
The TECHS section for the Remake Romancing SaGa 2: Revenge of the Seven is here.







Dmg Atks / Sts Ailment Atks
Additional Effects



In RS2, in addition to regular attacks, characters can use Techs (Waza in Japanese, dubbed 'Skills' in the Remaster), mainly in order to affect the enemies' HP or status in battle, at the cost of SP ('Skill Points', WP Waza Points in Japanese).

All techs (except Martial) are weapon-dependent (e.g. you must have a Sword equipped to use a Sword tech).

Some specific weapons have built-in techs, which sometimes need to be sparked. See also the Weapons in the Items section.

There are also Evade skills, which allow you to evade enemy attacks.


To be usable in battle, techs must be equipped by each character.
In the Select Menu > Skills, you can check which techs are currently available in battle for each of your characters.

There are two ways to equip a tech in a character's tech list:
- spark a new tech in battle (you can learn new techs while fighting monsters),
- or select available techs from the Dojo (the 3 training instructors in Avalon Castle 1F, top right).

The techs you spark in battle become available in the Dojo after a Time Skip or after you defeat a Hero.

There are 8 slots in the Tech Equip Screen: at all times you can have at most only 8 techs 'in mind'.
Fortunately you can also erase (forget) any skill by selecting it twice in your Character's Tech Equip Screen.
Be sure to leave at least one free slot if possible: if the 8 slots of your Tech Equip Screen are taken, you won't be able to spark new techs.


Tech sparking (aka 'skill glimmer') occurs in battle (lightbulb!) and depends on 4 variables:
- your characters' Tech Sparking Type: each character belongs to one of 16 Types and each of these Types have a specific set of learnable techs: your character's Type determines which techs you can or cannot spark.
- the attack or tech used in battle: can it spark another tech? most techs can be sparked using a basic weapon attack but sometimes you must use a specific tech, or even a specific weapon (built-in techs).
- the Tech Spark Rank of the tech: each tech is more or less difficult to spark (high TSR = more difficult).
- the Spark LV of the enemy you are fighting: in general strong enemies have a high Spark LV and a high Spark LV allows you to have a chance to spark techs with a high TSR, and if the enemy is weak you will only be able to spark a low-level techs (if any at all).

In a few, other words, to be able to have a chance to spark a tech:
1) your character must be able to learn it (adequate Type),
2) the attack you are using must be able to spark it (adequate attack),
3) the enemy's SparkLV must ideally be the same as (or higher than) the Spark Rank of the tech (adequate ratio of power).

See the Tech Sparking section for details.


Note on the following Tables

Next to the English name of the Tech is the (SP Cost).
* before the name means that this is a built-in Tech, dependent on a specific weapon.
Below, the mined data ID value and the original Japanese name, for reference.

The initial Target can be: one enemy (1E), at close range (CR) or not, one row only (Row), all enemies (All), all units on the battlefields (ALL), one ally (1P), all allies (Party), or Self. Additional specifics: in the Spark / Special column.

Acc is an accuracy indicator; below are the factoring (Stats) that accuracy depends on.
Note that Suits and Gauntlets halve Bow techs accuracy.
Eva is a corrective value to the enemy's evasion rate. If Eva=0, shields/guards cannot activate.
Pwr is a base dmg indicator; below, the (Stats) on which damage output is dependent,
e.g. the character's fixed stats (STR DEX MAG SPD STA), SpellPwr (= MAG - Max[MAG - Logic, 0] x2), Previous (the value on which depended the previous action).
In addition, damage (if there is any) is also always dependent on 1) the Weapon Skill LV (e.g. for Sword Techs the Sword/Greatsword LV, with only one exception), and 2) the equipped Weapon Atk Pwr (e.g. for Sword Techs, that of the equipped sword used). Since this is always the case, those two factors are not mentioned in the tables below.
Hit# is the number of times a Tech hits.
Simply put, Pwr x Hit# is a good indicator of the efficiency of a particular Tech.
For all those numbers: the higher the better.
See the Tech Dmg Formulae section for details.

Type details the Types/Attributes of the attack:
- Physical: SL (Slash), BL (Blunt, Hit), ST (Stab, Pierce), SH (Shot, Arrow)
- Magical: HE (Heat), CO (Cold), BO (Bolt), STS (Status)
Monsters have separate defenses (and possibly immunities) against each of all these categories.
One tech (Aim) does not have any Type ('None'): it negates (bypasses) all enemy defenses (i.e. the Def values from their equipped items, but not an enemy's defensive stance 50% bonus reduction).
- GR = Ground attack (GR attacks do not work vs. FL enemies)
- Pressure = Air Pressure special element (techs: Airwave only) against which there is a possible immunity (items, monsters).
See the Attributes section and Status section for details.

This CT flag reflect the presence (o) or absence (x) of direct physical contact with the target (which may trigger a Counter tech or spell: see below). Note that Counters activate even if the attack misses, but not if the character is equipped with an Evade tech (which activates first).

The Spark / Special column gives first ('Spark: X n') which tech(s) can be used to spark the listed tech. The number after the tech name is the Tech Spark Rank: the higher the number, the more difficult it is to spark.
E.g.: From the Sword tech 'Slice', this column reads: 'Spark: 28, Double Cut 23', which means that you can spark Slice by using the basic Sword attack (difficulty = 28 in this case) or by using the Sword tech Double Cut (difficulty in this case = 23), which makes it easier to spark Slice from Double Cut than from the regular Sword attack.
Note that most techs can be sparked using a basic attack, but some cannot. Here is the full list of the techs that cannot be sparked by using a basic attack.

The column then details the tech specificities or effects if applicable.

The mention 'Cannot be countered' reflects the absence of a CT flag (see above) and means that the tech cannot be countered by an enemy's Counter tech. They are:
- Sword: Mach Blade, Prism Blade, Vacuum Slash, *Moonfall Slash, *Windwolf Blade, Dragonfang Blade, *Suction, *Divide, *Swarm, *Cyclone, *Final Strike.
- Greatword: Waterfowl Blade, Life Blade, *Jolting Slash, *Holy Light, *Lunar Blade, *Exorcism Blade.
- Axe: Tomahawk, Yo-yo, Dimensional Break, Sky Drive, *Boomerang, *Dance of Death, *Destruction.
- Club: Fissure Strike, Grand Slam, *Grand Buster, *Final Strike.
- Spear: Trip, *Poseidon Shot, *Thunder Volt, *Swooping Dragon, *Psycho Shot.
- Short Sword: Marionette, Snake Shot, *Fire Dragon Flood, *Floral Extravaganza.
- All Bow techs.
- Martial: Daze, Ki Blast, Paralyze, Mei Lua Compasso, Evil Crush, Guanyin, Red Drake Wave, Heel Stomp.
- and all Evade/Counter techs (Parry, Deflect, Windmill, Matador, Counter, Jolt Counter).

Some tech may inflict a Status ailment. Stun (especially), Paralysis, Confusion and Mad Biter's Silence can be extremely useful. See the Status section for details.
- Sleep: Headblow.
- Stun: Knee Split, Vertical Strike, Trip, Feint, Glamor Blade, Daze, Salamander Claw.
- Paralysis: *Lightning Slash, Blunt Strike, *Halt, *Psycho Shot, Shock Rush, Stunner, Paralysis, Mei Lua Compasso.
- Confuse: Id Break.
- Charm: *Heart Seeker.
- Silence: *Mad Biter, *Fire Dragon Flood, Berserk.
- Poison: Hell Claw.
- Petrify: Petrify Rush.
- Insta-death: *Divide, *Surging Slice, *Killer Blade (vs. Human only), Dimensional Break, *Dance of Death, Full Flat, Side Winder & Snake Shot (vs. Amphibian-Frogs only), Eulogy, *Floral Extravaganza, Shade Arrows, *Execution Arrows.

Some techs deal a critical hit ('Crit vs. X') against a specific race, gender or status:
- Aquatic: *Poseidon Shot.
- Beast: Beast Slayer.
- Beastman: *Hunter's Fury.
- Insect: *Pesticide Blade
- Plant: Cut Timber, Tree Cleaver.
- Earth Spirit: *Grand Buster.
- Female: Screwdriver.
- Undead: Cross Cut, Evil Crush.
- Enemies with the Float (FL) status: Falling Phoenix.
Note that enemies with the FL status are immune to Ground (GR) attacks.

Some techs only deal damage to certain enemies:
- *Exorcism Blade vs. Undead and Demon.
- *Holy Light vs. Undead.

Note that 'Undead' (a special flag) = all Skeletons, most Zombies, most Ghosts. See this Note in the Monsters section for details.

Some techs get an initiative bonus (Quick Arrow) while some techs always play last (Still Blade, Life Blade, Aiming).

Some techs (Grand Slam, Starlight Arrows) have a peculiar delayed attack: the character plays as usual but the attack activates at the very end of the turn. These two techs follow special rules:
- If Starlight Arrow and Grand Slam are used in the same turn, only Grand Slam activates (no Starlight Arrow).
- If two characters (friend or foe) use Grand Slam in the same turn, only the one played latter activates. This can be used with benefits against Dantarg 3/4 (i.e. use Grand Slam with a slow character to cancel Dantarg's Grand Slams).
- Nevertheless, careful: if the character goes down or is paralyzed between his turn and the tech activation, the attack hits your party instead of the enemy!

If your character is equipped with a shield (or guard), note that Shield activation is prevented by two-handed attacks.
Such are all Greatsword, Spear, Bow and Martial (except Punch!) techs, and one Sword tech (Moonfall Slash).
Shields also do not activate against earthquake attacks (Fissure Strike, Grand Slam, Grand Buster).
A few techs allow shield activation before the tech is used but not after (Sword Final Strike, Whirlwind), or vice versa (Psycho Shot, Izuna). The reason for this is that the character is considered to have used the tech after which the collateral damage is calculated (e.g. Whirlwind: basic Bow attack --> Shields unusable / Izuna: Cyclone --> Shields usable).
Note that among the possible Formations bonuses is a double activation rate for Guards (related to the Defensive Stance) before or after the character's turn.

