be suited for Umbrology.
Most are Type 08 (can spark most Greatsword & Sword techs), except Renya who is a Type 10 (can spark most Sword, Greatsword and Short Sword techs).

Jubei (70) ジュウベイ
08181411232113SW +3AE -612
Tesshu (71) テッシュウ
08171313132011SW +1HY -614
Shusaku (72) シュウサク
08161512142110SW BOW +213
Ganryu (73) ガンリュウ
08181011122111SW +210
Toshi (74) トシ
08201213152012SW +311
Renya (75) レンヤ
10191412122110SW +413
Bokuden (76) ボクデン
08161214142211SW BOW +2AE -615
Souji (77) ソウジ
08221214132411SW +3AE -71

Mage for Hire (M)

Romancing Saga 2 Mage for Hire Regulus Romancing Saga 2 Mage for Hire Algol Romancing Saga 2 Mage for Hire Polaris Romancing Saga 2 Mage for Hire Canopus Romancing Saga 2 Mage for Hire Procyon Romancing Saga 2 Mage for Hire Rigel Romancing Saga 2 Mage for Hire Vega Romancing Saga 2 Mage for Hire Sirius

Unlock: Build Magic Research Center: Throne Event: Emperor MP > 25 + 1mG.
Location: Avalon, Magic Research Center.
Gender: M | Race: Human | Reaction: Norm M | x | Inheritance: 00 | Formation: x
Starting equipment: Templar Rod, Hat, Sorcerer Robe.
Starting techs: None.

Named after stars, Male Mages for Hire specialize in Water and Earth magics and all start with some (weakened) Club proficiency. They have a slightly lower overall spell power than the Court Mages (M) but are faster. Vega is the strongest mage here.
Half of them are Type 05 (Algol, Canopus, Procyon, Sirius) who can spark all Mace techs. The rest are Type 15 (Polaris & Vega) who only have some basic sparking abilities, Type 01 (Regulus) who can spark most of Martial Arts techs, and Type 02 (Rigel) who can spark all Bow techs.

Regulus (48) レグルス
01121520151715AX -5HY TE +310
Algol (49) アルゴル
05121619131615AX -5HY TE +28
Polaris (4A) ポラリス
15111621121616AX -7HY TE +310
Canopus (4B) カノープス
05121519141815AX -5HY TE +36
Procyon (4C) プロキオン
05101620151715AX -4HY TE +28
Rigel (4D) リゲル
02111818141614AX -6HY TE +29
Vega (4E) ヴェガ
15121422121715AX -7HY TE +313
Sirius (4F) シリウス
05111719131616AX -6HY TE +37

Mage for Hire (F)

Romancing Saga 2 Mage for Hire Rose Romancing Saga 2 Mage for Hire Lily Romancing Saga 2 Mage for Hire Daisy Romancing Saga 2 Mage for Hire Iris Romancing Saga 2 Mage for Hire Magnolia Romancing Saga 2 Mage for Hire Hazel Romancing Saga 2 Mage for Hire Ivy Romancing Saga 2 Mage for Hire Windseed

Unlock: Build Magic Research Center: Throne Event: Emperor MP > 25 + 1mG.
Location: Avalon, Magic Research Center.
Gender: F | Race: Human | Reaction: Norm F | x | Inheritance: 00 | Formation: x
Starting equipment: Templar Rod, Hat, Sorcerer Robe.
Starting techs: None.

Named after flowers and plants, all Female Mages for Hire start with Fire and Earth magic and some with some Axe/Club levels. Lily has the highest Magic Pwr among them.
Most (Rose, Daisy, Iris, Hazel & Windseed) are Type 15 (only some basic sparking abilities). Lily & Ivy are Type 03 (can spark all Short Sword techs); Magnolia Type 00 (can spark most Martial Arts techs).

