Bane Serpent - Gluttonous Ogre - Insect Queen - Diablo - Albion - Forge Wyrm - Fear - Mystic
Gold Baum - Kaiser Ant - Margarita - Lizardlord - Vritra - Hell Beast - Sephira - Helldragon
Bane Serpent - Gluttonous Ogre - Insect Queen - Diablo - Albion - Forge Wyrm - Fear - Mystic
Gold Baum - Kaiser Ant - Margarita - Lizardlord - Vritra - Hell Beast - Sephira - Helldragon
This section details the actions and techs of the main enemies in Romancing Saga 2.
The choice of the featured monsters is subjective but entails all bosses and most of the static/fixed enemies.
At the bottom of the page: the endgame regular enemies, which are mini-bosses in their own right.
Why not the full data for all monsters? Because you cannot prepare for random monsters (being random in some respect..) and because most can be killed in one or two turns, making an hypothetical preparation phase meaningless. For those, the Monsters section is more than enough: TechLV, item drops and *possibly* basic strengths & weaknesses are all the info one would ever need.
You will also find here possible battle strategies that build on the available info, and tactics if necessary, in various degrees of detail.
The data below starts with the basic info available in the Monsters section.
All monsters have 2 Action Sets (A & B below) of 8 techs/spells at their disposals. Some will only use one of them, while some have two actions per turn and will perform one action from set A then one action from set B, for example. Some also have a compulsory action at a predetermined turn (usually at T1, or when HP reaches 0). Note that a few enemies target preferably certain characters (lowest HP, highest HP, Emperor), effectively bypassing your formation target setting.
Those techs & spells are the same as those used by your characters (some are monster-only). Same as your characters too, some monsters are also equipped with weapons: one is used for A-set, the other for B-set. Are noted their name and Atk value, between brackets, before the sets of actions.
Follows concise data concerning the techs or spells used by the enemy. The most important data is probably the attribute(s) of the attack, to know what def stat to increase or if it can be evaded, blocked, resisted, etc., by item defense, regular shields or specific magic shields. The data is presented following this model:
・'Tech/Spell Name' 'ID' 'Japanese Name' 'Element (Type of Magic)' 'Dmg Attribute(s)' 'Target specifics (if different from 1 enemy)' 'CT = physical contact, counter possible' / 'Additional Effects (Collateral Damage, Possible Status Ailments, Buffs or Debuffs)' / 'EVADE = existence of an Evade Tech'
Attributes Reminder: SL Slash, BL Blunt, ST Stab, SH Shot, HE Heat, CO Cold, BO Bolt, STS Status, None.
Target Specifics can be: one row only (Row), close-ranged row only (FRow), all enemies (All), all units on the battlefield (ALL), one ally (1P).
There are also attacks that deal collateral damage (of a different Pwr and sometimes a different Attribute), around or behind or on the same line as the target. To simplify things, we will indicate, in the Additional Effects section: All or Behind or Horizontal. See the Techs section and the Magic section for details.
'EVADE' signals the existence of an Evade Tech (not the possibility of regular attack evasion), that you can learn. See the Evade Tech section for details.
The order below loosely follows that of the Walkthrough.
WATCHMAN [02A ウオッチマン]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
8 | 5 | 16 | 18 | 11 | 11 | 18 | 12 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 6 | 4 | 10 |
Actions: 1 per turn
A (Claw 33): Hypnotize x2, Stare (Paralyze) x2, Poison Mist, Stare (Charm), Stare (Petrify) x2
B (Darts 5): (Bow) x4, Id Break x3, Stunner
Techs & Spells:
・Hypnotize AB 催眠 STS Sleep All / EVADE
・Gaze (Paralyze) B5 凝視(マヒ) STS Paralyze
・Poison Mist BE 毒霧 STS All / Poison
・Gaze (Charm) B4 凝視(魅了) STS Charm
・Gaze (Petrify) C3 凝視(石化) STS Petrify
・(Bow) 06 通常(弓) SH
・Id Break 8B イド・ブレイク SH / Confusion LV1, MAG & LOG -3 / EVADE
・Stunner 87 影ぬい STS Paralyze / EVADE
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Boss Battle: Watchman x2 and Beastman x3. Can be troublesome: hit hard and fast.
Location: Watchman Nest (North Varennes)
Walkthrough: 1: Introduction: Watchman Nest.
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
9 | 9 | 14 | 14 | 14 | 14 | 30 | 25 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 16 | 16 | 16 |
Actions: 1 per turn
A/B (Claws 16): Mad Biter x2, HP Absorb, Terror Voice x2, Soulsteal, Life Steal, Frost (Single)
Techs & Spells:
・Mad Biter 7C マッドバイター ST CT / Silence
・HP Absorb DB 体力吸収 Wind None
・Terror Voice B0 テラーボイス STS All Confuse LV1 / EVADE
・Soulsteal B8 ソウルスティール STS Death / EVADE
・Life Steal 7D ライフスティール STS -1LP
・Frost (Single) BC 冷気(単) CO
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
To defeat them, Defend/Parry with Bear, keep him healed, and hit with the others (use physical attacks).
Location: Somon: Kzinssie's Mansion (North Varennes), [Re:] Maze of Memory (South Longit).
Walkthrough: 1: Introduction: Somon, [Re:] 2: South Longit: Maze of Memory.
KING [121 キング]
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Name Class Rank (EV) (Race) | HP / TP / Element / Special Weak- / Strong+ Immunities | Item Drop: Normal Rare |
King 121 キング Special (fixed) (Beastman) | 1000 HP / 300 TP Evade (25) SL BL ST | Goblin Sword Goblin Sword |
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
8 | 3 | 16 | 15 | 12 | 12 | 18 | 20 | 7 | 7 | 6 | 6 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
Actions: 1 per turn (A)
A (Goblin Sword 4): Knee Spit x2, Double Cut, Fillet, Final Strike x2, Kick, Counter
Techs & Spells:
・Knee Split 0F なぎ払い SL CT / EVADE
・Double Cut 11 二段斬り SL CT / EVADE
・Fillet 12 短冊斬り SL CT / EVADE
・Final Strike 0B ファイナルストライク SL HE / All SL SH / EVADE
・Kick 95 キック BL CT
・Counter 97 カウンター BL
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Boss Battle: King + Hobgoblin x3. Can be difficult, depending on RNG (Counter and Final Strike can decimate your party). Susceptible to all Status ailments: Blind him, and possibly Stun him at every turn with a fast character (with Knee Split or Daze) and/or attempt Paralyze him (Stunner).
Location: Goblin Hideaway (North Varennes)
Walkthrough: Introduction: Goblin Hideaway
KZINSSIE (1) [122/123 クジンシー0.5/1]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
6/8 | 3 | 15/16 | 14 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 20 | 8 | 8 | 6 | 6 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 12 |
Actions: 1 per turn (A), B: Soulsteal when HP reaches 0.
A (Long Sword 8 / Steel Sword 11): Knee split, Double Cut x2, Cyclone, Suction, Poisonous Blow, Wracking, Ill Storm
B (x) : (Soulsteal)
Techs & Spells:
・Knee Split 0F なぎ払い SL CT / EVADE
・Double Cut 11 二段斬り SL CT / EVADE
・Cyclone 24 カマイタチ SH Row
・Suction 21 サクション STS HP Drain
・Poisonous Blow F9 ポイゾナスブロウ Dark+Water BL / Poison
・Wracking E2 ペイン Dark None / Stun
・Ill Storm FA イルストーム Dark+Water STS Poison All
・Soulsteal B8 ソウルスティール STS Death / EVADE
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
The Kzinssie you fight as Leon and the one you face as Gerard are quite similar. Once their first HP pool (666/999) is depleted, he Soul-Steals the Emperor, here leading to Leon's death, and there to Gerard's tech Evade activation and the continuation of the battle (if you have erased the Soulsteal Evade from your tech inventory, restart the game): Kzinssie now has a new pool of 1300 HP and regens 130 HP per turn.
Avoid vertical formations. Have Balms handy (or a Water Mage) against Poison. Defend with Bear and hit with all you have with the others. Keep yourselves healed and cured and it should not be too hard.
Location: Somon: Kzinssie's Mansion (North Varennes)
Walkthrough: 1: Introduction: Kzinssie (1) and (2)
DEEP ONE [0A2 ディープワン]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
19 | 21 | 16 | 14 | 13 | 13 | 14 | 25 | 4 | 8 | 4 | 4 | 18 | 12 | 12 | 28 |
Actions: 1 per turn | T1: Twine Around | Target: Low HP
A (x): Twine Around x2, Tentacle (Weak) x4, Tentacle (Strong) x2
B (Skull Rod 8): Wracking x3, Poisonous Blow, Life Water, Horror, Dark Wash, Deadly Drive
Techs & Spells:
・Twine Around A6 巻きつき BL / Paralyze
・Tentacle (Weak) AC 触手(弱) BL CT
・Tentacle (Strong) AD 触手(強) BL CT
・Wracking E2 ペイン Dark None / Stun
・Poisonous Blow F9 ポイゾナスブロウ Dark+Water BL / Poison
・Life Water CE 生命の水 Water STS 1P
・Horror E3 ホラー Dark STS Confuse LV3
・Dark Wash FD ダークスフィア Dark+Wind STS (ratio dmg)
・Deadly Drive E5 デッドリードライブ Dark None All Debuff (all stats for 1 action)
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Deep One targets preferably characters with lowest HP so formation influence is negligible: have Balms handy (possibly a healer too). Prevent HP regen with Fire magic. TechLV of 19: can be used to spark plenty of techs early on.
Where: Avalon Sewers (North Varennes).
Walkthrough: 1: South Varennes: Canal Fortress with Cat.