Romancing Saga 2 Sword Icon

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Sword BasicRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword BasicRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword BasicRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Basic
Sword (0)
00 剣攻撃
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR105
163 x 1
SLoSword basic attack.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Knee SplitRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Knee SplitRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Knee SplitRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Knee Split
Knee Split (0)
0F なぎ払い
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR115
162 x 1
SLoSpark: 5.
May Stun the target.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Sword ParryRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword ParryRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword ParryRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Parry
Parry (0)
10 パリイ
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
xxSpark: 5.
Attempt to parry (evade) the attack.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Double CutRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Double CutRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Double Cut
Double Cut (2)
11 二段斬り
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR110
163 x 2
SLoSpark: 8.
Hits twice.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Sword FilletRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword FilletRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword FilletRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword FilletRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword FilletRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword FilletRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword FilletRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Fillet
Fillet (5)
12 短冊斬り
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR100
163 x 3
SLoSpark: 19, Knee Split 15.
Hits thrice.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Sword MinceRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword MinceRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword MinceRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword MinceRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword MinceRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword MinceRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword MinceRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Mince
Mince (4)
13 みじん斬り
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR85
167 x 1
SLoSpark: 15, Slice 12.
One strong hit.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Sword SliceRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword SliceRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword SliceRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Slice
Slice (7)
14 線斬り
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR110
163 x 4
SLoSpark: 28, Double Cut 23.
Hits four times.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Sword AirwaveRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword AirwaveRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword AirwaveRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Airwave
Airwave (5)
15 空圧波
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR75
165 x 1
oSpark: 18.
Cuts a fraction of the enemy's HP (=about MaxHPx5/8).

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Cross CutRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Cross CutRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Cross CutRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Cross Cut
Cross Cut (3)
16 十文字斬り
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR115
166 x 1
SLoSpark: Knee Split 14.
Crit vs Undead.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Sword WhirlwindRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword WhirlwindRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword WhirlwindRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword WhirlwindRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword WhirlwindRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Whirlwind
Whirlwind (4)
17 つむじ風
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR115
126 x 1
SHoSpark: Knee Split 20.
Also hits the enemies behind the target (Pwr 3, SH dmg).

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Mach BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Mach BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Mach BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Mach Blade
Mach Blade (5)
18 音速剣
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
87 x 1
SLxSpark: 25, Slice 30.
No range limit. Cannot be countered.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Prism BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Prism BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Prism BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Prism Blade
Prism Blade (8)
19 光速剣
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
010 x 1
SLxSpark: 49, Mach Blade 35.
One powerful hit, no range limit. Cannot be countered.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Vacuum SlashRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Vacuum SlashRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Vacuum SlashRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Vacuum Slash
Vacuum Slash (10)
1A 真空斬り
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1210 x 1
SLxSpark: Knee Split 40, Whirlwind 28.
A powerful attack. Also hits enemies behind the target (Pwr 3, BL dmg). Cannot be countered.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Mirage BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Mirage BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Mirage BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Mirage Blade
Mirage Blade (7)
1B 残像剣
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
167 x 1
SLxSpark: 30, Mach Blade 25.
Hits all enemies. Cannot be countered.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Still BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Still BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Still BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Still BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Still BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Still BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Still BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Still Blade
Still Blade (14)
1C 不動剣
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR120
014+n x 1
SLxSpark: 45.
n=number of attacks received. Plays last. Cannot be countered. Strongest Sword tech.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Moonfall SlashRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Moonfall SlashRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Moonfall SlashRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Moonfall Slash
*Moonfall Slash (1)
1D 落月破斬
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
04 x 1
SL SHxSpark: Crescent Sword 7.
No range limit. Can also be used by Exorciser, Drachenbrand, Katana & Legendary Plover once sparked.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Sword ProminenceRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword ProminenceRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword ProminenceRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword ProminenceRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword ProminenceRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword ProminenceRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword ProminenceRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Prominence
*Prominence (4)
1E プロミネンス斬
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR110
127 x 1
SL HEoSpark: Blazing Sword 20.
Deals MAG-dependent damage.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Windwolf BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Windwolf BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Windwolf BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Windwolf Blade
*Windwolf Blade (1)
1F 風狼剣
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
125 x 1
SLxSpark: Phantom Sword 10.
Deals MAG-dependent damage. No range limit.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Dragonfang BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Dragonfang BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Dragonfang BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Dragonfang Blade
*Dragonfang Blade (7)
20 咬竜剣
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
88 x 1
SLxSpark: Phantom Sword 31, *Windwolf Blade 25.
Deals MAG-dependent damage. No range limit.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Sword SuctionRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword SuctionRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword SuctionRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword SuctionRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword SuctionRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword SuctionRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Suction
*Suction (4)
21 サクション
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
(Logic SPD SL)
163 x 1
STSxSpark: Spectral Sword 16.
HP Drain, no range limit. Can also be used by Soul Saber once sparked.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Sword DivideRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword DivideRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword DivideRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword DivideRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword DivideRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Divide
*Divide (5)
22 分子分解
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
16xSTSxSpark: Splasher 17.
Attempt to Insta-kill the target. No range limit.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Sword SwarmRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword SwarmRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword SwarmRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Swarm
*Swarm (4)
23 スウォーム
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
05 x 1
SL SHxSpark: Worm Slayer 13.
Attacks all enemies, deals MAG-dependent damage.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Sword CycloneRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword CycloneRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword CycloneRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Cyclone
*Cyclone (2)
24 カマイタチ
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
165 x 1
SHxSpark: Windgod Sword 23.
Hits one enemy row. No range limit.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Lightning SlashRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Lightning SlashRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Lightning SlashRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Lightning Slash
*Lightning Slash (4)
25 稲妻斬り
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR105
126 x 1
SL BOoSpark: Windgod Sword 35.
May induce Paralysis.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Final StrikeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Final StrikeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Final StrikeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Final StrikeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Final StrikeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Final StrikeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Final StrikeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Sword Final Strike
*Final Strike (1)
0B ファイナルストライク
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
012 x 1
SL HExGoblin Sword, Worm Slayer, Spectral Sword, Splasher only. Also hits surrounding enemies (Pwr 4, SL SH dmg). Weapon breaks after tech is used.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Sword

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Romancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Romancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword
Greatsword (0)
01 大剣攻撃
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR100
163 x 1
SLoBasic attack.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Blunt StrikeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Blunt StrikeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Blunt StrikeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Blunt Strike
Blunt Strike (0)
29 みね打ち
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR85
16xSLoSpark: 7.
Attempt to Paralyze target.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword SunderRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword SunderRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword SunderRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Sunder
Sunder (1)
2A 巻き打ち
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR100
164 x 1
SLoSpark: 9.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword SmashRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword SmashRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword SmashRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Smash
Smash (3)
2B 強撃
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR75
166 x 1
SLoSpark: 12.
One powerful hit.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword DeflectRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword DeflectRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword DeflectRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Deflect
Deflect (0)
2C ディフレクト
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
xxxxSpark: 5.
Attempt to evade direct physical attacks.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Vertical StrikeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Vertical StrikeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Vertical StrikeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Vertical StrikeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Vertical StrikeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Vertical StrikeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Vertical StrikeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Vertical Strike
Vertical Strike (5)
2D 切り落とし
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR100
166 x 1
SLoSpark: 20, Sunder 16.
May Stun.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Swallow ReversalRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Swallow ReversalRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Swallow ReversalRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Swallow ReversalRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Swallow ReversalRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Swallow ReversalRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Swallow Reversal
Swallow Reversal (9)
2E ツバメ返し
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR100
165 x 2
SLoSpark: 40, Sunder 37, Smash 34.
Two strikes.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Waterfowl BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Waterfowl BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Waterfowl BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Waterfowl BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Waterfowl BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Waterfowl BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Waterfowl Blade
Waterfowl Blade (6)
2F 水鳥剣
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
Row CR95
166 x 1
SLxSpark: 26, Flowing Slash 21.
Attacks the front row. Cannot be countered.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Empty BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Empty BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Empty BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Empty Blade
Empty Blade (5)
30 無無剣
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR85
127 x 1
SLoSpark: 25.
Cannot choose target.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Dark BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Dark BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Dark BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Dark BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Dark BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Dark BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Dark Blade
Dark Blade (13)
31 無明剣
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR110
014 x 1
SLoSpark: Empty Blade 38.
One very powerful hit.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Flowing SlashRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Flowing SlashRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Flowing SlashRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Flowing Slash
Flowing Slash (7)
32 流し斬り
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR95
166 x 1
SLoSpark: 24.
May reduce STR by 5.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Scattered PetalsRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Scattered PetalsRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Scattered PetalsRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Scattered PetalsRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Scattered PetalsRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Scattered PetalsRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Scattered Petals
Scattered Petals (12)
33 乱れ雪月花
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR100
1112 x 1
SL COoSpark: 41, Swallow Reversal 37.
Very powerful Slash+Cold attack.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Stream BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Stream BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Stream BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Stream BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Stream BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Stream BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Stream Blade
Stream Blade (7)
34 清流剣
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR110
88 x 1
SLoSpark: 32, Flowing Slash 25.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Life BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Life BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Life BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Life BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Life BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Life BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Life BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Life Blade
Life Blade (15)
35 活人剣
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
SLxSpark: 44.
Plays last. Forces all enemies to retreat (insta-death in effect). Does not work on Bosses or Undead. Also + evasion. Cannot be countered.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Jolting SlashRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Jolting SlashRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Jolting SlashRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Jolting SlashRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Jolting SlashRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Jolting SlashRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Jolting SlashRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Jolting SlashRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Jolting SlashRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Jolting SlashRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Jolting SlashRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Jolting Slash
*Jolting Slash (3)
36 雷殺斬
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR90
87 x 1
SLxSpark: Legendary Plover 16, Smash 12.
MAG-dependent attack. Cannot be countered.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Holy LightRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Holy LightRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Holy LightRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Holy LightRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Holy LightRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Holy Light
*Holy Light (2)
37 聖光
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
All100%x4 x 1
(MAG SL BL GSw Club)
STSxSpark: Dayblade 14.
Attacks all Undead. Cannot be countered.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Lunar BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Lunar BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Lunar BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Lunar BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Lunar BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Lunar Blade
*Lunar Blade (3)
38 月影
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
165 x 1
COxSpark: Moonlite 17.
Cold-element hit-all attack. Cannot be countered.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Surging SliceRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Surging SliceRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Surging SliceRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Surging SliceRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Surging SliceRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Surging Slice
*Surging Slice (9)
39 一刀両断
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR80
168 x 1
SLoSpark: Hauteclaire 35, Smash 25.
May Insta-kill.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Exorcism BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Exorcism BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Exorcism BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Exorcism Blade
*Exorcism Blade (4)
3A 退魔神剣
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
All100%25 x 1
(MAG SL Log GSw Log)
STSoSpark: Exorciser 22.
Hits all Undead & Demon.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Pesticide BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Pesticide BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Pesticide BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Pesticide BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Pesticide BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Pesticide BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Pesticide Blade
*Pesticide Blade (3)
3B 殺虫剣
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR120
126 x 1
SLoSpark: Vorpal Sword 19.
Crit vs. Insect.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Killer BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Killer BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Killer BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Killer BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Killer BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Killer BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Killer BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Killer Blade
*Killer Blade (6)
3C 殺人剣
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR100
126 x 1
SLoSpark: Vorpal Sword 29, *Pesticide Blade 21.
May Insta-kill Human.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Dancing SwordRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Dancing SwordRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Dancing SwordRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Dancing SwordRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Dancing SwordRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Dancing SwordRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Dancing SwordRomancing Saga 2 Skills Greatsword Dancing Sword
*Dancing Sword (5)
0C ダンシングソード
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR100
07 x 1
SL SHxTriple Sword only.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Sword