Rose (50) ローズ
15111719131713AX -5PY TE +27
Lily (51) リリィ
03101820121612AX -4PY TE +38
Daisy (52) デイジー
15111718131913PY TE +110
Iris (53) アイリス
15101522171512PY TE +19
Magnolia (54) マグノリア
00131819151714AX -5PY TE +311
Hazel (55) ヘイゼル
15111720161613AX -7PY TE +47
Ivy (56) アイヴィ
03101719151811AX -6PY TE +38
Windseed (57) ウィンドシード
15111720161713AX -7PY TE +29


Romancing Saga 2 Mole Siero Romancing Saga 2 Mole Cherno Romancing Saga 2 Mole Lego Romancing Saga 2 Mole Pod Romancing Saga 2 Mole Lato Romancing Saga 2 Mole Gley Romancing Saga 2 Mole Vertisol Romancing Saga 2 Mole Bruni

Unlock: Defeat the Termite Queen (Savannah).
Location: Ostro/Gregale: Termite Den.
Gender: M | Race: Earth Elemental | Reaction: Norm M | x | Inheritance: 02 | Formation: x
Starting equipment: Short Sword, Light Armor, Ironwill (NR).
Starting tech: Short Sword.

Named after soils, Mole Clansmen are conveniently all very resistant, all great Short Sword users and sparkers, and all good Terrologists.
All of them are Type 03 (can spark all Short Sword techs).
Moles have a very useful default piece of equipment, the Ironwill helmet, that renders immune to all Mind attacks (Confusion, Charm) and gives excellent defense vs. Status, Blunt and Slash attacks.
Moles have HP regen in Earth magic environment and do not suffer end-of-turn dmg during the Battle of the Stone.

Siero (E8) シエロ
03102118141122SP +3TE +412
Lego (E9) レゴ
03122219151020SP MA +1TE +313
Cherno (EA) チェルノ
03112118131221AX SP +1TE +215
Pod (EB) ポド
03102217121121SP +0TE +512
Lato (EC) ラト
03112020111122SP MA +2TE +314
Gley (ED) グライ
03122217121220SP +1TE +411
Vertisol (EE) バーティ
03102116191123SP MA +1TE +513
Bruni (EF) ブルニ
03112318141221SP MA +2TE +312


Romancing Saga 2 Nereid Thetis Romancing Saga 2 Nereid Pherusa Romancing Saga 2 Nereid Lysianassa Romancing Saga 2 Nereid Melite Romancing Saga 2 Nereid Amphitrite Romancing Saga 2 Nereid Nausithoe Romancing Saga 2 Nereid Sao Romancing Saga 2 Nereid Galatea

Unlock: Give the Moonlight Comb to the Nereid of Lake Aqua (Mermaid Potion Quest).
Location: Lake Aqua (Ludo Highlands W exit).
Gender: F | Race: Water Elemental | Reaction: Norm F | x | Inheritance: 02 | Formation: x
Starting equipment: Bow, Merou Ring (NR).
Starting tech: None.

Named after the Nereids of Greek mythology, Nereids are good (and very fast) Hydrologists. They also have a great aptitude for Short Swords & Bows (top-tier DEX, especially Nausithoe & Galatea) but unfortunately no adequate starting bonus.
All are Type 15 (only some basic sparking abilities), except Pherusa & Sao who are Type 05 (can spark all Mace techs).
Nereids have a fine piece of equipment by default, Merou Ring, that renders immune to Cold attacks and gives high Heat & Status Def and +1 MAG bonus.
Nereids have HP regen in Water magic environment.

Thetis (F0) テティス
15102219142110AX -2HY +48
Pherusa (F1) ペルーサ
05102117132010AX -3HY +59
Lysianassa (F2) リューシアナッサ
15102318152210AX -2HY +59
Melite (F3) メリテー
15102217132110AX -4HY +47
Amphitrite (F4) アムピトリーテ
15102120142310AX -3HY +510
Nausithoe (F5) ナウシトエ
15102517132110AX -2HY +49
Sao (F6) サオー
05102118142210AX -3HY +37
Galatea (F7) ガラテイア
15102419182010AX -1HY +59


Romancing Saga 2 Ninja Azami Romancing Saga 2 Ninja Shion Romancing Saga 2 Ninja Tsubaki Romancing Saga 2 Ninja Nazuna Romancing Saga 2 Ninja Fuyo Romancing Saga 2 Ninja Mizuki Romancing Saga 2 Ninja Momiji Romancing Saga 2 Ninja Yukino

Unlock: Remaster only: Maze of Memory (Red), meet on 2F, save on 6F.
Location: Avalon Castle.
Gender: F | Race: Human | Reaction: x | Strong | Inheritance: 03 | Formation: x
Starting equipment: Katana, Uniform, Dash Ring (NR).
Starting techs: Sword, Martial.