GATE [120 門]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
1 | 1 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 20 | 24 | 6 | 18 | 18 | 2 | 12 | 12 | 16 |
Actions: None
GARGOYLE [045 ガーゴイル]
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Name Class Rank (EV) (Race) | HP / TP / Element / Special Weak- / Strong+ Immunities | Item Drop: Normal Rare |
Gargoyle 045 ガーゴイル Demon 7 (500) (Demon) | 446 HP / 54 TP / Dark / FL SL+ Mag+++ Stun Horror | x x |
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
14 | 11 | 15 | 19 | 11 | 12 | 17 | 20 | 16 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 |
Actions: 1 per turn
A (Claws 16): (Claws) x8
B (Claws 22): (Claws), Paralysis Claw x2, Ultrasonic Wave (All), Terror Voice x2, Cyclone x2
Techs & Spells:
・(Claws) 通常(爪) SL CT
・Paralysis Claw C7 マヒ爪 SL CT / Paralyze
・Ultrasonic Wave (All) B3 超音波(全) Dark STS All
・Terror Voice B0 テラーボイス STS All Confuse LV1 / EVADE
・Cyclone 24 カマイタチ SH Row
DOBBY [022 ドビー]
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Name Class Rank (EV) (Race) | HP / TP / Element / Special Weak- / Strong+ Immunities | Item Drop: Normal Rare |
Dobby 022 ドビー Beastman 7 (565) (Beastman) | 338 HP / 52 TP ST SH CO BO- / STS++ | Goblin Sword Elder Bow |
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
13 | 11 | 18 | 16 | 12 | 15 | 19 | 10 | 7 | 6 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 3 | 3 | 10 |
Actions: 1 per turn
A (Elder Bow 11) / B (Enhanced Bow 19): Stunner, Haphazard Arrow x3, Twin Arrow, Shade Arrow, Rain of Arrows, Falling Phoenix
Techs & Spells:
・Stunner 87 影ぬい STS Paralyze / EVADE
・Haphazard Arrow 86 でたらめ矢 SH All / EVADE
・Twin Arrow 8A 二本射ち SH / EVADE
・Shade Arrows 8C 影矢 SH / Death / EVADE
・Rain of Arrows 89 アローレイン SH All / EVADE
・Falling Phoenix 8E 落鳳破 SH / Crit vs Floating / EVADE
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Early on this is a very difficult and lengthly battle: the Gate has 3000 HP and is guarded by an unlimited garrison of Gargoyles and Dobbys: keep as many enemies as possible Paralyzed at all times, and chip away the Gate with ranged attacks (Fireball and Ki Blast, mainly, the Gate being weak to Heat and Blunt damage).
Nevertheless, once you get the hang of it, at this point it is a lot of TP for one battle (still topped by the Sorcerer, worth 6000 TP, reachable just a little later).
Note that if you want to hit the Gate directly you must take out the Gargoyle at the top.
Location: Canal Fortress (South Longit)
Walkthrough: 1: South Longit: Canal Fortress: By Force.
VICAR [0D5 ヴァイカー]
Name Class Rank (EV) (Race) | HP / TP / Element / Special Weak- / Strong+ Immunities | Item Drop: Normal Rare |
Vicar 0D5 ヴァイカー Human 6 (495) (Human) | 592 HP / 47 TP BL BO--- Evade (25) SL BL ST | Mace Targe |
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
14 | 12 | 17 | 18 | 15 | 16 | 16 | 15 | 8 | 3 | 7 | 7 | 8 | 8 | 2 | 8 |
Actions: 1 per turn (alternates A/B) | Target: Low HP
A (Mace 7): (Club) x2, Returning Thrust, Headblow, Twinstrike, Rock Splitter, Fissure Strike x2
B (x): Wracking x3, Poisonous Blow, Life Water, Horror, Dark Wash, Deadly Drive.
Techs & Spells:
・(Club) 03 通常(棍棒) BL CT
・Returning Thrust
・Headblow 4F 脳天割り BL CT / Sleep / EVADE
・Twinstrike 52 ダブルヒット BL CT / EVADE
・Rock Splitter 51 削岩撃 BL CT / EVADE
・Fissure Strike 53 地裂撃 BL (Ground) / Behind / EVADE
・Wracking E2 ペイン Dark None / Stun
・Poisonous Blow F9 ポイゾナスブロウ Dark+Water BL / Poison
・Life Water CE 生命の水 Water STS 1P
・Horror E3 ホラー Dark STS Confuse LV3
・Dark Wash FD ダークスフィア Dark+Wind STS (ratio dmg)
・Deadly Drive E5 デッドリードライブ Dark None All Debuff (all stats for 1 action)
Pyrorex [0F3 パイロレクス]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
21 | 14 | 16 | 13 | 16 | 12 | 16 | 10 | 10 | 8 | 6 | 6 | 128 | 1 | 16 | 32 |
Actions: 1 per turn
A (Claws 16): (Claws) x8
B (Claws 22): Flame (Single) x3, Self-immolation x2, Heat Wind, Salamander Claw, Flame (All)
Techs & Spells:
・(Claws) 通常(爪) SL CT
・Flame (Single) BA 火炎(単) HE
・Self-immolation CA セルフバーニング Fire Self HE Counter
・Heat Wind E9 熱風 Fire/Wind HE All / SPD -5
・Salamander Claw A3 サラマンダークロー BL HE CT / Stun
・Flame (All) BB 火炎(全) HE All
Lizard [0FD リザード]
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Name Class Rank (EV) (Race) | HP / TP / Element / Special Weak- / Strong+ Immunities | Item Drop: Normal Rare |
Lizard 0FD リザード Reptile 5 (315) (Reptile) | 284 HP / 30 TP HE CO BO-- / SL+ STS+++ | x x |
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
9 | 8 | 17 | 16 | 13 | 12 | 18 | 14 | 8 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 10 |
Actions: 1 per turn
A (Claws 16): (Claws), Feral Pounce x3, Tackle x2, [Paralysis Claw x2]
B (Claws 22): (Claws) x8
Techs & Spells:
・(Claws) 通常(爪) SL CT
・Feral Pounce 27 ファングクラッシュ SL CT
・Tackle A5 体当たり BL CT / Stun
・Paralysis Claw C7 マヒ爪 SL CT / Paralyze
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
At the end of the Canal Fortress are a Vicar (Human 6) a Pyrorex and a Lizard (Reptile respectively 9 & 5). Def: BL SL HE. Use a vertical formation (vs. Fissure Strike), or Imperial Cross but kill Vicar ASAP. Blind everyone (you can also try to Stun, Paralyze or Confuse them). Use Airwave if available. Possibly impede and kill Pyrorex first (Heat Wind means Game Over), then Vicar (annoying Dark magic).
Location: Canal Fortress (South Longit)
Walkthrough: 1: South Longit: Canal Fortress
GEL MATTER [0BD ゼラチナスマター]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
11 | 7 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 13 | 20 | 16 | 128 | 12 | 12 | 2 | 128 | 128 | 4 |
Actions: 1 per turn (B only)
B (x): Lightning (H) x6, Thunder Volt x2
Techs & Spells:
・Lightning (H) BF 電撃 BO Horizontal
・Thunder Volt 6B サンダーボルト BO All
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Def: BO. Vertical formation (vs. Lightning).
888 HP, high def and permanent HP regen: focus on damage! Gel Matter is immune to Blunt attacks (= clubs and martial arts): use spells (Fireball) and your most powerful techs. It will Defend from time to time.
Location: Fiends' Cloister (South Varennes)
Walkthrough: 1: South Varennes: Nibel - Dragon Lair - Fiends' Cloister.
MASTER DRAGON [124 ザ・ドラゴン]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
5 | 3 | 18 | 15 | 12 | 13 | 15 | 24 | 6 | 4 | 6 | 6 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 |
Actions: 1 per turn (A only)
A (x): (Punch), Kick x2, Counter x4, Sobat
Techs & Spells:
・(Punch) 0A パンチ BL CT
・Kick 95 キック BL CT
・Counter 97 カウンター BL
・Sobat 96 ソバット BL CT / EVADE
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
One-on-one. Def: BL. Ideally use techs which cannot be countered (scroll down a little for the full list), or spells.
Location: Dragon Lair (South Varennes)
Walkthrough: 1: South Varennes: Nibel - Dragon Lair - Fiends' Cloister.
NARWHAL [116 海の主]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
21 | 15 | 30 | 20 | 18 | 13 | 15 | 50 | 20 | 16 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 48 | 16 | 24 |
Actions: 2 per turn (A then B)
A (Obsidian Lance 47): (Spear) x8
B (Obsidian Lance 47): (Spear), Thunder Volt, Skewer x2, Sharp Thrust x2, Petrify Rush x2
Techs & Spells:
・(Spear) 04 通常(槍) ST CT
・Thunder Volt 6B サンダーボルト BO All
・Skewer 61 くし刺し ST SH CT / Behind ST / EVADE
・Sharp Thrust 65 一文字突き ST CT / Behind ST SH / EVADE
・Petrify Rush 66 活殺化石衝 ST CT / Petrify / EVADE
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Def: ST BO. Vertical formation or Missile Shield vs. Skewer. A very strong Spear user. Its Thunder Volt can be deadly: a high Bolt Def (Rubber Soles..) and Evades techs are most welcomed. Gilden Shield is fine too, of course. Just come back later if you get crushed despite these preparations.
Location: Lake Wyringa (Melu / Steppe)
Walkthrough: North Varennes: Miramar: Destruction of Leon Bridge.
DANTARG 1 [10C ダンターグ1]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
20 | 16 | 19 | 17 | 10 | 12 | 17 | 50 | 12 | 12 | 6 | 6 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 24 |
Actions: 1 per turn | T1: Stomp
A/B (Claws 16/22): (Punch), Kick x3, Open Fist x2, Fissure Strike, Stomp
Techs & Spells:
・(Punch) 0A パンチ BL CT
・Kick 95 キック BL CT
・Open Fist 4D ぶちかまし BL All
・Fissure Strike 53 地裂撃 BL (Ground) / Behind / EVADE
・Stomp A7 ふみつけ BL / EVADE
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Def vs. BL. Avoid horizontal formations.
Location: Nazelle: Child & Mu Calf (never let him raid/evolve).
Walkthrough: 1: Nazelle.
DANTARG 2 [10D ダンターグ2]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
23 | 16 | 21 | 17 | 10 | 12 | 16 | 50 | 12 | 12 | 6 | 6 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 24 |
Actions: 1 per turn | T1: Stomp
A/B (Claws 16/22): Horn, Skewer x2, Kick, Open Fist x2, Fissure Strike, Stomp
Techs & Spells:
・Horn 6E ツノ ST CT
・Skewer 61 くし刺し ST SH CT / Behind ST / EVADE
・Kick 95 キック BL CT
・Open Fist 4D ぶちかまし BL All
・Fissure Strike 53 地裂撃 BL (Ground) / Behind / EVADE
・Stomp A7 ふみつけ BL / EVADE
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Def vs. BL ST. Vertical formation.
Location: Nazelle: East Oubliette, South Oubliette or Bardic Grotto for his 1st raid / Child & Mu Calf after 1 raid, or Frozen Sea: Last Dungeon if you never let him raid a dungeon in Nazelle.
Walkthrough: 1: Nazelle, 4: Last Emperor: Last Dungeon.
DANTARG 3 [10E ダンターグ3]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
25 | 16 | 23 | 15 | 10 | 12 | 15 | 50 | 12 | 12 | 6 | 6 | 16 | 16 | 16 | 32 |
Actions: 1 per turn (alternates A/B)
A (Claws 22): Poisonous Blow x2, Open Fist x2, Ki Blast, Skewer, Stomp
B (Claws 22): Fissure Strike x4, Grand Slam x4
Techs & Spells:
・Poisonous Blow F9 ポイゾナスブロウ Dark+Water BL / Poison
・Open Fist 4D ぶちかまし BL All
・Ki Blast 9A 気弾 BL / EVADE
・Skewer 61 くし刺し ST SH CT / Behind ST / EVADE
・Stomp A7 ふみつけ BL / EVADE
・Fissure Strike 53 地裂撃 BL (Ground) / Behind / EVADE
・Grand Slam 54 グランドスラム BL (Ground) All / EVADE
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Def & Immunties: BL ST / Poison. Avoid horizontal formations (vs. Skewer, Fissure Strike) unless you have the adequate Evade skills. Iris are immune to the Earthquake techs. Rapid Stream + Light Wall makes it a bit easier.