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Romancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Romancing Saga 2 Skills Axe
Axe (0)
02 斧攻撃
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR80
163 x 1
BLoAxe basic attack.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Axe BomberRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Axe BomberRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Axe BomberRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Axe Bomber
Axe Bomber (3)
3E アクスボンバー
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR80
165 x 1
SL BLoSpark: 11.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Axe TomahawkRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe TomahawkRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe TomahawkRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Tomahawk
Tomahawk (0)
3F トマホーク
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR100
03 x 1
SL BLxSpark: 6.
No range limit. Cannot be countered.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Time LapseRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Time LapseRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Time LapseRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Time LapseRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Time LapseRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Time LapseRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Time Lapse
Time Lapse (4)
40 一人時間差
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR100
86 x 1
SL BLoSpark: 19.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Yo-yoRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Yo-yoRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Yo-yoRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Yo-yo
Yo-yo (3)
41 ヨーヨー
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR80
163 x [(LV/11)+1]
SL BLxSpark: 45, Tomahawk 20.
No range limit. Cannot be countered.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Cut TimberRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Cut TimberRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Cut TimberRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Cut Timber
Cut Timber (4)
42 大木断
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR80
166 x 1
SL BLoSpark: 15.
Crit vs. Plant.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Echo BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Echo BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Echo BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Echo BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Echo BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Echo BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Echo Blade
Echo Blade (8)
43 ブレードロール
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR80
168 x 1
SL BLoSpark: 27, Cut Timber 20.
Also hits surrounding enemies (Pwr 3, BL dmg).

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Dimensional BreakRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Dimensional BreakRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Dimensional BreakRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Dimensional BreakRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Dimensional BreakRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Dimensional BreakRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Dimensional BreakRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Dimensional Break
Dimensional Break (9)
44 次元断
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
xSpark: 24, Cut Timber 15, Echo Blade 14.
Attempt to Insta-kill all enemies. Cannot be countered.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Reverse DeltaRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Reverse DeltaRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Reverse DeltaRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Reverse Delta
Reverse Delta (9)
45 高速ナブラ
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR90
05 x 3
(Re: Previous)
SL BLoSpark: 36, Time Lapse 28.
Hits thrice.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Tree CleaverRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Tree CleaverRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Tree CleaverRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Tree CleaverRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Tree CleaverRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Tree CleaverRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Tree CleaverRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Tree Cleaver
Tree Cleaver (8)
46 マキ割りスペシャル
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR90
1611 x 1
SL BLoSpark: 40, Time Lapse 36.
One powerful hit. Crit vs. Plant.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Sky DriveRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Sky DriveRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Sky DriveRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Sky DriveRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Sky DriveRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Sky DriveRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Sky DriveRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Sky Drive
Sky Drive (11)
47 スカイドライブ
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
015 x 1
SL BLxSpark: 46, Tomahawk 38.
One very powerful hit. No range limit. Cannot be countered.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Feather SealRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Feather SealRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Feather SealRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Feather SealRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Feather SealRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Feather SealRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Feather Seal
*Feather Seal (1)
48 フェザーシール
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
SelfxxxSTSxSpark: Lady Hawk 10.
User gains Invisible status.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Axe BoomerangRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe BoomerangRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe BoomerangRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe BoomerangRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe BoomerangRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe BoomerangRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe BoomerangRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Boomerang
*Boomerang (1)
49 電光ブーメラン
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
125 x 1
BL BOxSpark: Toamarine Axe: 25, Tomahawk 5.
No range limit. Cannot be countered.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Dance of DeathRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Dance of DeathRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Dance of DeathRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Dance of DeathRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Dance of DeathRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Dance of DeathRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Dance of Death
*Dance of Death (9)
4A 死の舞い
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
16(BL)STSxSpark: Vorpal Axe 30.
Attempt to Insta-kill all enemies. Cannot be countered.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Phantom ChivalryRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Phantom ChivalryRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Phantom ChivalryRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Phantom ChivalryRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Phantom ChivalryRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Phantom ChivalryRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Phantom ChivalryRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Phantom Chivalry
*Phantom Chivalry (0)
4B 幻体戦士法
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
xxxxSTSxSpark: Amethyst Axe 28.
Creates an axe-wielding phantom image (instant exact copy) of the character.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Axe DestructionRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe DestructionRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe DestructionRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe DestructionRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe DestructionRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe DestructionRomancing Saga 2 Skills Axe Destruction
*Destruction (7)
4C デストラクション
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1611 x 1
BLxSpark: Destroyer 31, Tree Cleaver 15.
Hits surrounding enemies (Pwr 3, BL dmg). Powerful attack. Cannot be countered.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Sword

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Romancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Romancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Romancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff
Club (0)
03 棍棒攻撃
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR120
163 x 1
BLoClub basic attack.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Returning ThrustRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Returning ThrustRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Returning ThrustRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Returning Thrust
Returning Thrust (0)
4E 返し突き
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR80
84 x 1
BLoSpark: 5.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff HeadblowRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff HeadblowRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff HeadblowRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff HeadblowRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff HeadblowRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff HeadblowRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff HeadblowRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Headblow
Headblow (3)
4F 脳天割り
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR100
165 x 1
BLoSpark: 9.
May induce Sleep.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff BonecrusherRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff BonecrusherRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff BonecrusherRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff BonecrusherRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff BonecrusherRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff BonecrusherRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Bonecrusher
Bonecrusher (5)
50 骨砕き
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR100
166 x 1
BLoSpark: 23, Headblow 16.
Reduces target's STR by 3.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Rock SplitterRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Rock SplitterRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Rock SplitterRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Rock SplitterRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Rock SplitterRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Rock SplitterRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Rock SplitterRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Rock Splitter
Rock Splitter (5)
51 削岩撃
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR100
164 x 3
BLoSpark: 25, Twinstrike 20.
Hits thrice.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff TwinstrikeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff TwinstrikeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff TwinstrikeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Twinstrike
Twinstrike (4)
52 ダブルヒット
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR80
164 x 2
BLoSpark: 18.
Hits twice.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Fissure StrikeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Fissure StrikeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Fissure StrikeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Fissure Strike
Fissure Strike (5)
53 地裂撃
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR100%x4 x 1
(Previous STR)
BL GRxSpark: 15.
Also hits the enemies behind the target. Cannot be countered. Ground attack (ineffective vs. FL enemies).

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Grand SlamRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Grand SlamRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Grand SlamRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Grand SlamRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Grand SlamRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Grand SlamRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Grand SlamRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Grand Slam
Grand Slam (7)
54 グランドスラム
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
All100%5 x 1
BL GRxSpark: Fissure Strike 29.
Hits all enemies. Activates at the end of the turn. Cannot be countered. Ground attack (ineffective vs. FL enemies).

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Ozone BeatRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Ozone BeatRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Ozone BeatRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Ozone BeatRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Ozone BeatRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Ozone BeatRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Ozone BeatRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Ozone Beat
Ozone Beat (5)
55 オゾンビート
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR100
166 x 1
STSoSpark: 34.
Inflicts Status (magic) dmg.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Full FlatRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Full FlatRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Full FlatRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Full Flat
Full Flat (6)
56 フルフラット
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR100
167 x 1
BLoSpark: 26.
May Insta-kill.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff NutcrackerRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff NutcrackerRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff NutcrackerRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff NutcrackerRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff NutcrackerRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff NutcrackerRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff NutcrackerRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Nutcracker
Nutcracker (12)
57 かめごうら割り
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR120
1611 x 1
BLoSpark: Bonecrusher 43, Twinstrike 39.
Powerful hit. Target's Phys DEF -50%.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Hunter's FuryRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Hunter's FuryRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Hunter's FuryRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Hunter's FuryRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Hunter's FuryRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Hunter's FuryRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Hunter's FuryRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Hunter's Fury
*Hunter's Fury (1)
58 ウェアバスター
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR120
165 x 1
BLoSpark: Silver Hammer 8.
Crit vs. Beastman.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff HaltRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff HaltRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff HaltRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff HaltRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff HaltRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff HaltRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff HaltRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Halt
*Halt (3)
59 動くな
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
16xSTSxSpark: Quarterstaff 10.
Attempt to Paralyze all enemies. Cannot be countered.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff AcuityRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff AcuityRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff AcuityRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Acuity
*Acuity (1)
5A スペルエンハンス
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1PxxSTSxSpark: Sage Rod 12.
Raise MAG by [LV/6]+2.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff BlessingRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff BlessingRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff BlessingRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Blessing
*Blessing (2)
5B 祝福
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1PxxxSTSxSpark: Liberty Staff 13.
Raise STR & MAG by [LV/6]+2.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Grand BusterRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Grand BusterRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Grand BusterRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Grand BusterRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Grand BusterRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Grand BusterRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Grand BusterRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Grand Buster
*Grand Buster (3)
5D グランドバスター
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
All100%x5 x 1
BL GRxSpark: Comroon Hammer 15.
Ground attack, hits all enemies. Cannot be countered. Crit vs Earth Spirits.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Staff StrikeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Staff StrikeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Staff StrikeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Staff StrikeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Staff StrikeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Staff StrikeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Staff StrikeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Staff Strike
*Staff Strike (1)
0D シャッタースタッフ(攻)
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
015 x 1
HE STxQuarterstaff, Skull Rod, Sage Rod only. Hits all enemies. Staff breaks after use.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Shatter StaffRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Shatter StaffRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Shatter StaffRomancing Saga 2 Skills Club Mace Staff Shatter Staff
*Shatter Staff (1)
0E シャッタースタッフ(回)
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
STSxLiberty Staff only. All allies recover some HP. Staff breaks after use.

Romancing Saga 2 Spear Icon

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Romancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Romancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Romancing Saga 2 Skills Spear
Spear (0)
04 槍攻撃
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR105
163 x 1
SToSpear basic attack.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Spear TripRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear TripRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear TripRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Trip
Trip (0)
5E 足払い
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR110
16xSTSxSpark: 6.
Attempt to Stun one full row. Cannot be countered.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Double StabRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Double StabRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Double StabRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Double Stab
Double Stab (2)
5F 二段突き
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR110
163 x 2
SToSpark: 10.
Hits twice.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Lightning ThrustRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Lightning ThrustRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Lightning ThrustRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Lightning Thrust
Lightning Thrust (4)
60 稲妻突き
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR110
126 x 1
ST BOoSpark: 22.
Stab + Bolt damage.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Spear SkewerRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear SkewerRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear SkewerRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Skewer
Skewer (4)
61 くし刺し
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR100
165 x 1
ST SHoSpark: 15.
Also hits the enemies behind the target (Pwr 3, ST dmg).