Named after plants, Ninjas are very fast and, depending on the character, have either higher STR or DEX. They are all great Martial sparkers with a Martial Arts starting bonus: all that DEX is a waste of stat points.. Stick, in order, with Fuyo, Nazuna, Tsubaki or Azami.
All are either Type 00 or Type 01 who can spark most Martial Arts techs.
Ninja have an extra equipment slot with a fixed Dash Ring which gives a high Status Def and a better field of vision when Dashing (iOS & Android excepted).

Azami (Re:) アザミ
01191614142012SW MA +49
Shion (Re:) シオン
01172013112113SW BOW MA +511
Tsubaki (Re:) ツバキ
00192010182110AX MA +411
Nazuna (Re:) ナズナ
01202016102213SW MA +57
Fuyo (Re:) フヨウ
01212214112210AX MA +58
Mizuki (Re:) ミズキ
00171518121915SW MA +213
Momiji (Re:) モミジ
01181715132013SW MA +310
Yukino (Re:) ユキノ
01181716112211SW MA +2HY +110

Nomad (M)

Romancing Saga 2 Nomad Altan Romancing Saga 2 Nomad Galdan Romancing Saga 2 Nomad Batu Romancing Saga 2 Nomad Esen Romancing Saga 2 Nomad Dayan Romancing Saga 2 Nomad Akuda Romancing Saga 2 Nomad Abaoji Romancing Saga 2 Nomad Modu

Unlock: Defeat Bokhohn (Steppe).
Location: Nomad Village (Steppe), Nomad M tent.
Gender: M | Race: Human | Reaction: Wild M | Strong | Inheritance: 01 | Formation: Whirlwind
Starting equipment: Axe, Bow, Guard Shield, Light Armor.
Starting tech: Axe.

Named after Mongolia & N China rulers, Male Nomads are decent all-rounders with a better disposition towards Bow/Short Sword (higher DEX), while most are Axe sparkers.
The majority can spark all Axe techs: more than half (Galdan, Batu, Dayan, Aguda, Modu) are Type 06 (can spark all Axe techs) while Altan & Abaoji are Type 09 (can spark all Axe and Spear techs). Esen alone is Type 10 (can spark most Sword, Greatsword and Short Sword techs).

Altan (90) アルタン
09171915121713SW AX SP BOW +1TE -512
Galdan (91) ガルタン
06181715111614AX BOW MA +211
Batu (92) バツー
06162016131613SW AX BOW +113
Esen (93) エセン
10171816181712AX BOW MA +1AE +19
Dayan (94) ダヤン
06181817101513SW AX BOW +1TE -611
Aguda (95) アクダ
06151918111812AX BOW MA +210
Abaoji (96) アボキ
09171815131615AX BOW +1TE -610
Modu (97) ボクトツ
06181615121714AX BOW +211

Nomad (F)

Romancing Saga 2 Nomad Fatima Romancing Saga 2 Nomad Besma Romancing Saga 2 Nomad Alia Romancing Saga 2 Nomad Mizra Romancing Saga 2 Nomad Azizah Romancing Saga 2 Nomad Dunya Romancing Saga 2 Nomad Nuzhat Romancing Saga 2 Nomad Shahrazad

Unlock: Defeat Bokhohn.
Location: Nomad Village (Steppe), Nomad F tent.
Gender: F | Race: Human | Reaction: Wild F | x | Inheritance: 02 | Formation: Whirlwind
Starting equipment: Axe, Bow, Guard Shield, Light Armor.
Starting tech: Axe.