Location: Nazelle: South Oubliette or Bardic Grotto for his 2nd raid / Child & Mu Calf after his 2nd raid, or Frozen Sea: Last Dungeon if Dantarg has raided at least one dungeon in Nazelle.
Walkthrough: 1: Nazelle, 4: Last Emperor: Last Dungeon.
DANTARG 4 [10F ダンターグ4]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
31 | 16 | 25 | 19 | 10 | 12 | 14 | 50 | 12 | 12 | 6 | 6 | 16 | 16 | 16 | 32 |
Actions: 1 per turn (alternates A/B)
A (Claws 33): Kick, Charge, Open Fist x2, Skewer, Plasma Thrust, Divine Lancer, Stomp
B (Claws 33): Fissure Strike x4, Grand Slam x4
Techs & Spells:
・Kick 95 キック BL CT
・Charge 62 チャージ ST CT / EVADE
・Open Fist 4D ぶちかまし BL All
・Skewer 61 くし刺し ST SH CT / Behind ST / EVADE
・Plasma Thrust 77 プラズマスラスト BO / All BL BO
・Divine Lancer 68 活殺獣神衝 ST / STR & SPD -5 / EVADE
・Stomp A7 ふみつけ BL / EVADE
・Fissure Strike 53 地裂撃 BL (Ground) / Behind / EVADE
・Grand Slam 54 グランドスラム BL (Ground) All / EVADE
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Def: BL ST BO. Avoid horizontal formations (vs. Skewer, Fissure Strike) unless you have the adequate Evade skills. Iris are immune to the Earthquake techs. Rapid Stream + Light Wall makes it a bit easier.
Location: Nazelle: Bardic Grotto for his 3rd raid / Child & Mu Calf after his 3rd raid.
Walkthrough: 1: Nazelle.
GIANT [106 巨人]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
25 | 15 | 21 | 16 | 14 | 16 | 19 | 50 | 8 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 16 | 16 | 16 | 48 |
Actions: 2 per turn (B then A)
A/B (Triple Sword 33): Blunt Strike x2, (Greatsword), Smash, Flowing Slash, Waterfowl Blade x2, Dancing Sword
Techs & Spells:
・(Greatsword) 01 大剣攻撃 SL CT
・Blunt Strike 29 みね打ち SL Stun CT / EVADE
・Smash 2B 強撃 SL CT / EVADE
・Flowing Slash 32 流し斬り SL CT / STR -5 / EVADE
・Waterfowl Blade 2F 水鳥剣 SL FRow / EVADE
・Dancing Sword 0C ダンシングソード SL SH
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Hits hard and attacks twice per turn, but susceptible to Stun, so don't be shy (with at least 2 fast characters), and heal immediately if your Stunning attacks should fail. If you come here late, Sword Barrier makes it all too easy.
Location: Gelid Ruins (Frozen Sea)
Walkthrough: 1: Frozen Sea: Gelid Ruins.
VIKING [127 バイキング]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
8 | 5 | 12 | 16 | 12 | 12 | 10 | 20 | 8 | 3 | 7 | 7 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 5 |
Actions: 1 per turn (A only)
A (Viking Axe 20): (Axe) x8
Techs & Spells:
・(Axe) 02 通常(斧) BL CT
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Just kill them.
Location: Armed Merchant Ship in Mobelm (North Longit), Nuono (North Longit).
Walkthrough: ,
GARON [129 ギャロン]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
15 | 5 | 18 | 16 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 20 | 18 | 18 | 18 | 18 | 18 | 18 | 18 | 18 |
Actions: 1 per turn (A only)
A (Harmonia Sword 25): (Sword) x8
Techs & Spells:
・(Sword) 00 通常(剣) SL CT
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Possibly with some Beastman enemies. Nothing special.
Location: Nuono (North Longit)
Walkthrough: 2: North Longit: Garon.
GARON (GHOST) [12A ギャロン(亡霊)]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
16 | 5 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 12 | 20 | 24 | 24 | 24 | 24 | 4 | 6 | 6 | 6 |
Actions: 1 per turn (A only) | Target: Low HP
A (Obsidian Sword 45): (Sword) x8
Techs & Spells:
・(Sword) 00 通常(剣) SL CT
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Stronger than the original Garon but still not worth any thought.
Location: Sunken Ship (South Longit)
Walkthrough: 2: South Longit: Sunken Ship.
SUBIER 1 [10B スービエ1]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
21 | 21 | 22 | 22 | 14 | 12 | 18 | 40 | 12 | 24 | 16 | 16 | 24 | 48 | 8 | 48 |
Actions: 1 per turn (A only) | T1: Maelstrom
A (x): Maelstrom, Tentacle (Weak), Twine Around x3, Lightning (H) x3
Techs & Spells:
・Maelstrom C2 メイルシュトローム Dark CO All
・Tentacle (Weak) AC 触手(弱) BL CT
・Twine Around A6 巻きつき BL / Paralyze
・Lightning (H) BF 電撃 BO Horizontal
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Def: BL CO BO. Possibly Defend at turn 1 to minimize the damage (Maelstrom can be negated by Firewall), then keep yourselves in top shape.
Location: Nazelle Strait (Frozen Sea), Sunken Ship (South Longit), Last Dungeon (Frozen Sea).
Walkthrough: 2: South Longit: Subier in the Frozen Sea, 2: South Longit: Sunken Ship, 4: Last Emperor: Last Dungeon.
SUBIER 2 [117 スービエ2]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
21 | 21 | 22 | 20 | 14 | 13 | 16 | 60 | 8 | 16 | 10 | 10 | 16 | 32 | 8 | 32 |
Actions: 2 per turn (B then A)
A (Obsidian Lance 47): (Spear) x2, Double Stab x3, Charge, Lightning Thrust x2
B (x): Maelstrom x2, Tentacle (Weak) x3, Lightning (H), Deadly Drive, Guanyin
Techs & Spells:
・(Spear) 04 通常(槍) ST CT
・Double Stab 5F 二段突き ST CT / EVADE
・Charge 62 チャージ ST CT / EVADE
・Lightning Thrust 60 稲妻突き ST BO CT / EVADE
・Maelstrom C2 メイルシュトローム Dark CO All
・Tentacle (Weak) AC 触手(弱) BL CT
・Lightning (H) BF 電撃 BO Horizontal
・Deadly Drive E5 デッドリードライブ Dark None All Debuff (all stats for 1 action)
・Guanyin A2 千手観音 BL
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
When you have defeated Narwhal or didn't talk it through with it and let generations pass.
Def: ST BL CO BO. Equip the adequate Evade techs you own.
Counters can be a valid frontline strategy. Keep the magic environment in check with Fire magic.
Location: Nazelle Strait (Frozen Sea), Sunken Ship (South Longit), Last Dungeon (Frozen Sea).
Walkthrough: 2: South Longit: Subier in the Frozen Sea, 2: South Longit: Sunken Ship, 4: Last Emperor: Last Dungeon.
DUNEWORM [07C デューンウォーム]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
18 | 11 | 19 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 16 | 20 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 24 |
Actions: 1 per turn | T1: Fissure Strike
A/B (Claws 16/22): Fissure Strike x3, Feral Pounce x2, Tackle x2, Sand Storm
Techs & Spells:
・Fissure Strike 53 地裂撃 BL (Ground) / Behind / EVADE
・Feral Pounce 27 ファングクラッシュ SL CT
・Tackle A5 体当たり BL CT / Stun
・Sand Storm
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Def: BL SL. Vertical formation vs. Fissure Strike. Susceptible to Airwave.
In the desert (where starting HP is halved), dispatch quickly.
Location: Melu Desert (Melu), Great Wall Tunnel (Cumberland).
Walkthrough: 3: Melu: Melu Desert, 2: Cumberland.
SPRIGGAN [108 スプリガン]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
19 | 10 | 21 | 16 | 14 | 15 | 17 | 50 | 18 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 48 |
Actions: 1 per turn
A (Comroon Hammer 24): (Club), Headblow, Twinstrike, Bonecrusher, Fissure Strike x2, Grand Slam, Stone Shower
B (Comroon Hammer 24): (Club) x8
Techs & Spells:
・(Club) 03 通常(棍棒) BL CT
・Headblow 4F 脳天割り BL CT / Sleep / EVADE
・Twinstrike 52 ダブルヒット BL CT / EVADE
・Bonecrusher 50 骨砕き BL CT / STR -3 / EVADE
・Fissure Strike 53 地裂撃 BL (Ground) / Behind / EVADE
・Grand Slam 54 グランドスラム BL (Ground) All / EVADE
・Stone Shower D6 ストーンシャワー Earth BL All
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Def: BL. Vertical formation vs. Fissure Strike. A difficult battle: try to Stun him at every turn (with 2 or 3 characters).
Location: Douglass (Cumberland).
Walkthrough: 2: Cumberland
CYFREET [126 サイフリート]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
12 | 11 | 16 | 17 | 14 | 14 | 18 | 18 | 14 | 7 | 10 | 10 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 32 |
Actions: 1 per turn | T1: Prism Light | Target: Low HP
A/B (Cudgel 12): Cyclone Twist x4, Water Dance, Diamond Dust, Prism Light x2
Techs & Spells:
・Cyclone Twist ED サイクロンスクィーズ Water+Wind STS / Stun
・Water Dance D1 水舞い Water 1P Buff (SL BL ST SH HE Def)
・Diamond Dust F1 ダイアモンドダスト Light+Water BL CO All
・Prism Light F2 プリズムライト Light+Water STS All Confuse LV1
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Comes with some Human enemies. Try to Stun and Paralyze him. Airwave does wonder.
Location: Fort Cyfreet (Cumberland).
Walkthrough: 2: Cumberland.
BOKHOHN 1 [110 ボクオーン1]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
21 | 12 | 10 | 10 | 15 | 16 | 16 | 15 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 15 | 25 | 25 | 25 |
Actions: 1 per turn | T1: Bonecrusher
A/B (Claws 16): Bonecrusher x2, Marionette x3, Hypnosis, Twinstrike, Full Flat
Techs & Spells:
・Bonecrusher 50 骨砕き BL CT / STR -3 / EVADE
・Marionette 73 マリオネット STS / EVADE
・Hypnosis AB 催眠 STS Sleep All / EVADE
・Twinstrike 52 ダブルヒット BL CT / EVADE
・Full Flat 56 フルフラット BL CT / Death / Re: EVADE
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Def: BL. Use a fast formation (ideally Rapid Stream) to bypass Marionette.