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Spear ChargeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear ChargeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear ChargeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Charge
Charge (3)
62 チャージ
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR100
166 x 1
SToSpark: 18.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Spear AimRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear AimRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear AimRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear AimRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear AimRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear AimRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear AimRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Aim
Aim (1)
63 エイミング
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR120
03 x 1
NonexSpark: 8.
Plays last. Ignores DEF. Cannot be countered.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Spear WindmillRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear WindmillRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Windmill
Windmill (2)
64 風車
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
x5 x 1
STxSpark: 9.
Evades attacks and counters. Cannot be countered.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Sharp ThrustRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Sharp ThrustRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Sharp ThrustRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Sharp Thrust
Sharp Thrust (5)
65 一文字突き
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR90
167 x 1
SToSpark: 20.
Also hits the enemies behind the target (Str 5, ST SH dmg).

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Petrify RushRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Petrify RushRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Petrify RushRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Petrify Rush
Petrify Rush (6)
66 活殺化石衝
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR90
167 x 1
SToSpark: 27, Aim 20.
May Petrify target.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Spiral ChargeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Spiral ChargeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Spiral ChargeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Spiral Charge
Spiral Charge (10)
67 スパイラルチャージ
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR100
1211 x 1
SToSpark: 48, Charge 39.
Powerful attack.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Divine LancerRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Divine LancerRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Divine LancerRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Divine LancerRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Divine LancerRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Divine LancerRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Divine LancerRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Divine Lancer
Divine Lancer (8)
68 活殺獣神衝
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR100
1610 x 1
SToSpark: 51, Aim 36.
Powerful attack. May reduce STR & SPD by 5.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Spear TriumvirateRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear TriumvirateRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear TriumvirateRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear TriumvirateRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear TriumvirateRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear TriumvirateRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear TriumvirateRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Triumvirate
Triumvirate (9)
69 無双三段
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR100
1213 x 1
SToSpark: 40, Double Stab 38.
Very powerful attack.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Poseidon ShotRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Poseidon ShotRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Poseidon ShotRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Poseidon ShotRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Poseidon ShotRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Poseidon ShotRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Poseidon ShotRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Poseidon Shot
*Poseidon Shot (2)
6A ポセイドンシュート
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
166 x 1
STxSpark: Trident 17, Skewer 12.
Crit vs Aquatic. No range limit. Cannot be countered. Can also be used by Ranseur & Poseidon's Spear once sparked.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Thunder VoltRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Thunder VoltRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Thunder VoltRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Thunder VoltRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Thunder VoltRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Thunder VoltRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Thunder Volt
*Thunder Volt (5)
6B サンダーボルト
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
All100%x5 x 1
BOxSpark: Blue Quartz Spear 24, Lightning Thrust 14.
SpellPwr-dependent dmg. Hits all enemies with Bolt damage. Cannot be countered.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Swooping DragonRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Swooping DragonRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Swooping DragonRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Swooping Dragon
*Swooping Dragon (10)
6C 下り飛竜
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1215 x 1
STxSpark:Gae Bulg 48, Charge 45, Spiral Charge 38.
Very powerful attack. No range limit. Cannot be countered.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Psycho ShotRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Psycho ShotRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Psycho ShotRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Psycho ShotRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Psycho ShotRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Psycho ShotRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Psycho ShotRomancing Saga 2 Skills Spear Psycho Shot
*Psycho Shot (6)
6D サイコバインド
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
126 x 1
STSxSpark: Divine Longinus 32.
MAG-dependent, Status dmg. Also hits surrounding enemies (Pwr 4, STS dmg). May Paralyze. No range limit. Cannot be countered.

Romancing Saga 2 Short Sword Icon

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Romancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Romancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Romancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword
Short Sword (0)
05 小剣攻撃
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR125
03 x 1
SToShort Sword basic attack.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword FeintRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword FeintRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword FeintRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Feint
Feint (0)
70 フェイント
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR130
8xSTSoSpark: 7.
Attempt to Stun target.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Shock RushRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Shock RushRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Shock RushRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Shock Rush
Shock Rush (1)
71 感電衝
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR120
02 x 1
SToSpark: 8.
May Paralyze.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword SidewinderRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword SidewinderRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Sidewinder
Sidewinder (3)
72 サイドワインダー
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR120
05 x 1
SToSpark: 14.
Insta-kills Amphibian (Frog) enemies.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword MarionetteRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword MarionetteRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword MarionetteRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword MarionetteRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword MarionetteRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword MarionetteRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Marionette
Marionette (6)
73 マリオネット
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR75
16xSTSxSpark: 25.
Redirects all actions towards the target. Cannot be countered.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Snake ShotRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Snake ShotRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Snake ShotRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Snake Shot
Snake Shot (6)
74 スネークショット
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
06 x 1
ST SHxSpark: 27, Sidewinder 20.
Attacks one row. No range limit. Cannot be countered. Insta-kills Amphibian (Frog) enemies.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword MatadorRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword MatadorRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword MatadorRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Matador
Matador (2)
75 マタドール
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
x6 x 1
STxSpark: 11.
Evades attack and counters, inflicts STR-dependent dmg. Cannot be countered.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Mega ThrustRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Mega ThrustRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Mega ThrustRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Mega Thrust
Mega Thrust (8)
76 乱れ突き
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR120
04 x 3
SToSpark: 30.
Attacks thrice.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Plasma ThrustRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Plasma ThrustRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Plasma ThrustRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Plasma ThrustRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Plasma ThrustRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Plasma ThrustRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Plasma Thrust
Plasma Thrust (4)
77 プラズマスラスト
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR120
05 x 1
BOoSpark: 19, Shock Rush 15, Mega Thrust 13.
Bolt dmg. Also hits the other enemies on the same row (Pwr 5, BL BO dmg).

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword ScrewdriverRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword ScrewdriverRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword ScrewdriverRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword ScrewdriverRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword ScrewdriverRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword ScrewdriverRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword ScrewdriverRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Screwdriver
Screwdriver (6)
78 スクリュードライバ
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR120
07 x 1
SToSpark: 38, Sidewinder 27.
Crit vs. Female.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Glamor BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Glamor BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Glamor BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Glamor BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Glamor BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Glamor BladeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Glamor Blade
Glamor Blade (8)
79 幻惑剣
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR100
09 x 1
SToSpark: 25.
May Stun.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword EulogyRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword EulogyRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword EulogyRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword EulogyRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword EulogyRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword EulogyRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword EulogyRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Eulogy
Eulogy (10)
7A ファイナルレター
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR100
012 x 1
SToSpark: 40.
Strongest Short Sword attack. May Insta-kill.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Mad BiterRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Mad BiterRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Mad BiterRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Mad Biter
*Mad Biter (1)
7C マッドバイター
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR140
04 x 1
SToSpark: Lob Omen 15, Sidewinder 5.
May Silence (Madden) target.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Final StrikeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Final StrikeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Final StrikeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Final StrikeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Final StrikeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Final StrikeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Final StrikeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Final Strike
*Final Strike (1)
0B ファイナルストライク
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
012 x 1
SL HExAlso hits surrounding enemies.
Lob Omen only.
Weapon breaks after tech is used.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Life StealRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Life StealRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Life StealRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Life StealRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Life StealRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Life StealRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Life StealRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Life Steal
*Life Steal (16)
7D ライフスティール
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1xSTSxSpark: Soul Saber 80.
LP Drain (= Insta-death for enemies). Does not work on Undead.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Fire Dragon FloodRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Fire Dragon FloodRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Fire Dragon FloodRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Fire Dragon FloodRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Fire Dragon FloodRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Fire Dragon FloodRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Fire Dragon Flood
*Fire Dragon Flood (6)
7E 火龍出水
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
STSxSpark: Red Quartz Rod 36.
HP Restoration + Silence to Party.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Floral ExtravaganzaRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Floral ExtravaganzaRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Floral ExtravaganzaRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Floral ExtravaganzaRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Floral ExtravaganzaRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Floral ExtravaganzaRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Floral ExtravaganzaRomancing Saga 2 Skills Short Sword Floral Extravaganza
*Floral Extravaganza (7)
82 百花繚乱
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR100
08 x 1
STxSpark: Ilorina Stars 23, Mega Thrust 17.
May Insta-Kill. Cannot be countered.

Romancing Saga 2 Bow Icon

All Bow techs have no range limit and cannot be countered.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Romancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Romancing Saga 2 Skills Bow
Bow (0)
06 弓攻撃
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
123 x 1
SHxBow basic attack.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Quick ArrowRomancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Quick ArrowRomancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Quick Arrow
Quick Arrow (3)
85 瞬速の矢
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
05 x 1
SHxSpark: 21.
First Strike.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Haphazard ArrowRomancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Haphazard ArrowRomancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Haphazard ArrowRomancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Haphazard Arrow
Haphazard Arrow (2)
86 でたらめ矢
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
163 x 1
SHxSpark: 6 (100% if Blind).
Targets all enemies.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Bow StunnerRomancing Saga 2 Skills Bow StunnerRomancing Saga 2 Skills Bow StunnerRomancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Stunner
Stunner (1)
87 影ぬい
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
16xSTSxSpark: 10.
Attempt to Paralyze target.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Beast SlayerRomancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Beast SlayerRomancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Beast SlayerRomancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Beast Slayer
Beast Slayer (4)
88 ビーストスレイヤー
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
46 x 1
SHxSpark: 16.
Crit vs. Beast.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Rain of ArrowsRomancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Rain of ArrowsRomancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Rain of ArrowsRomancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Rain of ArrowsRomancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Rain of ArrowsRomancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Rain of Arrows
Rain of Arrows (4)
89 アローレイン
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
165 x 1
SHxSpark: 26, Haphazard Arrow 16.
Targets all enemies.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Twin ArrowRomancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Twin ArrowRomancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Twin ArrowRomancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Twin Arrow
Twin Arrow (2)
8A 二本射ち
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
163 x 2
SHxSpark: 12.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Id BreakRomancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Id BreakRomancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Id BreakRomancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Id Break
Id Break (3)
8B イド・ブレイク
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
124 x 1
SHxSpark: 8.
May inflict Confusion LV1 and reduce MAG & Logic by 3.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Shade ArrowsRomancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Shade ArrowsRomancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Shade ArrowsRomancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Shade Arrows
Shade Arrows (8)
8C 影矢
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
86 x 1
SHxSpark: 33, Twin Arrow 20.
May Insta-kill.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Barrage ShotRomancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Barrage ShotRomancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Barrage ShotRomancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Barrage Shot
Barrage Shot (10)
8D バラージシュート
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
88 x 1
SHxSpark: 40, Haphazard Arrow 25.
Powerful hit-all attack.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Falling PhoenixRomancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Falling PhoenixRomancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Falling PhoenixRomancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Falling Phoenix
Falling Phoenix (5)
8E 落鳳破
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
127 x 1
SHxSpark: 22, Beast Slayer 22.
Crit vs. Floating enemies.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Bow IzunaRomancing Saga 2 Skills Bow IzunaRomancing Saga 2 Skills Bow IzunaRomancing Saga 2 Skills Bow IzunaRomancing Saga 2 Skills Bow IzunaRomancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Izuna
Izuna (10)
8F イヅナ
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1212 x 1
SHxSpark: 46, Quick Arrow 36.
Also hits surrounding enemies (Str 5, SH dmg). Strongest Bow tech.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Heart SeekerRomancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Heart SeekerRomancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Heart SeekerRomancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Heart SeekerRomancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Heart SeekerRomancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Heart SeekerRomancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Heart Seeker
*Heart Seeker (2)
90 ハートシーカー
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
16xSTSxSpark: Fail-Not 19, Beast Slayer 9.
Attempts to Charm.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Execution ArrowsRomancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Execution ArrowsRomancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Execution ArrowsRomancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Execution Arrows
*Execution Arrows (7)
91 皆死ね矢
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
xSpark: Grim Reaper 13.
Attempt to Insta-kill all enemies.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Starlight ArrowsRomancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Starlight ArrowsRomancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Starlight ArrowsRomancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Starlight ArrowsRomancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Starlight ArrowsRomancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Starlight ArrowsRomancing Saga 2 Skills Bow Starlight Arrows
*Starlight Arrows (8)
92 スターライトアロー
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1211 x 1
SHxSpark: Starlight Bow Rain of Arrows 37.
Activates at the end of the turn.