Named after female characters from 1001 Nights, Female Nomads are mostly Bow users and sparkers. They lose in terms of power to Hunters but are the faster bunch. Fatima is a good candidate for Umbrology (Dark 23). Alia has a top-tier Spell Pwr (MAG 20 & LOG 10) but no starting magic bonus..
They are Type 02 (can spark all Bow techs), except two: Azizah who is Type 05 (can spark all Mace techs) and Dunya who is Type 14 (can spark most Sword and Greatsword techs).

Fatima (98) ファティマ
02151818231713SW AX BOW +2TE -58
Besma (99) ベスマ
02161718121615AX BOW +1PY -69
Alia (9A) アリア
02141920101613AX BOW +19
Mizra (9B) ミズラ
02141917131814AX BOW +2TE -510
Azizah (9C) アズィーザ
05141818111715AX BOW MA +16
Dunya (9D) ドニヤ
14151919131613AX BOW +210
Nuzhat (9E) ノーズハトゥ
02122016111914AX BOW +1AE-611
Shahrazad (9F) シャハラザード
02142017121814AX BOW +2TE -612

Saigo Clansman

Romancing Saga 2 Saigo Clansman Eirik Romancing Saga 2 Saigo Clansman Harfagre Romancing Saga 2 Saigo Clansman Palna Romancing Saga 2 Saigo Clansman Arinbjorn Romancing Saga 2 Saigo Clansman Egil Romancing Saga 2 Saigo Clansman Olav Romancing Saga 2 Saigo Clansman Sigurdr Romancing Saga 2 Saigo Clansman Snorri

Unlock: Clear South Oubliette (Nazelle) and talk to leader in Mu Habitat (Frozen Sea).
Location: Mu Tundra (Nazelle) or Mu Habitat (Frozen Sea).
Gender: M | Race: Human | Reaction: Wild M | Strong | Inheritance: 03 | Formation: Mu Palisade
Starting equipment: Mace, Light Armor.
Starting techs: Mace.

Named after characters from the Norse Sagas, all Saigo Clansmen are very resistant (high STA), decently strong (good STR) and most of them are great Mace sparkers (and decent users).
Most are Type 05 (can spark all Mace techs), except three: Palna is Type 00 and Egil & Snorri are Type 01, who can all three spark most Martial Arts techs.

Eirik (C0) エイリーク
05181412111221AX +313
Harfagre (C1) ハールファグル
05191313101320AX MA +112
Palna (C2) パールナ
00181311101421AX MA +214
Arinbjorn (C3) アリンビョルン
05171412121322AX +312
Egil (C4) エギル
01191113111521AX MA +114
Olav (C5) オーラーヴ
05171311101122AX MA +211
Sigurdr (C6) シグルズ
05161413131220AX +310
Snorri (C7) スノリ
01181211121421AX MA +512


Romancing Saga 2 Salamander Kelut Romancing Saga 2 Salamander Tambora Romancing Saga 2 Salamander Galunggung Romancing Saga 2 Salamander Awe Romancing Saga 2 Salamander Merapi Romancing Saga 2 Salamander Agung Romancing Saga 2 Salamander Soputan Romancing Saga 2 Salamander Papandjar

Unlock: Destroy the Rock at the top of Mt Comroon.
Location: Zemio, leader's house.
Gender: F | Race: Fire Elemental | Reaction: Norm M | Strong | Inheritance: 02 | Formation: x
Starting equipment: Axe, Shield, Hot Scales (NR).
Starting tech: Axe.

You need to save them to be able to recruit them (and thus give up on Umbrology for your current playthrough).
Named after Indonesian volcanoes, Salamanders are great recruits: very strong, very resistant and good Pyrologists. They have a variety of sparkers, so pay attention to their Spark Type.
Galunggung, Abu & Papandayan are Type 00 (can spark most Martial Arts techs); Tambora & Merapi are Type 05 (can spark all Mace techs); Kelut & Agung are Type 06 (can spark all Axe techs); Soputan is Type 11 (focused on Greatsword & Sword).
Salamanders have a great default piece of equipment: Hot Scales, that gives excellent physical protection and renders immune vs. Heat attacks.
Salamanders have HP regen in Fire magic environment.