Location: Landship (Steppe).
Walkthrough: 3: Steppe: Landship.
BOKHOHN 2 [111 ボクオーン2]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
26 | 21 | 28 | 20 | 15 | 16 | 22 | 45 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 30 | 30 | 30 |
Actions: 1 per turn | T1: Waterfowl Blade
A (Claws 22): Waterfowl Blade x2, Marionette x3, Moonfall Slash x2, Stomp
Techs & Spells:
・Waterfowl Blade 2F 水鳥剣 SL FRow / EVADE
・Marionette 73 マリオネット STS / EVADE
・Moonfall Slash 1D 落月破斬 SL SH
・Stomp A7 ふみつけ BL / EVADE
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
When Emperor's HP > 700 or when met in the Last Dungeon.
Def: SL STS (BL). Avoid vertical formations. Sword Barrier cancels Waterfowl Blade and Moonfall Slash. To bypass Marionette, use a fast formation (ideally Rapid Stream, but only if you can evade or negate Waterfowl Blade). Front row defends at turn 1.
Location: Landship (Steppe), Last Dungeon (Frozen Sea).
Walkthrough: 3: Steppe: Landship, 4: Last Emperor: Last Dungeon
QUEEN [118 クィーン]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
14 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 16 | 18 | 18 | 25 | 12 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 16 | 2 | 16 | 32 |
Actions: 1 per turn
A (Skull Rod 8): Bonecrusher x3, Rock Splitter, Halt x2, Shatter Staff (Atk) x2
B (Claws 22): Ultrasonic Wave (Single), Ultrasonic Wave (All x3), Poison Mist x2, Pheromone x2
Techs & Spells:
・Bonecrusher 50 骨砕き BL CT / STR -3 / EVADE
・Rock Splitter 51 削岩撃 BL CT / EVADE
・Halt 59 動くな STS Paralyze All
・Staff Strike 0D シャッタースタッフ(攻) HE ST All / EVADE
・Ultrasonic Wave (Single) B2 超音波(単) Dark STS
・Ultrasonic Wave (All) B3 超音波(全) Dark STS All
・Poison Mist BE 毒霧 STS All / Poison
・Pheromone B1 フェロモン STS Charm FRow / EVADE
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Def & Immunities: STS BL (HE) / Mind Poison. Try to Stun at every turn. Mass Stun followed by Mass Poison can happen and be disastrous.
Location: Ostro: Termite Den (Savannah)
Walkthrough: 3: Savannah: Termite Den.
PYROHYDRA [07F パイロヒドラ]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
31 | 26 | 19 | 12 | 15 | 12 | 18 | 30 | 9 | 9 | 10 | 10 | 128 | 0 | 16 | 32 |
Actions: 2 per turn (A then B)
A (Claws 22): (Claws) x2, Flame (Single) x2, Flame (All) x4
B (Claws 22): Feral Pounce x2, Twinstrike x5
Techs & Spells:
・(Claws) 通常(爪) SL CT
・Flame (Single) BA 火炎(単) HE
・Flame (All) BB 火炎(全) HE All
・Feral Pounce 27 ファングクラッシュ SL CT
・Twinstrike 52 ダブルヒット BL CT / EVADE
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Def: SL BL HE. A strong monster that attacks twice per turn but is susceptible to plenty of ailments (Darkness, Sleep - which cancels only one attack if Pyrohydra is hit again after that in the same turn -, Mind, Air Pressure attacks). Counters and Guard Shields can help. Self-burning nullifies Flame.
Location: Eastern Woods in the Savannah during the Mermaid Quest.
Walkthrough: 2: South Longit: Atlanticus / Mermaid Quest.
NOEL 1 [112 11C ノエル1]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
26 | 15 | 19 | 19 | 16 | 15 | 22 | 20 | 16 | 16 | 12 | 12 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 32 |
Actions: 1 per turn
A (x): (Punch), Kick x2, Counter x4, Sobat
A (x): Salamander Claw x2, Sobat x2, Mei Lua Compasso, Red Drake Wave x2, [Heat Hand]
B (x): (Punch), Kick x2, Counter x4, Sobat
Techs & Spells:
・(Punch) 0A パンチ BL CT
・Kick 95 キック BL CT
・Counter 97 カウンター BL
・Sobat 96 ソバット BL CT / EVADE
・Heat Hand E8 ヒートハンド Fire/Earth STS Self (once)
・Salamander Claw A3 サラマンダークロー BL HE CT / Stun
・Mei Lua Compasso 9D カポエラキック BL / Paralyze / EVADE
・Red Drake Wave A4 赤竜波 HE All
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Def: BL HE. Preferably use attacks that cannot be countered (including spells).
Location: Melu Desert: Wandering Lake (Melu).
Walkthrough: Walkthrough: 3: Melu: Wandering Lake.
NOEL 1 (ANGRY) [132 ノエル1(怒り)]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
26 | 15 | 19 | 19 | 16 | 15 | 22 | 20 | 16 | 16 | 12 | 12 | 32 | 32 | 32 | 48 |
Actions: 2 per turn (A then B)
A (Claws 33): Trip x3, Kick, Tackle, Hypnotize, Hell Claw x2
B (Claws 33): (Punch), Kick x4, Sobat x2, Mei Lua Compasso
Techs & Spells:
・Trip 5E 足払い STS Stun FRow / EVADE
・Kick 95 キック BL CT
・Tackle A5 体当たり BL CT / Stun
・Hypnotize AB 催眠 STS Sleep All / EVADE
・Hell Claw C5 地獄爪殺法 SL FRow CT / Poison / EVADE
・(Punch) 0A パンチ BL CT
・Sobat 96 ソバット BL CT / EVADE
・Mei Lua Compasso 9D カポエラキック BL / Paralyze / EVADE
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Def & Immunities: BL SL / Poison. Avoid vertical formations. A frontline with as few characters as possible, highly target-able and with high defense, is an option. Sword Barrier cancels Hell Claw.
Location: Melu Desert: Wandering Lake (Melu).
Walkthrough: 3: Melu: Wandering Lake.
NOEL 2 [113 11D ノエル2]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
29 | 20 | 23 | 34 | 16 | 15 | 23 | 20 | 16 | 16 | 12 | 12 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 32 |
Actions: 1 per turn
A (Bastard Sword 16): (Sword) x2, Knee Split x3, Double Cut, Fillet, Mach Blade
A/B (Bastard Sword 16): Mach Blade x2, Cyclone, Waterfowl Blade, Flowing Slash x2, Lunar Blade x2
Techs & Spells:
・(Sword) 00 通常(剣) SL CT
・Knee Split 0F なぎ払い SL CT / EVADE
・Double Cut 11 二段斬り SL CT / EVADE
・Fillet 12 短冊斬り SL CT / EVADE
・Mach Blade 18 音速剣 SL / EVADE
・Cyclone 24 カマイタチ SH Row
・Waterfowl Blade 2F 水鳥剣 SL FRow / EVADE
・Flowing Slash 32 流し斬り SL CT / STR -5 / EVADE
・Lunar Blade 38 月影 CO All
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
When Emperor's HP > 700.
Def: CO vs. Lunar Blade, as Sword Barrier and Missile Guard will nullify all his other attacks..
Location: Melu Desert: Wandering Lake (Melu).
Walkthrough: 3: Melu: Wandering Lake.
NOEL 2 (ANGRY) [130 ノエル2(怒り)]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
32 | 20 | 26 | 28 | 21 | 16 | 23 | 20 | 16 | 16 | 12 | 12 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 32 |
Actions: 2 per turn (A then B)
A (Bastard Sword 16): Knee Split, Sunder x3, Blunt Strike, Double Cut, Mach Blade, Flowing Slash
B (Bastard Sword 16): Mach Blade x2, Cyclone, Waterfowl Blade, Flowing Slash x2, Lunar Blade x2
Techs & Spells:
・Knee Split 0F なぎ払い SL CT / EVADE
・Sunder 2A 巻き打ち SL CT / Paralysis /EVADE
・Blunt Strike 29 みね打ち SL Stun CT / EVADE
・Double Cut 11 二段斬り SL CT / EVADE
・Mach Blade 18 音速剣 SL / EVADE
・Flowing Slash 32 流し斬り SL CT / STR -5 / EVADE
・Cyclone 24 カマイタチ SH Row
・Waterfowl Blade 2F 水鳥剣 SL FRow / EVADE
・Lunar Blade 38 月影 CO All
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
When Rocbouquet is already defeated and Emperor's HP > 700, or when met in the Last Dungeon.
Def: CO vs. Lunar Blade, as Sword Barrier and Missile Guard will nullify all his other attacks.
Location: Melu Desert: Wandering Lake (Melu), Last Dungeon (Forzen Sea).
Walkthrough: 3: Melu: Wandering Lake, 4: Last Emperor: Last Dungeon.
GOLD DRAGON [105 金龍]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
39 | 22 | 25 | 13 | 15 | 14 | 25 | 40 | 34 | 38 | 20 | 20 | 24 | 128 | 24 | 48 |
Actions: 2 per turn (A then B)
A (Claws 33): (Claws), Twine Around x2, Cyclone Twist x2, Lightning, Prism Light, Arc Lightning
B (Claws 33): Blades of Wind x4, Air Screen, HP Absorb x2, Solar Wind
Techs & Spells:
・(Claws) 通常(爪) SL CT
・Twine Around A6 巻きつき BL / Paralyze
・Cyclone Twist ED サイクロンスクィーズ Water+Wind STS / Stun
・Lightning EE 召雷 Water+Wind BO / All BO
・Prism Light F2 プリズムライト Light+Water STS All Confuse LV1
・Arc Lightning F3 アークサンダー Light+Earth BO / All BO
・Blades of Wind D8 ウインドカッター Wind SL SH
・Air Screen D9 エアスクリーン Wind STS
・HP Absorb DB 体力吸収 Wind None
・Solar Wind F6 太陽風 Light+Wind HE BO All
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Arguably the toughest creature in the Firn Ruins, due to their immunity to all status ailments.
Def: BO BL STS SL. Sword Barrier (vs. Claws and Blades of Wind) can be useful.
Keeping in shape with Earth Heal can be a good way to keep the magic environment in check.
Location: Firn Ruins (Austeros).
Walkthrough: 3: Austeros: Firn Ruins.
FIRE DRAGON [100 火竜]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
33 | 32 | 20 | 22 | 15 | 13 | 20 | 75 | 24 | 16 | 16 | 16 | 128 | 8 | 24 | 80 |
Actions: 2 per turn (B then A)
A (Claw 44): Kick x2, Feral Pounce, Horn x4, Stomp
B (Claw 44): (Claws) x2, Flame (Single) x2, Flame (All) x4
Techs & Spells:
・Kick 95 キック BL CT
・Feral Pounce 27 ファングクラッシュ SL CT
・Horn 6E ツノ ST CT
・Stomp A7 ふみつけ BL / EVADE
・(Claws) 通常(爪) SL CT
・Flame (Single) BA 火炎(単) HE
・Flame (All) BB 火炎(全) HE All
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Def: BL SL (ST) / HE.