Romancing Saga 2 Martial Arts Icon

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts PunchRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts PunchRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Punch
Punch (0)
0A パンチ
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR130
163 x 1
BLoMartial basic attack.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts KickRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts KickRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Kick
Kick (0)
95 キック
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR120
164 x 1
BLoSpark: 9.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts SobatRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts SobatRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts SobatRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Sobat
Sobat (2)
96 ソバット
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR130
166 x 1
BLoSpark: Kick 12.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts CounterRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts CounterRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts CounterRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Counter
Counter (0)
97 カウンター
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
x6 x 1
BLxSpark: 8.
Evades and counters. Cannot be countered.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts DazeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts DazeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts DazeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Daze
Daze (0)
98 ネコだまし
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR150
12xSTSxSpark: 5.
Attempt to Stun target. Cannot be countered.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Ki MeditationRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Ki MeditationRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Ki MeditationRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Ki Meditation
Ki Meditation (0)
99 集気法
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
STSxSpark: 3.
HP recovery.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Ki BlastRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Ki BlastRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Ki BlastRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Ki Blast
Ki Blast (3)
9A 気弾
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
165 x 1
BLxSpark: 13.
Kamehameha. No range limit. Cannot be countered.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts CorkscrewRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts CorkscrewRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts CorkscrewRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Corkscrew
Corkscrew (4)
9B コークスクリュー
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR130
168 x 1
BLoSpark: 20.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts ParalysisRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts ParalysisRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts ParalysisRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Paralysis
Paralysis (6)
9C 不動金しばり
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
4xSTSxSpark:24, Ki Blast 13.
Attempt to Paralyze target. No range limit. Cannot be countered.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Mei Lua CompassoRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Mei Lua CompassoRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Mei Lua CompassoRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Mei Lua Compasso
Mei Lua Compasso (6)
9D カポエラキック
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
89 x 1
BLxSpark: Kick 28, Sobat 21.
May Paralyze. No range limit. Cannot be countered.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Dual GunnerRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Dual GunnerRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Dual GunnerRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Dual Gunner
Dual Gunner (6)
9E マシンガンジャブ
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR145
166 x 2
BLoSpark: 26.
Hits twice.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Jolt CounterRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Jolt CounterRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Jolt CounterRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Jolt CounterRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Jolt CounterRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Jolt CounterRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Jolt Counter
Jolt Counter (3)
9F ジョルトカウンター
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
x9 x 1
BLxSpark: Counter 19.
Evades and counters. Cannot be countered.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts QuadrastrikeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts QuadrastrikeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts QuadrastrikeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts QuadrastrikeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts QuadrastrikeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts QuadrastrikeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts QuadrastrikeRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Quadrastrike
Quadrastrike (9)
A0 クワドラブル
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1212 x 1
BLoSpark: Sobat 30.
No range limit.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Evil CrushRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Evil CrushRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Evil CrushRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Evil CrushRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Evil CrushRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Evil CrushRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Evil CrushRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Evil Crush
Evil Crush (8)
A1 活殺破邪法
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR140
1210 x 1
BL SHxSpark: 45, Ki Blast 35.
Crit vs. Undead. Cannot be countered.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts GuanyinRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts GuanyinRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts GuanyinRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts GuanyinRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts GuanyinRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts GuanyinRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts
Guanyin (12)
A2 千手観音
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR160
129 x 2
BLxSpark: Dual Gunner 43.
Cannot be countered. Strongest Martial tech.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Salamander ClawRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Salamander ClawRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Salamander ClawRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Salamander Claw
Salamander Claw (1)
A3 サラマンダークロー
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR130
164 x 1
BL HEoFusion Spell Heat Hand.
Inflicts Blunt and Heat dmg. May Stun.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Red Drake WaveRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Red Drake WaveRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Red Drake WaveRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Red Drake WaveRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Red Drake WaveRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Red Drake WaveRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Red Drake Wave
Red Drake Wave (4)
A4 赤竜波
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
167 x 1
HExFusion Spell Heat Hand.
Heat dmg to all. Cannot be countered.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Heel StompRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Heel StompRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Heel Stomp
Heel Stomp (16)
A7 ふみつけ
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR100%x10 x 1
BLxVagabond (F) special tech. The higher the HP, the better.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts BerserkRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts BerserkRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts BerserkRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Berserk
Berserk (8)
C4 ベルセルク
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
STSxSpark: Ki Meditation 15.
HP recovery, Silence, STR SPD STA up (by 11 or, depending on position in the formation, by 8∼24, e.g. 16 if spot 1, 18∼24 if spot 5?). SFC only: does not register in the Dojo.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts ClawRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts ClawRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts ClawRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Claw
Claw (0)
07 爪攻撃
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
1E CR100
123 x 1
SLoClaw basic attack. Usable after casting Claw Extend spell.

Romancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Hell ClawRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Hell ClawRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Hell ClawRomancing Saga 2 Skills Martial Arts Hell Claw
*Hell Claw (3)
C5 地獄爪殺法
TargetAccEvaPwr x #HitTypeCTSpark / Special
Row CR110
165 x 1
SLoRow attack. May Poison. Usable after casting Claw Extend spell.

Romancing Saga 2 Evade Skills Icon

In battle, your characters can also learn to Evade specific Techs when they are attacked.

Romancing Saga 2 Evade Skills Romancing Saga 2 Evade Skills

Only the Techs that have an Evade Rank value (which is the equivalent of the regular Techs' Spark Rank) can be Evaded.

If an Enemy's Tech can be Evaded (= has an Evade Rank) and if the enemy's TechLV is high enough, there is a probability that your character might learn to Evade the enemy's attack. The Evade Skill spark probability is determined by the same table as regular techs (see the Tech Sparking Probability section). Which means that Evades are more easily learnt when the enemy TechLV is the same as (20% chance) or higher than (7~9%) the Evade Spark Rank of the Evade Skill. An Evade Tech with an ER superior by more than 5 to an enemy TechLV is impossible to learn from that enemy.

Just like regular Techs, once you have sparked them in battle, they will become available in the Dojo after a Time Jump or after you defeat a Hero.

Just like regular Techs, Evade Skills must be equipped to be usable in battle and they take a slot in your Tech Equip Screen.
You can either learn them at the Dojo (the 3 training instructors in Avalon Castle, 1F, top right) or spark them in battle.

But unlike regular Techs, they activate automatically when the equipped character is attacked by the corresponding Tech, and they do not cost any SP when activated.

Romancing Saga 2 Evade Skill Sparking Death Scythe Evade Romancing Saga 2 Evade Skill Sparking Charge Evade

- Evade techs prevent the activation of Counters (Evade techs activate first).
- Attacks with collateral damage, i.e. techs that allow only one target but which will incidentally hit characters behind or around the target, like Skewer or Final Strike: the collateral damage cannot be evaded with the corresponding Evade tech, but if the targeted character evades the attack, there is no collateral damage whatsoever.
- When a party member is Charmed, Confused (LV3) or Marionette-ed and attacks their companions, their attacks can also be used to spark Evade Skills. You can possibly create and control such situations on purpose, vs. by Medusa, Lilith, Robin, Bokhohn, for example. The Enemy 'TechLV' taken into account then is the average of your now-enemy character's Weapon LVs, i.e. =[SlashLV + StabLV + BluntLV + ShotLV + BareHandLV]/5. This incidentally means that if you max out all these stats you are then able learn the Evade Skills with a Spark Rank of 50 (otherwise impossible). For real completionists, this is also the only way to get (almost) all of the sparkable Evade Skills (good luck!).
- Remaster Only: The Evade Skill for Full Flat can be sparked against the first form of Dread Queen (Maze of Memory), and that for *Final Strike against Goblin Boss and Ancient Goblin 2.
- Evade tech sparking is impossible if the character is immune to the attack (e.g. Temptation while Mind immunity).
- Your characters can learn Evade skills even if the attack Misses, or if they are invisible. Making your whole party invisible is actually the best way to learn the corresponding Evades to Hit-All techs (no specific target). See the Invisible section for details.
- Evade sparking is also possible with Sword Barrier active.

Romancing Saga 2 Evade Skill Sparking Invisible Romancing Saga 2 Evade Skill Sparking Sword Barrier

In the table below, the complete list of the Evade Skills and the enemies who use them.
ER = Evade Rank.
(E) after the name = Enemy Tech only.
After each enemy name, between brackets, their TechLV.
Deflect has an Evade Skill, but it is obviously impossible to learn it.