Kelut (E0) ケルート
06221018131120AX MA +2PY +313
Tambora (E1) タンボラ
05231119121021AX MA +2PY +412
Galunggung (E2) ガルンガン
00221018111221AX MA +3PY +311
Awe (E3) アウ
00241217121120AX MA +2PY +514
Merapi (E4) メラピ
05211116131022AX SP MA +2PY +412
Agung (E5) アグン
06221017161221AX MA +2PY +313
Soputan (E6) ソプタン
11211119111222AX MA +2PY +211
Papandjar (E7) パパンダヤン
00211018121421AX MA +3PY +314


Romancing Saga 2 Strategist Shiyuan Romancing Saga 2 Strategist Boyue Romancing Saga 2 Strategist Shanfu Romancing Saga 2 Strategist Zhongda Romancing Saga 2 Strategist Gongjin Romancing Saga 2 Strategist Boyan Romancing Saga 2 Strategist Mengde Romancing Saga 2 Strategist Kongming

Unlock: Build University: Throne Event: Empire of 5 Regions + 2mG.
Location: Avalon, University.
Gender: M | Race: Human | Reaction: Norm M | x | Inheritance: 00 | Formation: Rising Phoenix
Starting equipment: Sorcerer Robe.
Starting techs: None.

Named after strategists from Sangokushi (The Annals of the Three Kingdoms), Strategists are fast and efficient mages, with starting bonuses in all 3 magic slots (Cosmology and combinations of other magics). Being Cosmologists, Strategists, story-wise, reject Dark Magic (Umbrology). Koumei/Kongming (MAG 25, LOG 10, SPD 25) is the most powerful of all mages.
Most are Type 15 (only some basic sparking abilities). Mengde is Type 02 (can spark all Bow techs); Boyan, Type 08 (can spark most Greatsword & Sword techs).

Shiyuan (68) シゲン
15101121122311HY AE COS +310
Boyue (69) ハクヤク
15101319122211PY TE COS +38
Shanfu (6A) タンプク
15101120112411BOW -5HY TE COS +39
Zhongda (6B) チュウタツ
15121222152213PY AE COS +513
Gongjin (6C) コウキン
15101121132310HY AE COS +311
Boyan (6D) ハクゲン
08131220142212SW -4PY AE COS +413
Mengde (6E) モウトク
02111219122112BOW -5HY TE COS +312
Kongming (6F) コウメイ
15101025102510PY TE COS +55

Vagabond (M)
シティシーフ(男) City Thief

Romancing Saga 2 Vagabond Sparrow Romancing Saga 2 Vagabond Crow Romancing Saga 2 Vagabond Robin Romancing Saga 2 Vagabond Pigeon Romancing Saga 2 Vagabond Starling Romancing Saga 2 Vagabond Swift Romancing Saga 2 Vagabond Thrush Romancing Saga 2 Vagabond Falcon

Unlock: Help the Vagabonds, enter the Canal Fortress with Cat's help and clear it.
Location: Avalon, Thieves Guild.
Gender: M | Race: Human | Reaction: Wild M | x | Inheritance: 01 | Formation: Free for All 2
Starting equipment: Sword, Short Sword, Hat, Light Armor.
Starting tech: Short Sword.

Named after birds, Male Vagabonds (Thieves, in fact) are fast characters who are, stat-wise, better-suited to Short Sword & Bow (higher DEX than STR) than Sword, contrarily to what their general default Sword bonus suggests. Note that Startling has a top-5 LOG (23).
Sparrow & Falcon are Type 02 (can spark all Bow techs), Crow & Swift are Type 03 (can spark all Short Sword techs), Starling & Thrush are Type 10 (can spark most Sword, Greatsword and Short Sword techs), while Robin & Pigeon are Type 14 (can spark most Sword and Greatsword techs).