Hits fast and hard and can decimate your party in a few turns.
Sword Barrier (negates Claws and Feral Pounce) and Self-Burning (or Fire Wall, for the Fire attacks) are quite helpful.
Try to Stun it at every turn with several characters. A successful Mad Biter will restrict its attacks to Claws, systematically parried by Sword Barrier, which makes it all too easy..
SFC only: It may be very difficult to prevent the Fire environment to appear, in which case a bug prevents you to change it back to Neutral or Water, so focus on damage!
Location: Firn Ruins (Austeros).
Walkthrough: 3: Austeros: Firn Ruins.
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
34 | 18 | 18 | 19 | 13 | 13 | 23 | 65 | 24 | 16 | 16 | 16 | 48 | 12 | 128 | 64 |
Actions: 2 per turn (B then A) |T1: | Target:
A (Claw 44): Kick x2, Feral Pounce, Horn x4, Stomp
B (Claw 33): Lightning (H) x6, Thunder Volt x2
Techs & Spells:
・Kick 95 キック BL CT
・Feral Pounce 27 ファングクラッシュ SL CT
・Horn 6E ツノ ST CT
・Stomp A7 ふみつけ BL / EVADE
・Lightning (H) BF 電撃 BO Horizontal
・Thunder Volt 6B サンダーボルト BO All
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Def: BL SL (ST) / BO.
Use a vertical formation. Sword Barrier (negates Feral Pounce) can be helpful.
Stun at every turn. Or Madden once and for all (this will force it to attack with Claws, systematically parried by Sword Barrier).
Location: Firn Ruins (Austeros).
Walkthrough: 3: Austeros: Firn Ruins.
DARK DRAGON [103 黒竜]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
37 | 17 | 21 | 26 | 17 | 15 | 19 | 65 | 24 | 16 | 16 | 16 | 48 | 32 | 24 | 80 |
Actions: 2 per turn (A then B) |T1: | Target:
A (Claw 55): Kick x2, Feral Pounce, Horn x4, Stomp
B (Claw 44): Poison Strike, Poison Mist x3, Bloodsuck, Sunspot Destroyer, Hell Claw x2
Techs & Spells:
・Kick 95 キック BL CT
・Feral Pounce 27 ファングクラッシュ SL CT
・Horn 6E ツノ ST CT
・Stomp A7 ふみつけ BL / EVADE
・Poison Strike C6 毒撃 SL CT Poison
・Poison Mist BE 毒霧 STS All / Poison
・Bloodsuck B6 吸血 STS HP Drain
・Sunspot Destroyer CC 黒点破 Light STS LP-1
・Hell Claw C5 地獄爪殺法 SL FRow CT / Poison / EVADE
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Def: BL SL (ST) / STS / (Poison).
Sword Barrier negates Feral Pounce, Poison Strike & Hell Claw. Otherwise avoid vertical formations.
The easy way out: attempt to Stun at every turn until a successful Silence/Maddening.
Location: Firn Ruins (Austeros).
Walkthrough: 3: Austeros: Firn Ruins.
SORCERER [131/12E 魔道士]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
16 | 22 | 18 | 18 | 13 | 16 | 19 | 20 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 18 | 18 | 18 | 64 |
Actions: 1 per turn (A only) | T1: Stone Shower / Ill Storm | Target: Low HP
A (x): Heat Wind x3, Flame Whip x2, Arc Lightning, Prism Light, Stone Shower
A (x): Hellfire x2, Ghost Light, Wracking, Poisonous Blow, Sandstorm, Horror, Illstorm
Techs & Spells:
・Heat Wind E9 熱風 Fire/Wind HE All / SPD -5
・Flame Whip CB フレイムウィップ Fire HE / Paralyze
・Arc Lightning F3 アークサンダー Light+Earth BO / All BO
・Prism Light F2 プリズムライト Light+Water STS All Confuse LV1
・Stone Shower D6 ストーンシャワー Earth BL All
・Hellfire F7 ヘルファイア Dark+Fire HE CO
・Ghost Light F8 ゴーストライト Dark+Fire STS Charm
・Wracking E2 ペイン Dark None / Stun
・Poisonous Blow F9 ポイゾナスブロウ Dark+Water BL / Poison
・Sand Storm FB サンドストーム SL SH All / Blind
・Horror E3 ホラー Dark STS Confuse LV3
・Ill Storm FA イルストーム Dark+Water STS Poison All
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Stun and Confuse (even better: Mad-Bite him, which will render him utterly helpless) to avoid getting wiped by his strong hit-all spells.
If the Sorcerer gets his hands on the Ancient Tome found at the bottom of the Emerged Island, he learns Dark Magic and uses it (Action Sets change). See the Walkthrough for details.
Location: Seer's Citadel, Emerged Island / Emerged Island (Comroon).
Walkthrough: 4: Comroon
STONE [131/12E 魔道士]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
26 | 12 | 16 | 17 | 16 | 10 | 20 | 19 | 32 | 28 | 28 | 28 | 128 | 128 | 128 | 128 |
Actions: None.
HELLHOUND [057 ヘルハウンド]
![]() |
Name Class Rank (EV) (Race) | HP / TP / Element / Special Weak- / Strong+ Immunities | Item Drop: Normal Rare |
Hellhound 057 ヘルハウンド Beast 6 (425) (Fire Elemental) | 751 HP / 99 TP / Fire CO BO--- / | x x |
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
15 | 14 | 16 | 16 | 14 | 13 | 18 | 10 | 12 | 10 | 8 | 8 | 128 | 2 | 6 | 10 |
Actions: 1 per turn
A (Claws 16): (Claws) x8
B (Claws 16): Flame (Single) x3, Self-immolation x2, Heat Wind, Salamander Claw, Flame (All)
Techs & Spells:
・(Claws) 通常(爪) SL CT
・Flame (Single) BA 火炎(単) HE
・Self-immolation CA セルフバーニング Fire HE Self Counter
・Heat Wind E9 熱風 Fire/Wind HE All / SPD -5
・Salamander Claw A3 サラマンダークロー BL HE CT / Stun
・Flame (All) BB 火炎(全) HE All
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
The Stone is protected by unlimited Hellhounds. Your party suffers Heat damage at the end of every turn (negated by Self-immolation) and will too when the Stone is destroyed.
The Hellhound enemies can be Stunned, Paralyzed (Quarterstaff's mass Halt by a fast character can come in handy) or put to Sleep (especially the one on the top, as it is not in the way to the Stone). Their Heat attacks can be negated by Self-Burning.
The Stone has 5k HP and is extremely resistant to magic, and reasonably resistant to all attack (to Slash attacks even slightly more so). Possibly have one character proficient with clubs: Comroon Hammer's special tech, Grand Buster, can be useful. Early on, Martial techs (like Dual Gunner) seem to deal the most damage against the Stone, so a Brawler of kinds might be welcomed. Also have least 3 characters with healing spells to try and keep yourselves in top shape at most times.
Location: Mt. Comroon (Comroon).
Walkthrough: 4: Comroon: More Volcano Trouble.
RUFFLE TREE [09E ラッフルツリー]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
31 | 29 | 14 | 18 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 20 | 12 | 16 | 8 | 8 | 4 | 16 | 16 | 32 |
Actions: 2 per turn (B then A)
A (x): Poisonous Blow x3, Ill Storm, Ultrasonic Wave (All) x4
B (x): Hypnosis x3, Bloodsuck, Gaze (Paralyze) x3, Suction
Techs & Spells:
・Poisonous Blow F9 ポイゾナスブロウ Dark+Water BL / Poison
・Ill Storm FA イルストーム Dark+Water STS Poison All
・Ultrasonic Wave (All) B3 超音波(全) Dark STS All
・Hypnosis AB 催眠 STS Sleep All / EVADE
・Bloodsuck B6 吸血 STS HP Drain
・Gaze (Paralyze) B5 凝視(マヒ) STS Paralyze
・Suction 21 サクション STS HP Drain
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Def & Immunities: STS / Sleep Poison.
It is a very tough enemy (lots of HP, cannot be Stunned or Paralyzed) if you come here early.
Use Airwave or Insta-kill it.
Location: Eirunep Tower (Salamat)
Walkthrough: 4: Salamat: Eirunep.
GUARDIAN [12F 守護者]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
31 | 15 | 40 | 17 | 17 | 17 | 10 | 77 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 80 | 80 | 80 | 80 |
Actions: 1 per turn (A only) | T1: Poison Mist
A (Claws 33): (Sword) x7, Poison Mist
Techs & Spells:
・(Sword) 00 通常(剣) SL CT
・Poison Mist BE 毒霧 STS All / Poison
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
If you are there early, attempt to Stun at every turn with several fast characters (especially at the first turn when a successful Poison Mist can be disastrous) and heal immediately if the Stunning fails.
You can also have one character at a highly target-able position (e.g. front in Imperial Cross) with Parry or a Counter to nullify most of his attacks.
Otherwise, Sword Barrier cancels most of his attacks.
Location: Eirunep Shrine (Salamat)
Walkthrough: 4: Salamat: Eirunep Shrine.
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
32 | 18 | 20 | 20 | 14 | 14 | 23 | 35 | 24 | 20 | 16 | 16 | 24 | 128 | 24 | 48 |
Actions: 2 per turn (A then B)
A (Claws 33): Twine Around x3, Cyclone Twist x2, Lightning, Prism Light, Arc Lightning
B (Claws 33): Cyclone Twist x4, Water Dance, Diamond Dust, Prism Light x2
Techs & Spells:
・Twine Around A6 巻きつき BL / Paralyze
・Cyclone Twist ED サイクロンスクィーズ Water+Wind STS / Stun
・Lightning EE 召雷 Water+Wind BO / All BO
・Prism Light F2 プリズムライト Light+Water STS All Confuse LV1
・Arc Lightning F3 アークサンダー Light+Earth BO / All BO
・Water Dance D1 水舞い Water 1P Buff (SL BL ST SH HE Def)
・Diamond Dust F1 ダイアモンドダスト Light+Water BL CO All
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
The Water Dragon has the lowest HP among all dragons but it is immune to all status ailments, plays twice per turn, and regens in Water (or Dark) environment: a very tough fight if you are here early.
Def & Immunities: BL BO STS / Mind.
Location: Sunken Tower (Salamat)
Walkthrough: 4: Salamat: Sunken Tower.