TechERUsed by
*Final Strike
0B ファイナルストライク
25King (8), (Goblin Boss & Ancient Goblin 2)
*Staff Strike
0D シャッタースタッフ(攻)
25Queen (14)
Knee Split
0F なぎ払い
5Skeleton (14), Dreadknight (33), Dullahan (23), Hobgoblin (7), Champion (25), Amnesia (8), Valkyrie (14), Noel 2A (29), King (8), Kzinssie 1 (6/8), Noel 2 (Angry, 32)
Double Cut
11 二段斬り
10Skeleton (14), Skull Demon (20), Dreadknight (33), Dullahan (23), Hobgoblin (7), Champion (25), Termite Soldier (23), Mantid (30), Kaiser Ant (41), Amnesia (8), Valkyrie (14), Draft Red (19), Shade (7), Killer Machine (17), Lizardman (16), Lizardlord (40), Toadmaster (27), Noel 2A (29), King (8), Kzinssie 1 (6/8), Noel 2 (Angry, 32)
12 短冊斬り
16Skeleton (14), Skull Demon (20), Hobgoblin (7), Termite Soldier (23), Kaiser Ant (41), Amnesia (8), Draft Red (19), Shade (7), Killer Machine (17), Lizardman (16), Lizardlord (40), Toadmaster (27), Noel 2A (29), King
13 みじん斬り
20Sephira (39), Killer Machine (17), [Noel 2A (29)]
14 線斬り
15 空圧波
20Skull Lord (39), Sephira (39), Killer Machine (17), Black Legion (38), [Noel 2A (29)]
Cross Cut
16 十文字斬り
22Sephira (39), Killer Machine (17), [Noel 2A (29)]
17 つむじ風
35Skull Demon (20), Termite Soldier (23), Kaiser Ant (41), Draft Red (19), Shade (7), Lizardman (16), Lizardlord (40), Toadmaster (27), Seven Heroes (Noel, 36)
Mach Blade
18 音速剣
50Skeleton (14), Skull Demon (20), Skull Lord (39), Dullahan (23), Hobgoblin (7), Champion (25), Termite Soldier (23), Kaiser Ant (41), Amnesia (8), Valkyrie (14), Draft Red (19), Black Legion (38), Shade (7), Killer Machine (17), Lizardman (16), Lizardlord (40), Toadmaster (27), Noel 2A (29), Noel 2B (29), Noel 2 (Angry, 32), Seven Heroes (Noel, 36)
Prism Blade
19 光速剣
Vacuum Slash
1A 真空斬り
35Skull Demon (20), Termite Soldier (23), Kaiser Ant (41), Draft Red (19), Shade (7), Killer Machine (17), Lizardman (16), Lizardlord (40), Toadmaster (27),
Mirage Blade
1B 残像剣
Still Blade
1C 不動剣
Blunt Strike
29 みね打ち
10Skull Lord (39), Dullahan (23), Champion (25), Valkyrie (14), Black Legion (38), Giant (25), Noel 2 (Angry, 32)
2A 巻き打ち
15Skull Lord (39), Dullahan (23), Champion (25), Valkyrie (14), Black Legion (38), Noel 2 (Angry, 32)
2B 強撃
15Black Legion (38), Giant (25)
2C ディフレクト
Vertical Strike
2D 切り落とし
Swallow Reversal
2E ツバメ返し
Waterfowl Blade
2F 水鳥剣
25Black Legion (38), Giant (25), Bokhohn 2 (26), Noel 2B (29), Noel 2 (Angry, 32), Seven Heroes (Noel, 36)
Empty Blade
30 無無剣
30Skull Lord (39), Black Legion (38)
Dark Blade
31 無明剣
Flowing Slash
32 流し斬り
40Dullahan (23), Champion (25), Valkyrie (14), Giant (25), Noel 2B (29), Noel 2 (Angry, 32), Seven Heroes (Noel, 36)
Scattered Petals
33 乱れ雪月花
Stream Blade
34 清流剣
25Skull Lord (39), Black Legion (38), Sekishusai (16)
Axe Bomber
3E アクスボンバー
10Triton (34), Galient Blue (11), Minotaur (18)
3F トマホーク
15Triton (34), Galient Blue (11), Minotaur (18)
Time Lapse
40 一人時間差
41 ヨーヨー
Cut Timber
42 大木断
15Triton (34), Galient Blue (11), Minotaur (18)
Echo Blade
43 ブレードロール
20Triton (34), Galient Blue (11), Minotaur (18)
Dimensional Break
44 次元断
Reverse Delta
45 高速ナブラ
Tree Cleaver
46 マキ割りスペシャル
Sky Drive
47 スカイドライブ
Returning Thrust
4E 返し突き
10Goblin (6), Magician (20), Novice (4), Senior (8), Master (20), Doctor (32), Adept (5), Vicar (14)
4F 脳天割り
12Goblin (6), Nightmare (35), Adept (5), Vicar (14), Ogre (14), Battle Ogre (21), Spriggan (19)
50 骨砕き
15Nightmare (35), Ogre (14), Battle Ogre (21), Sand Drake (12), Crawler (14), Croydon (24), Chesterton (38), Bane Serpent (41), Mud Mane (15), Azoth (33), Spriggan (19), Bokhohn 1 (21), Queen (14), Seven Heroes (Bokhohn, 36)
Rock Splitter
51 削岩撃
15Goblin (6), Adept (5), Vicar (14), Queen (14)
52 ダブルヒット
30Rotten Beast (8), Dreadknight (33), Hell Beast (41), Goblin (6), Sphinx (30), Wamp (15), Mustang (7), Garm (34), Chymera (26), Crab Rider (36), Adept (5), Vicar (14), Vritra (41), Pyrohydra (31), Spriggan (19), Bokhohn 1 (21), Seven Heroes (Bokhohn, 36), Seven Heroes (Dantarg, 36)
Fissure Strike
53 地裂撃
25Chariot (36), Goblin (6), Nightmare (35), Ogre (14), Battle Ogre (21), Crawler (14), Sand Drake (12), Duneworm (18), Sandbiter (24), Croydon (24), Chesterton (38), Bane Serpent (41), Mud Mane (15), Azoth (33), Adept (5), Vicar (14), Spriggan (19), Dantarg 1 (20), 2 (23), 3 (25), 4 (31)
Grand Slam
54 グランドスラム
35Nightmare (35), Ogre (14), Battle Ogre (21), [Spriggan (19)], Dantarg 3 (25) & 4 (31)
Ozone Beat
55 オゾンビート
20Magician (20), Novice (4), Senior (8), Master (20), Doctor (32)
Full Flat
56 フルフラット
30Bokhohn 1 (21), Seven Heroes (Bokhohn, 36), [Re: Dread Queen]
57 かめごうら割り
5E 足払い
6Beast King (28), Werewolf (9), Nighthawk (40), Termite Soldier (23), Termite Battler (37), Werefrog (7), Nixie (32), Noel 1 (Angry, 26)
Double Stab
5F 二段突き
10Spike Head (18), Vulture (5), Stormer (18), Simurgh (7), Nuckelavee (41), Winged Mare (26), Horned One (19), Buffalo (5), Gorgon (29), Triceratops (20), Albion (43), Nixie (32), Lizardlady (16), Hornlizard (25), Ramlizard (36), Subier 2 (21),
Lightning Thrust
60 稲妻突き
15Nixie (32), Lizardlady (16), Subier 2 (21)
61 くし刺し
10Spike Head (18), Chariot (36), Stormer (18), Horned One (19), Nuckelavee (41), Winged Mare (26), Gorgon (29), Buffalo (5), Triceratops (20), Termite Soldier (23), Nixie (32), Albion (43), Werefrog (7), Hornlizard (25), Ramlizard (36), Narwhal (21), Dantarg 2 (23), 3 (25) & 4 (31), Seven Heroes (Dantarg, 36)
62 チャージ
20Spike Head (18), Cockatrice (30), Stormer (18), Horned One (19), Nuckelavee (41), Winged Mare (26), Buffalo (5), Gorgon (29), Triceratops (20), Nue (40), Medusa (39), Albion (43), Nixie (32), Psychomane (17), Basilisk (29), Lizardlady (16), Hornlizard (25), Ramlizard (36), Dantarg 4 (31), Subier 2 (21), Seven Heroes (Dantarg, 36)
63 エイミング
20Vulture (5), Simurgh (7), Werefrog (7), Termite Soldier (23), Nixie (32)
Sharp Thrust
65 一文字突き
20Werefrog (7), Termite Soldier (23), Nixie (32), Narwhal (21), Seven Heroes (Dantarg, 36)
Petrify Rush
66 活殺化石衝
30Werefrog (7), Termite Soldier (23), Nixie (32), Narwhal (21)
Spiral Charge
67 スパイラルチャージ
Divine Lancer
68 活殺獣神衝
20Dantarg 4 (31)
69 無双三段
70 フェイント
10Robin (39), Miser (3), Linx (9), Seven Heroes (Bokhohn, 36)
Shock Rush
71 感電衝
72 サイドワインダー
73 マリオネット
50Robin (39), Bokhohn 1 (21) & 2 (26), Seven Heroes (Bokhohn, 36)
Snake Shot
74 スネークショット
15Robin (39)
Mega Thrust
76 乱れ突き
40Spike Head (18), Vulture (5), Stormer (18), Simurgh (7), Horned One (19), Buffalo (5), Nuckelavee (41), Winged Mare (26), Gorgon (29), Triceratops (20), Albion (43), Hornlizard (25), Ramlizard (36),
Plasma Thrust
77 プラズマスラスト
45Robin (39), Dantarg 4 (31)
78 スクリュードライバ
Glamor Blade
79 幻惑剣
7A ファイナルレター
Temptation (E)
7B テンプテーション
15Rocbouquet 1 (23) & 2 (28), Seven Heroes (Rocbouquet, 36)
Quick Arrow
85 瞬速の矢
Haphazard Arrow
86 でたらめ矢
10Dobby (13), Weiss Goblin (27), Robin (39)
87 影ぬい
10Hobgoblin (7), Dobby (13), Weiss Goblin (27)
Beast Slayer
88 ビーストスレイヤー
Rain of Arrows
89 アローレイン
20Dobby (13), Weiss Goblin (27), Robin (39)
Twin Arrow
8A 二本射ち
15Dobby (13), Weiss Goblin (27), Robin (39)
Id Break
8B イド・ブレイク
13Hobgoblin (7), Watchman (8), Vulture (5), Simurgh (7)
Shade Arrows
8C 影矢
35Dobby (13), Weiss Goblin (27), Robin (39)
Barrage Shot
8D バラージシュート
Falling Phoenix
8E 落鳳破
20Dobby (13), Weiss Goblin (27), Robin (39)
8F イヅナ
96 ソバット
17Elder (19), Great One (24), Silver Beat (29), Noel 1 (26), Master Dragon (5)
98 ネコだまし
20Helter Skelter (24), Nixer (14), Peg Powler (32), Silver Beat (29),
Ki Blast
9A 気弾
25Helter Skelter (24), Nixer (14), Peg Powler (32), Silver Beat (29), Mystic (42), Nighthawk (40), Dantarg 3 (25), Seven Heroes (Dantarg, 36)
9B コークスクリュー
15Helter Skelter (24), Nixer (14), Peg Powler (32), Silver Beat (29), Mystic (42), Nighthawk (40)
9C 不動金しばり
20Helter Skelter (24), Nixer (14), Peg Powler (32), Silver Beat (29), Mystic (42), Nighthawk (40), [Noel 1A (26)]
Mei Lua Compasso
9D カポエラキック
20Elder (19), Great One (24), Silver Beat (29), Noel 1 (B & Angry, 26)
Dual Gunner
9E マシンガンジャブ
30Helter Skelter (24), Nixer (14), Peg Powler (32), Silver Beat (29)
A0 クワドラブル
Evil Crush
A1 活殺破邪法
Heel Stomp
A7 ふみつけ
45Dreadknight (33), Bone Drake (24), Chariot (36), Helldragon (41), Undead Dragon (9), Rot Dragon (28), Blazer (33), Snow Wyrm (37), Forge Wyrm (39), Mantid (30), Kaiser Ant (41), Sea Drake (25), Fire Dragon (33), Ice Dragon (31), Storm Dragon (34), Dark Dragon (37), Dantarg 1 (20), 2 (23), 3 (25) & 4 (31), Bokhohn 1 (21) [& 2], Seven Heroes (Dantarg, 36)
Hypnosis (E)
AB 催眠
15Helldragon (41), Vampire (M, 37), Vampire (F, 37), Dullahan (23), Nosferatu (17), Sapping Demon (17), Watchman (8), Beast King (28), Werewolf (9), Nighthawk (40), Termite Battler (37), Lilith (32), Medusa (39), Hecteye, Bug, Gluttonous Ogre, Nue (40), Albion (43), Mantid (30), Mandrake (3), Nightshade (20), Alraune (35), Bloody Mary (25), Margarita (38), Woodnaut (10), Ruffle Tree (31), Basilisk (29), Sorrow (28), Fear (39), Pathos (37), Bokhohn 1 (21), Real Queen (23), Noel 1 (Angry, 26), [Rocbouquet 1 (23)], Seven Heroes (Bokhohn, 36)
Terror Voice (E)
B0 テラーボイス
23Bone Vulture (5), Siren (5), Sonica (10), Aztec (16), Maggot Ball (14), Sundancer (21), Vampire (M, 37), Nosferatu (17), Weiss Goblin (27), Fiend (7), Joker (28), Gargoyle (14), Lilith (32), Medusa (39), Mandrake (3), Nightshade (20), Alraune (35), Nue (40), Bloody Mary (25), Margarita (38), Jann (29), Fear (39), Pathos (37), Doppelganger (9)
Pheromone (E)
B1 フェロモン
20Centipede (5), Sharkpede (33), Great Scissor (18), Purple Bane (31), Scarlet (30), Crab Rider (36), Ramlizard (36), Queen (14), Real Queen (23)
Reaper Scythe (E)
B7 死神のカマ
40Vampire (F, 37), Azure Demon (21), Crimson Demon (26), Hulion (35), Diablo (42), Mantid (30), Chariot (36), Kaiser Ant (41), Kzinssie 0 (3), [0.5 (6), 1 (8)] & 2 (31)
Soul Steal (E)
B8 ソウルスティール
25Kzinssie 0 (3), [0.5 (6), 1 (8)] & 2 (31), Doppelganger (9), Seven Heroes (Kzinssie, 36)
*Hell Claw
C5 地獄爪殺法
21Beast King (28), Werewolf (9), Nighthawk (40), Azure Demon (21), Crimson Demon (26), Hulion (35), Diablo (42), Sea Drake (25), Termite Battler (37), Dark Dragon (37), Noel 1 (Angry, 26)