Sparrow (D0) スパロー
02151912111915SW BOW +112
Crow (D1) クロウ
03161813122114SW SP +19
Robin (D2) ロビン
14151913111915SW +213
Pigeon (D3) ピジョン
14161811132016SW SP +111
Starling (D4) スターリング
10171811231914SW SP +110
Swift (D5) スイフト
03161712162015SW SP +1TE -38
Thrush (D6) スラッシュ
10161814151914SW +27
Falcon (D7) ファルコン
02151713122113SW SP BOW +010

Vagabond (F)
シティシーフ(女) City Thief

Romancing Saga 2 Vagabond Cat Romancing Saga 2 Vagabond Beaver Romancing Saga 2 Vagabond Badger Romancing Saga 2 Vagabond Mouse Romancing Saga 2 Vagabond Rabbit Romancing Saga 2 Vagabond Ferret Romancing Saga 2 Vagabond Weasel Romancing Saga 2 Vagabond Fox

Unlock: Help the Vagabonds, enter the Canal Fortress with Cat's help and clear it.
Location: Avalon, Thieves Guild.
Gender: F | Race: Human | Reaction: Wild F | x | Inheritance: O2 | Formation: Free for All 2
Starting equipment: Short Sword, Bow, Hat, Light Armor, Healing Sandals.
Starting tech: Short Sword.

Named after small animals, most Female Vagabonds are fast characters and decent Short Sword users (good DEX). Fox especially, with DEX 20 & SPD 19, will do well. Three of them also have a fitting Bow bonus, including Badger who is the only Bow sparker of the lot. They are also more versatile than their male counterparts, as half of them have a starting magic bonus. Note that Cat and Rabbit have top-5 LOG (24 & 23) coupled with great SPD.
Half of them (Beaver, Mouse, Weasel & Fox) are Type 03 (can spark all Short Sword techs). The other half: Rabbit & Ferret are Type 10 (can spark most Sword, Greatsword and Short Sword techs), Badger Type 02 (can spark all Bow techs) and Cat Type 00 (can spark most Martial Arts techs).
They have a unique piece of equipment: Healing Sandals (LOL at the translation) with the built-in tech Heel Stomp (the damage of which only depends on the user's STA and current HP, the higher the better, but it is costly).

Cat (D8) キャット
00151813242212SP MA +1COS +09
Beaver (D9) ビーバー
03131815111913SP +2HY -411
Badger (DA) バジャー
02131716151812SP BOW +18
Mouse (DB) マウス
03131817121811SP BOW +19
Rabbit (DC) ラビット
10141713232110SP +3COS -67
Ferret (DD) フェレット
10151814161911SP +1AE +29
Weasel (DE) ウィーゼル
03131815182010SP BOW +16
Fox (DF) フォックス
03132016151910SP +28


Leon (Emperor)
皇帝 レオン

Romancing Saga 2 Leon

Gender: M | Race: Human | Reaction: Norm M | Strong | Formation: x
Starting equipment: Steel Sword, Fleuret, Steel Armor, Silver Ring.
Starting techs: Knee Split, Double Cut.

Leon is a strong tank character.
He has a special Spark Type 07 (very basic sparking ability).

Leon (102) レオン
07191720121420SW +5 SP +2COS +219

Gerard (2nd Prince)
第2皇子 ジェラール

Romancing Saga 2 Gerard 2nd Prince Romancing Saga 2 Gerard Emperor

Gender: M | Race: Human | Reaction: Norm M | Formation: x
Starting equipment: Long Sword, Balm, Steel Armor, Doublet, Great Shield.
Starting techs: None

Your starting character! Gerard is fast and better suited to Short Sword or Bow (high DEX).
Gerard is a Type 15 with only basic sparking abilities.

Gerard (103) ジェラール

Coppelia (Automaton)
人形 コッペリア

Romancing Saga 2 Coppelia

Unlock: Talk to Hiraga 18+ to recruit. If recruited, appears in the Inheritance list at the next generation skip only.
Location: Somon, Hiraga's house.
Gender: F | Race: Plant | Reaction: (Wild M) / Norm F | Strong | Inheritance: SPE | Formation: x
Starting equipment: Prima Tutu (NR).
Starting techs: Kick, Sobat, Counter, Daze, Ki Meditation, Ki Blast, Corkscrew, Paralysis.