ROCBOUQUET 1 [11E ロックブーケ1]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
23 | 26 | 14 | 19 | 18 | 14 | 20 | 17 | 12 | 8 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 64 |
Actions: 1 per turn (A only)
A (Claws 11): Temptation (x3), Blades of Wind x2, HP Absorb, Horror, Dark Wash
Techs & Spells:
・Temptation 7B テンプテーション STS Charm All (Female immune) / EVADE
・Blades of Wind D8 ウインドカッター Wind SL SH
・HP Absorb DB 体力吸収 Wind None
・Horror E3 ホラー Dark STS Confuse LV3
・Dark Wash FD ダークスフィア Dark+Wind STS (ratio dmg)
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Def & Immunities: STS / Mind. Sword Barrier negates Blades of Wind.
Against Temptation: female recruits, invisible status, equipment with Mind immunity, and Classes (due to default items): Moles, Diviners (Remaster only), Coppelia. But the best luck would be to learn the corresponding Evade Tech during the battle, which you should actually aim at (possible while invisible but not if immune).
Location: Eirunep Tower, Sunken Tower (Salamat).
Walkthrough: 4: Salamat: Eirunep or Sunken Tower.
ROCBOUQUET 2 [11F ロックブーケ2]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
28 | 31 | 15 | 19 | 19 | 14 | 20 | 17 | 20 | 12 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 64 |
Actions: 1 per turn (A only)
A (Claws 11): Temptation x3, Horror, HP Absorb, Lightning x2, Dark Wash
Techs & Spells:
・Temptation 7B テンプテーション STS Charm All (Female immune) / EVADE
・Horror E3 ホラー Dark STS Confuse LV3
・HP Absorb DB 体力吸収 Wind None
・Lightning EE 召雷 Water+Wind BO / All BO
・Dark Wash FD ダークスフィア Dark+Wind STS (ratio dmg)
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
When Emperor's HP > 700, or when met in the Last Dungeon.
Def & Immunity: STS BO / Mind.
Def & Immunities: STS / Mind. Sword Barrier negates Blades of Wind.
Against Temptation: female recruits, invisible status, equipment with Mind immunity, and Classes (due to default items): Moles, Diviners (Remaster only), Coppelia. But the best luck would be to learn the corresponding Evade Tech during the battle, which you should actually aim at (possible while invisible but not if immune).
Location: Eirunep Tower, Sunken Tower, Last Dungeon.
Walkthrough: 4: Salamat: Eirunep and Sunken Tower, 4: Last Emperor: Last Dungeon.
SEKISHUSAI [12D セキシュウサイ]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
16 | 14 | 16 | 21 | 14 | 15 | 21 | 15 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 18 | 18 | 18 | 64 |
Actions: 1 per turn (A only)
A (Drachenbrand 22): Disarm x5, Stream Blade x3
Techs & Spells:
・Disarm 3D 無刀取り SL Counter
・Stream Blade 34 清流剣 SL CT / EVADE
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Use spells, or techs that cannot be countered.
Location: Castle Chonto (Jauda)
Walkthrough: 4: Jauda: Castle Chonto.
ICE DRAGON [101 氷竜]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
31 | 24 | 20 | 20 | 16 | 14 | 22 | 65 | 24 | 16 | 16 | 16 | 8 | 128 | 24 | 64 |
Actions: 1 per turn (B then A)
A (Claw 44): Kick x 2, Feral Pounce, Horn x4, Stomp
B (Claw 44): (Claws) x2, Frost (Single) x2, Frost (All) x3, Frigid Veil
Techs & Spells:
・Kick 95 キック BL CT
・Feral Pounce 27 ファングクラッシュ SL CT
・Horn 6E ツノ ST CT
・Stomp A7 ふみつけ BL / EVADE
・(Claws) 通常(爪) SL CT
・Frost (Single) BC 冷気(単) CO
・Frost (All) BD 冷気(全) CO All
・Frigid Veil フリーズバリア Water CO Self Counter
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Try to Stun and Madden at every turn. Sword Barrier vs. Claws, Feral Pounce.
Location: Floating Castle (Jauda), Snowdrifts (Frozen Sea).
Walkthrough: 4: Jauda: Floating Castle, 4: Last Emperor: Last Dungeon
WAGNAS 1 [114 ワグナス1]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
20 | 26 | 16 | 17 | 17 | 14 | 20 | 20 | 16 | 24 | 12 | 12 | 128 | 8 | 24 | 48 |
Actions: 1 per turn (A only)
A (Claws 44): Light Ball x2, Fireball, Psycho Shot, Self-immolation, Blades of Wind, Sunlight, Heat Wind
Techs & Spells:
・Light Ball DD ライトボール Light STS / Blind
・Fireball C9 ファイアーボール Fire HE / Fire LV21+ HE All
・Psycho Shot 6D サイコバインド STS / All STS / Paralyze
・Self-immolation CA セルフバーニング Fire Self HE Counter
・Blades of Wind D8 ウインドカッター Wind SL SH
・Sunlight DF 太陽光線 Light HE / Crit to Undead
・Heat Wind E9 熱風 Fire/Wind HE All / SPD -5
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Def & Immunities: STS HE / Darkness. Self-immolation can negate a good number of its attacks, including its own Self-Burning. Wall of Fire can negate some of them too, and makes a nice combo with fast formations like Rapid Stream if you don't have a fast caster. Sword Barrier negates Blades of Wind.
Location: Floating Castle (Jauda).
Walkthrough: 4: Jauda: Floating Castle.
WAGNAS 2 [115 ワグナス2]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
25 | 31 | 16 | 18 | 18 | 14 | 22 | 20 | 16 | 24 | 12 | 12 | 128 | 8 | 24 | 48 |
Actions: 1 per turn (A only)
A (Claws 44): Psycho Shot x2, Flame Whip x2, Prism Light, Light Ball, Fireball, Heat Wind, Firestorm
Techs & Spells:
・Psycho Shot 6D サイコバインド STS / All STS / Paralyze
・Flame Whip CB フレイムウィップ Fire HE / Paralyze
・Prism Light F2 プリズムライト Light+Water STS All Confuse LV1
・Light Ball DD ライトボール Light STS / Blind
・Fireball C9 ファイアーボール Fire HE / Fire LV21+ HE All
・Heat Wind E9 熱風 Fire/Wind HE All / SPD -5
・Firestorm EA ファイアストーム Fire+Wind HE All
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
When Emperor's HP > 700, or when met in the Last Dungeon.
Def/Immunities: STS HE / Darkness Paralysis Mind.
Wagnas 2 is also a pure mage: equip items with high STS & HE def, and items with adequate status ailment immunities; Salamander, Mole and Coppelia can do too! Self-immolation is extremely useful, and it will protect your characters against Fireball, Flame Whip, Heat Wind and Firestorm until the battle is over (Wagnas has no attack that could trigger it).
Location: Floating Castle (Jauda), Last Dungeon (Frozen Sea).
Walkthrough: 4: Jauda: Floating Castle, 4: Last Emperor: Last Dungeon
REAL QUEEN [119 リアルクィーン]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
23 | 26 | 17 | 16 | 18 | 19 | 22 | 25 | 16 | 16 | 12 | 12 | 32 | 4 | 32 | 48 |
Actions: 2 per turn (B then A)
A (Claws 22): Hypnotize x2, Gaze (Paralyze) x2, Poison Mist, Gaze (Charm), Gaze (Petrify) x2
B (Claws 22): Ultrasonic Wave (Single), Ultrasonic Wave (All) x3, Poison Mist x2, Pheromone x2
Techs & Spells:
・Hypnotize AB 催眠 STS Sleep All / EVADE
・Gaze (Paralyze) B5 凝視(マヒ) STS Paralyze
・Gaze (Charm) B4 凝視(魅了) STS Charm
・Gaze (Petrify) C3 凝視(石化) STS Petrify
・Poison Mist BE 毒霧 STS All / Poison
・Ultrasonic Wave (Single) B2 超音波(単) Dark STS
・Ultrasonic Wave (All) B3 超音波(全) Dark STS All
・Pheromone B1 フェロモン STS Charm FRow / EVADE
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Def & Immunities: STS / Mind Paralyze Poison.
Will attempt to Paralyze you, Seduce you, Poison you, Petrify you and put you to Sleep while hitting you with remote STS attacks.
Try to Stun at every turn. Hit hard: it is possibly a race against Petrification.
Location: Avalon (North Varennes).
Walkthrough: 4: Last Emperor: Home Infestation.
KZINSSIE 2 [10A クジンシー2]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
31 | 26 | 16 | 18 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 25 | 20 | 20 | 12 | 12 | 36 | 36 | 36 | 36 |
Actions: 2 per turn (B then A) | Target: Low HP
A (Claws 22): Life Steal x2, Ill Storm, Ghost Light, Horror, Frost (All), Frigid Veil, Soulsteal
B (Claws 22): (None) x2, Soulsteal x3, Cyclone, Frost (Single), Reaper Scythe
Techs & Spells:
・Life Steal 7D ライフスティール STS -1LP
・Ill Storm FA イルストーム Dark+Water STS Poison All
・Ghost Light F8 ゴーストライト Dark+Fire STS Charm
・Horror E3 ホラー Dark STS Confuse LV3
・Frost (All) BD 冷気(全) CO All
・Frigid Veil フリーズバリア Water CO Self Counter
・Soulsteal B8 ソウルスティール STS Death / EVADE
・Cyclone 24 カマイタチ SH Row
・Frost (Single) BC 冷気(単) CO
・Reaper Scythe B7 死神のカマ STS LP-1 / EVADE
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Def & Immunities: STS CO / Poison Mind. Kzinssie targets preferably your character with the lowest HP. Missile Guard negates Cyclone.
Location: Sealed Cave 2 (North Varennes), Last Dungeon (Frozen Sea).
Walkthrough: 4: Last Emperor: Sealed Cave and Last Dungeon
CYCLOPS [107 サイクロプス]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
24 | 10 | 33 | 18 | 14 | 16 | 22 | 50 | 18 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 48 |
Actions: 2 per turn (B then A)
A/B (x): (Punch) x8
Techs & Spells:
・(Punch) 0A パンチ BL CT
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Def: BL. Like most Giants, try to Stun at every turn.
Unfortunately does not drop anything. For endgame grinding? (2800 TP for 15000 HP.)
Location: Snowdrifts (Frozen Sea).
Walkthrough: 4: Last Emperor: Last Dungeon.
BATTLE OGRE [026 オーガバトラー]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
21 | 20 | 23 | 16 | 11 | 13 | 16 | 23 | 9 | 7 | 4 | 4 | 6 | 3 | 3 | 15 |
Actions: 1 per turn | Target: High HP
A (Silver Hammer 23): (Club) x8
B (Battle Hammer 16): (Club) x2, Headblow x3, Fissure Strike, Bonecrusher, Grand Slam
Techs & Spells:
・(Club) 03 通常(棍棒) BL CT
・Headblow 4F 脳天割り BL CT / Sleep / EVADE
・Fissure Strike 53 地裂撃 BL (Ground) / Behind / EVADE
・Bonecrusher 50 骨砕き BL CT / STR -3 / EVADE
・Grand Slam 54 グランドスラム BL (Ground) All / EVADE
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Def: BL.