Preliminary Notes:

Pwr is the base tech dmg indicator,
while Hit# is the number of times the attack hits.
Both values are specific to each tech (or spell) and are found in the Techs tables above.

RGN: a Randomly-Generated Number, between 0 (when WeaponLV=0) and (LVx3)+1.

EDEF is the Enemy Defense against the attribute of the attack.
If there are several attributes to the attack, the lowest is the relevant Def.
EDEF is negated for the few attacks that have no attribute ('None').
If the relevant EDEF > 128, then DMG = 0.

C is a complex variable. Its formula changes depending on the Weapon used, and it is dependent upon the relevant Weapon/Magic LV:
Sword: C = [(4900 - (70 - SWLV)^2) ÷128] +1
Greatsword: C = [(2500 - (50 - SWLV)^2) x3 ÷256] +2 + [SWLV^2 ÷256]
Axe: C = [(2500 - (50 - AXLV)^2) x3 ÷256] +3
Mace: C = [(4096 - (64 - AXLV)^2) ÷128] +1
Spear: C = [(10000 - (100 - SPLV)^2 ÷256] +2
Short Sword: C = [SPLVC ÷2] +2
Bow: C = [BOWLV ÷4] +5 + [BOWLV^2 ÷128]
Martial: C = [(2500 - Max(49 - MALV, 1)^2 ÷128] + [MALV÷4]
Magic: C = LV - [LV^2 ÷128] +2

For the dmg formulae of spells and the Thunder Volt tech, see the Spell Damage Section.

Note that, in general, if the result of a division is a fraction then it is rounded down to the nearest integer,
and if the total of a subtraction is negative, then = 0.

For the HP recovery formula, see the Healing section.


This concerns most Sword, Greatsword, Axe, Mace, Spear, Bow techs and Weapon Counter techs.

DMG = (Base x Pwr + RGN - EDEFx5 ) x Hit#
where Base = [(Max(WpnAtk - EDEF, 1) x (100 - Statx2 + Cx8) + C x (99-WpnAtk+12x(Stat-10)) ÷ 64]

The relevant Stat here depends on the tech used. This information is also found in the Techs tables above.
Reminder: Stat =
- STR for Sword, Greatsword, Axe, Mace, Spear techs, and all Weapon Counter techs.
- DEX for Short Sword, Bow techs.
- MAG for *Swarm, *Windwolf Blade, *Dragonfang Blade, *Jolting Slash, *Psycho Shot, *Prominence, *Hunter's Fury.

As you can see, there is a special calculation rule here: if WpnAtk ≤ EDEF, then (WpnAtk - EDEF) = 1
This means that if the target's Def (EDEF) is higher than the attacker's Weapon Atk Pwr (WpnAtk), then it has an important buffer role, and that, inversely, if the attacker's Wpn Pwr is higher than the target's Def, the Def is ignored completely. It is important for your party (the techs used by the enemy follow the same formula) and it explains why lightly armored characters take full damage. This part amplifies the risk of the choice of speed over defense: lightly armored characters may play before the enemy, but the risk of being one-shot is important. Note that this can be partly by-passed by the Rapid Stream formation, that allows your characters to play first always (as long as no character is down).

Yo-yo dmg formula:
DMG= Base x 3x ([AXLV÷11] +1) +RGN - DEFx5
Which means that every 11 Axe LV, the Power of Yo-yo increases by 3, to reach 15 (= Sky Drive!) at AXLV 44, for the unchangingly low cost of 3 SP.

Still Blade dmg formula:
DMG = Base x (14 + n) + RGN - DEFx5
where 'n' is the number of attacks received.


This concerns Martial Arts and Claw (Claw & Hell Claw) techs.
Note: The fact that Claw Extend equips your character with a Claw is irrelevant and its Atk Pwr (18) is never used in the dmg calculations.

DMG = ([(STR+SPD) x C x (Pwr-1) ÷8] + (STR-10) x (C+Pwr) + RGN - EDEFx5) x Hit#

From which we can infer that STR is more important than SPD,
and that EDEF has a lesser impact than for Weapon techs.

Note that Martial Arts techs RNG depends on MA LV, while Claw techs RGN depends on SW LV.


This concerns Fissure Strike, Grand Slam & Grand Buster.

DMG = (Pwr x3 x C + WpnAtk x Pwr + WW x4) + WBonus - EDEFx5
where WBonus = (STR - (WW x2 +1) x WW x4

These techs, which are all 3 unavoidable Ground attacks, have a very specific dmg formula:
- which also relies on the attacker's Weapon Weight (WW), the heavier (all in all) the better.
- in which there is no RNG element.

Reminder: Pwr = 4 for Fissure Strike, 5 for the other two.
Note: Fissure Strike 'C' value is that of the previous action (be it by a friend or foe). Which explains why a Fissure Strike as the first attack after a Save, Power Off, Power On, Load does outstanding damage (no ref --> 255 in many cases).

DMG = [(MAG+5) x C x Pwr + RGN - EDEFx5

This concerns *Exorcism Blade and *Holy Light.
They only affect Zombie/Skeleton (+ Demon for Exorcism Blade), otherwise DMG=0, but they are very effective.

*Exorcism Blade (Exorciser tech): Pwr 5, STS attrib, C = (GreatSword C + UM C)÷2
*Holy Light (Dayblade tech): Pwr 4, STS attrib, C = (Greatsword C + Club C)÷2


DMG = [(LOG+5) x C x Pwr ÷4] + RGN

This concerns one ally tech, *Suction, and one enemy tech, Drain Blood.
The dmg cannot exceed the target's remaining HP, so against a defending target (DMG/2), it can never be a fatal blow.

*Suction (Spectral Sword tech): Pwr 3, STS attrib (Acc), C: Sword.
Drain Blood (B6, Enemy only): Pwr 2, STS Attrib (Acc), C: Sword.


DMG = [E's Remaining HP x Pwr ÷8] + RGN

Only one tech in this category: Airwave (Pwr 5, SL). The dmg cannot exceed the target's remaining HP, so against a defending target (DMG/2), it can never be a fatal blow. Nevertheless it can be an exceedingly efficient tech (and concretely an Insta-death tech when coupled with Shadow Servant).


- 'Acc' is the accuracy basic value specific to each tech, found in the Techs tables above.
- WW is the used Weapon Weight, found in the Items section.
- ESPD is the Enemy's SPD.
- There is only one accuracy roll even for attacks with several hits (they either all land or all miss).
- When Blind, Acc is halved.
- On the turn Hasten Time is activated, all attacks that have a single strike (Hit#=1) always hit.


Acc + LV + (STR - WWx5) + SPD - ESPDx2 > (RNG mod 100)

The formula is rather well-balanced and the relevant LV is probably the variable with the most room for growth and thus the largest influence.


Acc + LV + (STR - WWx5) x4 - ESPDx2 > (RNG mod 100)

Axe techs Acc values are all in all lower, hence a higher miss rate.
STR is the important stat here and must be as high as possible. Use buffs like Gilden Strength on Axe users during longer battles to increase the hit rate.


Acc + LV x2 + (DEX - 18) x4 - ESPDx2 > (RNG mod 100)

Short Sword techs have a higher hit rate thanks to higher Acc values and an increased influence of LV. If DEX > 19 the accuracy increases even further.