Coppelia has excellent STR, DEX, SPD & STA. Coppelia-Recruit has default Martial Arts techs and she will probably be sub-par, Skill LV-wise, when you can recruit her (but as she only uses one weapon, she catches up all right).
Coppelia is a special recruit in auto-play (you cannot control her) and she acts similarly to your opponents (set of 8 possible actions, at random). She will never use spells, nor special weapon built-in techs (but she can spark those). She will use the weapon in slot 1; if slot 1 is empty, she will use Martial Arts. Be sure to equip her tech inventory with relevant skills (skills irrelevant to main weapon or empty slots, including Evade skills = basic attack).
Her non-removable Prima Tutu is a special Suit with which you can only equip Accessories or a Shield. See the Items: Full Armor section for details. If possible (or necessary), adequately compensate its Fire weakness (Coppelia is a wooden doll), with a Starstone for example (Remaster: Flame Ring).
She has a special Spark Type 07 (cannot spark, basically). Lack of imagination, probably? ; )
You cannot make Coppelia Empress by LP-killing your Emperor. There is only one way and one chance to make her Empress: recruit her, and after the next Time Skip she will be among the candidates.

Coppelia (Recruit) (10C) コッペリア(仲間)
Coppelia (Empress) (106) コッペリア(皇帝)

Last Emperor (M/F)

Romancing Saga 2 Last Emperor M Romancing Saga 2 Last Emperor F

Unlock: Defeat 5 or more of the Seven Heroes, or no more candidate.
Race: Human | Reaction: Norm [M/F] | Strong | Formation: x
Starting equipment: Dayblade (M) or Moonlite (F), Harmonia Suit, Insulated Clothes, Entite Ring.
Starting techs & spells: inherited.

You decided your Last Emperor's gender & name at the very beginning of your adventure.
The Final Emperors are very strong and balanced.
They are Type 14 and can spark most Sword and Greatsword techs.
Note that the Last Emperors can operate the Windmaker, but they cannot access Nuono through Cape Chalier.

Last Emperor (M)
(100) 最終皇帝(男)
14252323152421(SW 10)
(Other 5)
(COS 10)
(Other 0)
Last Emperor (F)
(101) 最終皇帝(女)
14232424152520(SW 10)
(Other 5)
(COS 10)
(Other 0)


Here are a few non-playable characters.
The antagonistic NPCs are found in the Enemy section.

Romancing Saga 2 NPC Bard Minstrel Poet
Bard しじん
Our favorite story-teller! a multi-instrumentist and an insatiable traveller committed to his art.

Romancing Saga 2 NPC Victor
Victor ヴィクトール
Emperor Leon's son, Avalon's first Prince & Gerard's older brother.

Romancing Saga 2 NPC King Harold
King Harold ハロルド王
The King of Cumberland, seated in Douglass. He has three children - Georg, Sophia, Thomas - and worries about his succession.

Romancing Saga 2 NPC Thomas
Thomas トーマ
King Harold's youngest son.

Romancing Saga 2 NPC Orieve
Orieve オアイーブ
A mysterious seer that seeks audience with Emperor Leon at the beginning of your adventure.

Romancing Saga 2 NPC Hiraga
Hiraga ヒラガ
The genius inventor living in Somon.

Romancing Saga 2 NPC Mermaid
Mermaid 人魚
A skilled and enticing person..

Romancing Saga 2 NPC Fishman
Fishman 魚人
They live at the bottom of the Mermaid Sea.

Romancing Saga 2 NPC King Ato
King Ato アト王
Reigns over Jauda from Castle Chonto.

Romancing Saga 2 NPC Sagzaar
Sagzaar サグザー
This mysterious man lives in the Wandering Lake and seems to know Noel from long ago..

Romancing Saga 2 NPC Witch
Witch 魔女
May help you with a potion or two, for a price!

No-Spoiler Tips - Game Info - Gameplay - Characters - Techs - Sparking - Magic - Items - Monsters - Bosses - Maps - Trivia & Secrets
Walkthrough: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4

Except where noted otherwise, everything here is my own work (including all screenshots, all maps, walkthroughs, translations & adaptations). The sources for all info & quotes are always mentioned. Please respect other people's work: kindly attribute to whomever. Thank you!

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