Location: Maze of Memory: Red Labyrinth (South Longit)
Walkthrough: 2: South Longit: Maze of Memory: Red Labyrinth.
Actions: 2 per turn
A: (Claws), Kick, Feral Pounce, Horn, Stomp, Open Fist
B: (Claws), Heat Wind, Firestorm, Flame (Single), Flame (All)
Techs & Spells:
・(Claws) 通常(爪) SL CT
・Kick 95 キック BL CT
・Feral Pounce 27 ファングクラッシュ SL CT
・Horn 6E ツノ ST CT
・Stomp A7 ふみつけ BL / EVADE
・Open Fist 4D ぶちかまし BL All
・Heat Wind E9 熱風 Fire/Wind HE All / SPD -5
・Firestorm EA ファイアストーム Fire+Wind HE All
・Flame (Single) BA 火炎(単) HE
・Flame (All) BB 火炎(全) HE All
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Def: BL HE. Equip the Fire Circlets or Fire Rings you managed to find (Salamander does not need those), and items like Heavy / Harmonia Suit, Sevens Armor, Closed Helm..
Sword Barrier nullifies Claw and Feral Pounce. Or Gilden Shield (covers more attacks but less reliable).
Self-immolation can be a useful alternative to negate Fire attacks. Revive and Hasten Time are evidently a plus.
And hit it with all you have. Luck (RNG) is important too ; )
Location: Maze of Memory: Red Labyrinth (South Longit)
Walkthrough: 2: South Longit: Maze of Memory: Red Labyrinth.
LIZARD LORD [0F6 リザードロード]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
40 | 32 | 35 | 23 | 15 | 12 | 23 | 20 | 24 | 24 | 24 | 24 | 26 | 13 | 26 | 64 |
Actions: 1 per turn | Target: Low HP
A (Crescent Sword 19): (Sword), Moonfall Slash x2, Double Cut, Fillet, Whirlwind, Mach Blade, Vacuum Slash
B (x): Wracking x3, Poisonous Blow, Life Water, Horror, Dark Wash, Deadly Drive
Techs & Spells:
・(Sword) 00 通常(剣) SL CT
・Moonfall Slash 1D 落月破斬 SL SH
・Double Cut 11 二段斬り SL CT / EVADE
・Fillet 12 短冊斬り SL CT / EVADE
・Whirlwind 17 つむじ風 SH CT / Behind SH / EVADE
・Mach Blade 18 音速剣 SL / EVADE
・Vacuum slash 1A 真空斬り SL Behind / EVADE
・Wracking E2 ペイン Dark None / Stun
・Poisonous Blow F9 ポイゾナスブロウ Dark+Water BL / Poison
・Life Water CE 生命の水 Water STS 1P
・Horror E3 ホラー Dark STS Confuse LV3
・Dark Wash FD ダークスフィア Dark+Wind STS (ratio dmg)
・Deadly Drive E5 デッドリードライブ Dark None All Debuff (all stats for 1 action)
BASILISK [0F2 バジリスク]
Name Class Rank (EV) (Race) | HP / TP / Element / Special Weak- / Strong+ Immunities | Item Drop: Normal Rare |
Basilisk 0F2 バジリスク Reptile 12 (1350) (Reptile) | 993 HP / 369 TP ST SH- / SL+ BO+++ | 29 x x |
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
29 | 23 | 15 | 14 | 15 | 12 | 13 | 12 | 14 | 10 | 8 | 8 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 48 |
Actions: 1 per turn
A (Claws 16): Kick x2, Charge x4, Gaze (Petrify) x2
B (Claws 22): Hypnotize x2, Gaze (Paralyze) x2, Poison Mist, Gaze (Charm), Gaze (Petrify) x2
Techs & Spells:
・Kick 95 キック BL CT
・Charge 62 チャージ ST CT / EVADE
・Gaze (Petrify) C3 凝視(石化) STS Petrify
・Hypnotize AB 催眠 STS Sleep All / EVADE
・Gaze (Paralyze) B5 凝視(マヒ) STS Paralyze
・Poison Mist BE 毒霧 STS All / Poison
・Gaze (Charm) B4 凝視(魅了) STS Charm
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Battle vs. Lizardlord x1 + Basilisk x3 on Blue Labyrinth 8F to help the merchant.
Def / Immunities: SL (BL ST) / Poison Mind.
Defeat the Basilisks ASAP to avoid eventual total Petrification (Trip with a fast character if you are here early to give yourself more time). Sword Barrier will cancel most of the Lizardlord's attacks, but it may be more efficient to go all out and kill it ASAP too (or Stun / Paralyze / Insta-kill if you come early).
Location: Maze of Memory: Blue Labyrinth (South Longit).
Walkthrough: 2: South Longit: Maze of Memory: Blue Labyrinth.
Actions: 2 per turn
A: (Claws), Kick, Feral Pounce, Horn, Stomp, Open Fist
B: (Claws), Frigid Veil, Cyclone Twist, Frost (Single), Frost (All)
Techs & Spells:
・(Claws) 通常(爪) SL CT
・Kick 95 キック BL CT
・Feral Pounce 27 ファングクラッシュ SL CT
・Horn 6E ツノ ST CT
・Stomp A7 ふみつけ BL / EVADE
・Open Fist 4D ぶちかまし BL All
・Frigid Veil フリーズバリア Water CO Self Counter
・Cyclone Twist ED サイクロンスクィーズ Water+Wind STS / Stun
・Frost (Single) BC 冷気(単) CO
・Frost (All) BD 冷気(全) CO All
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Def: BL CO (STS). Equip the Water Rings you managed to find (Nereid and Iris do not need those) and possibly Earth Rings, and items like Heavy / Harmonia Suit, Sevens Armor, Closed Helm..
Sword Barrier nullifies Claw and Feral Pounce. Or Gilden Shield (covers more attacks but less reliable).
Revive and Hasten Time are evidently a plus.
And hit it with all you have. Luck (RNG) is important too ; )
Location: Maze of Memory: Blue Labyrinth (South Longit).
Walkthrough: 2: South Longit: Maze of Memory: Blue Labyrinth.
ANCIENT GOBLIN [Re: むかしゴブリン]
Actions: 1 per turn (A only / B after Final Strike)
A: (Sword), Knee Split, Double Cut, Fillet, [Mach Blade / Final Strike]
B: (Punch), Kick, Counter
Techs & Spells:
・(Sword) 00 通常(剣) SL CT
・Knee Split 0F なぎ払い SL CT / EVADE
・Double Cut 11 二段斬り SL CT / EVADE
・Fillet 12 短冊斬り SL CT / EVADE
・Mach Blade 18 音速剣 SL / EVADE
・Final Strike 0B ファイナルストライク SL HE / All SL SH / EVADE
・(Punch) 0A パンチ BL CT
・Kick 95 キック BL CT
・Counter 97 カウンター BL
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Ancient Goblin appears in two battles: vs. Ancient Goblin v1 x4 at F3, and vs. Boss Goblin + Ancient Goblin v2 x4 at F7.
Ancient Goblin v2 has more HP and Final Strike instead of Mach Blade. Several Final Strikes during the same turn may mean Game Over, but this is the perfect place to learn the corresponding Evade tech (if you care).
Location: Maze of Memory: Green Labyrinth (South Longit).
Walkthrough: 2: South Longit: Maze of Memory: Green Labyrinth.
BOSS GOBLIN [Re: おやぶんゴブリン]
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Name Class Rank (EV) (Race) | HP / TP / Element / Special Weak- / Strong+ Immunities | Item Drop: Normal Rare |
Boss Goblin [Re:] おやぶんゴブリン Special (fixed) (Beastman) | 2645 HP / 1200 TP ST SH CO BO- | Goblin Sword Elder Bow |
Actions: 1 per turn (A only / B after Final Strike)
A: (Sword), Knee Split, Double Cut, Fillet, Final Strike
B: (Punch), Kick, Counter
Techs & Spells:
・(Sword) 00 通常(剣) SL CT
・Knee Split 0F なぎ払い SL CT / EVADE
・Double Cut 11 二段斬り SL CT / EVADE
・Fillet 12 短冊斬り SL CT / EVADE
・Final Strike 0B ファイナルストライク SL HE / All SL SH / EVADE
・(Punch) 0A パンチ BL CT
・Kick 95 キック BL CT
・Counter 97 カウンター BL
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Battle vs. Boss Goblin + Ancient Goblin v2 x4. Several Final Strikes during the same turn may mean Game Over, but this is the perfect place to learn the corresponding Evade tech (if you care). Sword Barrier can be useful.
Location: Maze of Memory: Green Labyrinth (South Longit).
Walkthrough: 2: South Longit: Maze of Memory: Green Labyrinth.
EVIL MEMORY [Re: 邪の記憶]
Actions: 2 per turn
A: (Claws), Kick, Feral Pounce, Horn, Stomp, Open Fist
B: (Claws), Lightning, Lightning (H), Thunder Volt
Techs & Spells:
・(Claws) 通常(爪) SL CT
・Kick 95 キック BL CT
・Feral Pounce 27 ファングクラッシュ SL CT
・Horn 6E ツノ ST CT
・Stomp A7 ふみつけ BL / EVADE
・Open Fist 4D ぶちかまし BL All
・Lightning EE 召雷 Water+Wind BO / All BO
・Lightning (H) BF 電撃 BO Horizontal
・Thunder Volt 6B サンダーボルト BO All
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Def: BL BO. Equip the Wind Rings you managed to find, possibly coupled with Rubber Soles, and items like Heavy / Harmonia Suit, Sevens Armor, Closed Helm..
Sword Barrier nullifies Claw and Feral Pounce. Or Gilden Shield (covers more attacks but less reliable).
Revive and Hasten Time are evidently a plus.
And hit it with all you have. Luck (RNG) is important too ; )
Location: Maze of Memory: Green Labyrinth (South Longit).
Walkthrough: 2: South Longit: Maze of Memory: Green Labyrinth.
Actions: 2 per turn (A then B)
A: (Claws), Paralysis Claw, Terror Voice, Ultrasonic Wave (All), Cyclone
B: Poison Strike, Horn, Blade Net, Gaze (Charm), Bloodsuck, Reaper Scythe, Hell Claw, Swarm?.
Techs & Spells:
・(Claws) 通常(爪) SL CT
・Paralysis Claw C7 マヒ爪 SL CT / Paralyze
・Terror Voice B0 テラーボイス STS All Confuse LV1 / EVADE
・Ultrasonic Wave (All) B3 超音波(全) Dark STS All
・Cyclone 24 カマイタチ SH Row
・Poison Strike C6 毒撃 SL CT Poison
・Horn 6E ツノ ST CT
・Blade Net 26 ブレードネット SL SH
・Gaze (Charm) B4 凝視(魅了) STS Charm
・Bloodsuck B6 吸血 STS HP Drain
・Reaper Scythe B7 死神のカマ STS LP-1 / EVADE
・Hell Claw C5 地獄爪殺法 SL FRow CT / Poison / EVADE
・Swarm 23 スウォーム SL SH All
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Def & Immunities: STS / Mind. If unprepared against Hell Claw / Cyclone, avoid vertical formations.