Acc + LV x2 + (DEX - 18) x4 - ESPDx2 > (RNG mod 100)

Same formula as Short Swords but with some lower tech Acc.
There is one additional, important rule: the accuracy falls by 20% if the character is equipped with hand gear or full armor. Be careful not to equip any on your Bow user(s).


Acc + LV - ESPDx2 > (RNG mod 100)

MA techs Acc are quite high. There is only one main variable here, the character's MA LV.
Same formula for Claw techs, but LV = Sword/Greatsword LV.


This only concerns attacks that do not deal damage but only attempt in applying a Status Ailment (Death Paralyze Sleep Dark Mind Poison Stun Pressure Horror), like Feint, Halt!, Trip, Horror, etc. and a few special attacks (HP-absorbing attacks, Life Blade).
For the activation chance variables of the additional effects (status ailments, debuffs) of a main, damaging attack, see this section just below.

Status ailment effects are applied if they pass two successive rolls:
- your attack's accuracy roll (= does your attack hit the target?)
- the enemy's evasion roll (= can the enemy evade your attack?)

In a nutshell:
- when on the offensive, a higher relevant LV (and/or MAG, LOG) raises hit success probability.
- when on the defensive, a higher Def (STS Def most of the time) lowers the success chance of the enemy's attack.

Acc is an accuracy indicator.
LV is the Weapon/Magic LV(s) the skill depends on.
For Fusion spells, LV = LV1+LV2, which is quite nice.
Eva is a corrective value to the enemy's evasion rate. If Eva=0, shields/guards cannot activate.
EDef is usually the Enemy's Status Defense, except for Blunt Strike / Airwave -> Sword, and Phlegm -> Shot.
For Acc, LV and Eva values, see the relevant Techs/Skills / Magic/Spells sections.

LV-dependent attacks
Concerns the vast majority of status ailment attacks.
Acc Roll: Acc + [LV/2] > (RGN mod 100)
Eva Roll: EDef x Eva ≤ (RGN mod 100)

The rest of the attacks have similar formulae:

LOG-dependent attacks
For attacks dependent on Logic (Dark Power): Sunspot Destroyer, Life Steal, Death Scythe (E), Astral Gate (E).
Acc Roll: Acc + LOG > (RGN mod 100)
Eva Roll: EDef x Eva ≤ (RGN mod 100)

LOG+LV-dependent attacks
This concerns HP Absorb, Suction, Bloodsuck (E).
Acc Roll: Acc + LOG + [LV/2] > (RGN mod 100)
Eva Roll: EDef x Eva ≤ (RGN mod 100)

MAG-dependent attacks
This only concerns the Short Sword tech Marionette.
Acc Roll: Acc + MAG > (RGN mod 100)
Eva Roll: EDef x Eva ≤ (RGN mod 100)

MAG+LV-dependent attacks
This concerns Airwave, Dark Wash, Phlegm (E), Spider Net (E).
Acc Roll: Acc + MAG + [LV/2] > (RGN mod 100)
Eva Roll: EDef x Eva ≤ (RGN mod 100)

How to Raise Status Ailment Attacks' Success Rate

It is possible to bypass these rolls partly or entirely, if the enemy has no immunity:
1) 100% success rate for Status Ailment attacks in the same turn after Hasten Time is used.
2) Eva Roll is disregarded when the attacker is already Invisible (Feather Seal, Mist Cover). Consequently, when Invisible, success rate raises considerably, to 100% for attacks that induce Stun Paralyze or Sleep.
Below, the conditions for a 100% success rate when Invisible:

EffectAttack100% success if Invisible +
Blunt StrikeSWLV ≥ 26
StunnerBowLV ≥ 36
MindGhost Light (Charm)(PYLV+UMLV)/2 ≥ 18
Heart Seeker (Charm)BowLV ≥ 26
Prism Light (Confusion1)(HYLV+COSLV)/2 ≥ 28
Horror (Confusion3)Always
Marionette (Target Change)MAG ≥ 23
Insta-Death*DivideSWLV ≥ 26
*Dance of DeathAXLV ≥ 36
*Execution ArrowsSPLV ≥ 46
Dimensional Breakx
Sunspot Destroyer (LP-1)LOG ≥ 18
PoisonIll Storm(HYLV+UMLV)/2 ≥ 28
HP-Ratio DmgAirwaveMAG+(SWLV/2) ≥ 23
Dark WashMAG+(AELV+UMLV)/2 ≥ 8
HP DrainHP AbsorbLOG+(AELV/2) ≥ 13
SuctionLOG+(SWLV/2) ≥ 18
E RetreatLife BladeAlways


Some HP-damaging attacks can inflict an additional effect, be it a Status Ailment (Death Paralyze Sleep Dark Mind Poison Stun Pressure Horror) or a debuff, to the target.

The roll that determines if the additional effect(s) is (are) applied or not, comes after 2 other rolls (1: main atk accuracy roll, 2: main atk evasion roll) and only if those are successful. See the Damaging Attacks Accuracy Formulae section above for more info about these Acc/Eva rolls.

If the target has no immunity and is not LP-dead,
the additional effect activates if: 'Def Limit Value' ≤ (RGN mod 100)

The Def Value varies depending on the effect (see table below) but at its core is the target's Status Defense, and it takes the general form of (E Sts Def + X) and that the lower it is, the higher the chances are that the additional effect(s) activate(s).

- If the target is unable to fight (down), debuffs can/will still apply.
- If Def Value > 256, overflow happens and effect activation may fail.
- Crimson Flare is a very powerful attack but be mindful of the fact that decreasing the target's LOG has the effect of increasing their Spell Power.
- Eulogy has a very high rate of success (76-85% on SFC).
- All these attacks can be advantageously coupled with the Invisible status to raise the success chance. For those whose accuracy depends on the target's stats, debuffs (Deadly Drive..) can be used with profit to further increase your chances.
- If the main attack hits, Bonecrusher (STR-3), Nutcracker (PhysDef-50%) and Sidewinder / Snake Shot (Insta-Death to Frogs) have a convenient 100% activation rate.

The table below shows on which parameter(s) the activation of additional effects depends on.
(E) means that the attack is used by enemies/monsters only.
See the Techs/Skills section and the Magic/Spells section for more info about each attack.

AttackEffectDef Value =
FeintStunSTS DEF
Knee Split
Vertical Strike
Fissure Strike
Glamor Blade
Salamander Claw
Cyclone Twist
(E) Tackle
*Hell ClawPoison
Poisonous Blow
(E) Needle (Stab)
(E) Needle (Shot)
(E) Poison Liquid
(E) Poison Mist
(E) Poison Strike
Light BallBlind
Sand Storm
(E) Beak
Crimson FlareBlind + LOG-5
Id BreakConfuse1 + MAG-3 + LOG-3
Divine LancerSTR-5 + SPD-5
*Lightning SlashParalyzeSTS DEF + MAG
*Psycho Shot
Shock Rush
Mei Lua Compasso
Flame Whip
(E) Blade Net
(E) Paralysis Claw
(E) Twine Around
Mad BiterMadness
*Surging SliceInsta-DeathSTS DEF + MAG + LOG
Full Flat
*Floral Extravaganza
Shade Arrows
*Killer BladeInsta-Death (Human Only)(RGN mod 2) = 0
SidewinderInsta-Death (Frog Only)(Always)
Snake Shot
Petrify RushPetrify (E: Insta-Death)STS DEF + LOG
Flowing SlashSTR-5STS DEF + SPD
(rounded down)


During battle, it is possible to boost your stats and to lower your enemies', thanks to techs or spells.
Of course, the enemies can also boost their stats and lower yours.
(De)buffs depend on your Skill/Magic LVs and are hence very weak at the beginning of your adventure, but by endgame they can be quite efficient, especially when coupled with item & formation bonuses.

In RS2, once applied, buffs & debuffs have the following characteristics:
- their effects do not decrease over time (unlike in RS3)
- their effects do not expire until the battle ends
- they do not add/stack/cumulate: for each stat the latest modifier is applied (overwrites previous modification).

- Exceptions: Dragon Pulse & Deadly Drive: their effects pile up but are cancelled once/after the target acts.
- Buffs, especially piled-up Dragon Pulses, can be profitably coupled with and in preparation to Phantom Chivalry (Amethyst Axe tech), Wraith Form (UM+TE MLV25), and Reverse Delta (Axe tech, Phone Version only, in which it is a Repeater Tech).
- All debuffs except Deadly Drive actually come as an additional effect to a damaging attack. Note that if the attack hits, there is another roll to determine if the effect is applied or not. Unlike for status ailments, there is unfortunately no visual sign that tells you whether the debuff has been applied successfully or not (it only shows through the enemy's performance).

Acuity (Sage Rod)1 SP1PMAGup by [BL LV/6]+2+2∼10
Blessing (Liberty Staff)2 SP1PSTR MAGup by [BL LV/6]+2+2∼10
Gilden Strength (TE)1 MP1PSTRup by [TE LV/4]+2+2∼14
Water Dance (HY MLV13)2 MP1PSL BL ST SH HE Defup by [HY LV/3]+2+2∼18
Air Screen (AE) 2 MP1PSL BL ST SH BO Defup by [AE LV/3]+2+2∼18
Dragon Pulse (HY+TE MLV15)3 MPSelfAll statsup by [(HY+TE)/7]+2 for 1 action+2∼16(+)
Faerie Glow (COS+AE MLV15)5 MPSelfSPDup by [(COS+AE)/3]+2+2∼35
Berserk (Martial)8 SPSelfSTR SPD CONup by 8∼24?-
Fire Dragon Flood (Red Quartz Rod)6 SPPartyAllup by ? + Silence + HP recovery-
Crimson Flare (COS+PY MLV25)12 MP1ESPD-5-
Flowing Slash (Greatsword)7 SP1ESTR-5-
Bonecrusher (Mace)5 SP1ESTR-3-
Nutcracker (Mace)12 SP1ESL BL ST SH Def-50%-
Divine Lancer (Spear)8 SP1ESTR SPD-5-
Id Break (Bow)3 SP1EMAG LOG-3-
Heat Wind (PY+AE MLV15)4 MPAllSPD-5-
Deadly Drive (UM MLV20)9 MPAllAll Statsdown by [UMLV÷4 +2] for 1 enemy action-2∼14(+)

No-Spoiler Tips - Game Info - Gameplay - Characters - Techs - Sparking - Magic - Items - Monsters - Bosses - Maps - Trivia & Secrets
Walkthrough: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4

Except where noted otherwise, everything here is my own work (including all screenshots, all maps, walkthroughs, translations & adaptations). The sources for all info & quotes are always mentioned. Please respect other people's work: kindly attribute to whomever. Thank you!

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