Lust Liquor, like most Giants, is fortunately susceptible to Stun (Feint it).
Sword Barrier negates most of his attacks (Claw, Paralysis Claw, Hell Claw, Poison Strike and Blade Net); Missile Shield cancels Cyclone. You can possibly use this battle to learn a couple of Evade skills.
Location: Maze of Memory: Black Labyrinth (South Longit).
Walkthrough: 2: South Longit: Maze of Memory: Black Labyrinth.
Actions: 2 per turn (A then B)
A: (Claws), Kick, Feral Pounce, Horn, Stomp, Open Fist
B: (Claws), Bloodsuck, Poison Mist, Sunspot Destroyer, Hell Claw
Techs & Spells:
・(Claws) 通常(爪) SL CT
・Kick 95 キック BL CT
・Feral Pounce 27 ファングクラッシュ SL CT
・Horn 6E ツノ ST CT
・Stomp A7 ふみつけ BL / EVADE
・Open Fist 4D ぶちかまし BL All
・Bloodsuck B6 吸血 STS HP Drain
・Poison Mist BE 毒霧 STS All / Poison
・Sunspot Destroyer CC 黒点破 Light STS LP-1
・Hell Claw C5 地獄爪殺法 SL FRow CT / Poison / EVADE
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Def: BL STS. Equip the Earth Rings you managed to find, and items like Heavy / Harmonia Suit, Sevens Armor, Closed Helm..
Sword Barrier wards against Claw, Hell Claw and Feral Pounce. Or Gilden Shield (covers more attacks but less reliable).
Revive and Hasten Time are evidently a plus.
And hit it with all you have. Luck (RNG) is important too ; )
Location: Maze of Memory: Black Labyrinth (South Longit).
Walkthrough: 2: South Longit: Maze of Memory: Black Labyrinth.
DREAD QUEEN 1-2 [Re: ドレッドクイーン1-2]
Actions: 2 per turn
A: Bonecrusher, Twinstrike, Halt, Full Flat
B: Poison Mist, Hypnotize, Terror Voice, Pheromone
A: Corkscrew, Wracking, Ultrasonic Wave (Single), Cyclone Twist
B: Whirlwind, Hell Claw, Swarm
Techs & Spells:
・Bonecrusher 50 骨砕き BL CT / STR -3 / EVADE
・Twinstrike 52 ダブルヒット BL CT / EVADE
・Halt 59 動くな STS Paralyze All
・Full Flat 56 フルフラット BL CT / Death / Re: EVADE
・Poison Mist BE 毒霧 STS All / Poison
・Hypnotize AB 催眠 STS Sleep All / EVADE
・Terror Voice B0 テラーボイス STS All Confuse LV1 / EVADE
・Pheromone B1 フェロモン STS Charm FRow / EVADE
・Corkscrew 9B コークスクリュー BL CT / EVADE
・Wracking E2 ペイン Dark None / Stun
・Ultrasonic Wave (Single) B2 超音波(単) Dark STS
・Cyclone Twist ED サイクロンスクィーズ Water+Wind STS / Stun
・Whirlwind 17 つむじ風 SH CT / Behind SH / EVADE
・Hell Claw C5 地獄爪殺法 SL FRow CT / Poison / EVADE
・Swarm 23 スウォーム SL SH All
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Def & Immunities: BL STS / Mind Poison Sleep Paralyze. Equip armors like Sevens Armor, Hydra Suit, Harmonia Suit, Avalonian Robe.., add the Earth Rings you have (note that they grant also HP regen in Earth environment), and complete the set with Darkstone Ring, Somon Ring, Intaglio Ring, Rainbow Cap, Candy Ring.. depending on the character. Moles and Diviners have a very convenient default Mind immunity, and Ninjas, Iris and Nereid's non-removable default equipments have a good STS def.
Magic shields: Sword Barrier nullifies Hell Claw, Swarm (or Gilden Shield can evade Bonecrusher, Twinstrike, Full Flat, Swarm..); Missile Guard cancels Whirlwind.
Reviver is obviously helpful. Note that Hasten Time cannot be used (countered by Dread Queen).
Evade Skills are a plus, but they are not compulsory at all.
All in all these are two very straightforward battles: set up your shields and Reviver, buffs and debuffs, and hit the bug while keeping the party in top shape, which is rather easy since most of the AoE attacks are ineffective or weak.
Location: Maze of Memory: Yellow Labyrinth (South Longit).
Walkthrough: 2: South Longit: Maze of Memory (Yellow Labyrinth).
VICTOR (GHOST) [Re: ヴィクトールの亡霊]
Actions: 1 per turn
A: Stream Blade, Surging Slice, Lightning
Techs & Spells:
・Stream Blade 34 清流剣 SL CT / EVADE
・Surging Slice 39 一刀両断 SL CT / Insta-death
・Lightning EE 召雷 Water+Wind BO / All BO
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Sword Barrier negates Stream Blade and Surging Slice. High BO Def (Rubber Soles, Wind Ring) vs. Lightning.
Location: Avalon (North Varennes).
Walkthrough: Last Emperor: Victor's Ghost.
SEVEN HEROES [133-139 七英雄]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
36 | 26 | 19 | 35 | 16 | 14 | 16-23 | 77 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 36 | 24 | 24 | 36 |
Weapons: Claws (22) / Claws (22)
Actions: 2-7 per turn | (Kzinssie) & (Bokhohn): Target Low HP
A: Temptation x4, Blades of Wind, HP Absorb, Dark Wash, Ghost Light
A: Lightning (H) x2, Cyclone Twist x3, Tentacle (Weak) x2, Tentacle (Strong)
A: Mach Blade, Whirlwind x2, Cyclone x2, Flowing Slash x2, Lightning Slash
B: Astral Gate x2, Flowing Slash x2, Waterfowl Blade x2, Lunar Blade x2
A: Marionette x2, Bonecrusher x3, Feint, Halt, Full Flat
B: Marionette x4, Twinstrike, Hypnotize x3
A: Wracking x2, Ghost Light x2, Soulsteal x2, Poisonous Blow x2
B: Frost (All) x2, Ill Storm x2, Horror, Frigid Veil, Suction
A: Flame Whip x3, Blades of Wind, Psycho Shot x3, Hellfire
B: Heat Wind x3, Ghost Light, Psycho Shot x3, Flame Whip
A: Horn, Charge x2, Skewer, Tackle x2, Stomp x2
B: Kick, Ki Blast, Twinstrike, Skewer, Stone Shower x2, Sharp Thrust, Tackle
Spe: Vortex, Abyss Gate, Maelstrom
Techs & Spells:
・Temptation 7B テンプテーション STS Charm All (Female immune) / EVADE
・Blades of Wind D8 ウインドカッター Wind SL SH
・HP Absorb DB 体力吸収 Wind None
・Dark Wash FD ダークスフィア Dark+Wind STS (ratio dmg)
・Ghost Light F8 ゴーストライト Dark+Fire STS Charm
・Lightning EE 召雷 Water+Wind BO / All BO
・Cyclone Twist ED サイクロンスクィーズ Water+Wind STS / Stun
・Tentacle (Weak) AC 触手(弱) BL CT
・Tentacle (Strong) AD 触手(強) BL CT
・Mach Blade 18 音速剣 SL / EVADE
・Whirlwind 17 つむじ風 SH CT / Behind SH / EVADE
・Cyclone 24 カマイタチ SH Row
・Flowing Slash 32 流し斬り SL CT / STR -5 / EVADE
・Lightning EE 召雷 Water+Wind BO / All BO Slash
・Astral Gate C0 アストラルゲート STS Confuse LV3 + Mist Cover
・Waterfowl Blade 2F 水鳥剣 SL FRow / EVADE
・Lunar Blade 38 月影 CO All
・Marionette 73 マリオネット STS / EVADE
・Bonecrusher 50 骨砕き BL CT / STR -3 / EVADE
・Feint 70 フェイント STS Stun CT / EVADE
・Halt 59 動くな STS Paralyze All
・Full Flat 56 フルフラット BL CT / Death / Re: EVADE
・Twinstrike 52 ダブルヒット BL CT / EVADE
・Hypnotize AB 催眠 STS Sleep All / EVADE
・Wracking E2 ペイン Dark None / Stun
・Soulsteal B8 ソウルスティール STS Death / EVADE
・Poisonous Blow F9 ポイゾナスブロウ Dark+Water BL / Poison
・Frost (All) BD 冷気(全) CO All
・Ill Storm FA イルストーム Dark+Water STS Poison All
・Horror E3 ホラー Dark STS Confuse LV3
・Frigid Veil フリーズバリア Water CO Self Counter
・Suction 21 サクション STS HP Drain
・Flame Whip CB フレイムウィップ Fire HE / Paralyze
・Psycho Shot 6D サイコバインド STS / All STS / Paralyze
・Hellfire F7 ヘルファイア Dark+Fire HE CO
・Heat Wind E9 熱風 Fire/Wind HE All / SPD -5
・Horn 6E ツノ ST CT
・Charge 62 チャージ ST CT / EVADE
・Skewer 61 くし刺し ST SH CT / Behind ST / EVADE
・Tackle A5 体当たり BL CT / Stun
・Stomp A7 ふみつけ BL / EVADE
・Kick 95 キック BL CT
・Ki Blast 9A 気弾 BL / EVADE
・Stone Shower D6 ストーンシャワー Earth BL All
・Sharp Thrust 65 一文字突き ST CT / Behind ST SH / EVADE
・Vortex FE ヴォーテクス STS: cancels personal magic shields ALL
・Abyss Gate C1 アビスゲート STS
・Maelstrom C2 メイルシュトローム Dark CO All
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
- Formation: Rapid Stream, Amazon Strike, Goblin Attack..
- Immunity: Mind, via items (Somon Ring, Darkstone Ring, Intaglio Ring) or class (Diviner, Mole).
- Balanced Def. See the Items section to make your pick carefully (most item def values are invisible).
- Important Evades: Temptation (for Males only, alternatively equip an item with Mind immunity), Soulsteal, then add what you have among (arguably in that order): Stomp, Twinstrike, Full Flat, Bonecrusher, Ki Blast, Charge, Skewer, Sharp Thrust, Hypnotize. (Sword Barrier will take care of the SL attacks; Missile Shield of the mono-SH attack Cyclone.)
- Techs: Dark Blade, (Reverse Delta, but mind turn order in Remaster), Nutcracker, Divine Lancer + Triumvirate, Eulogy, Izuna, Guanyin. Offensive spells: Crimson Flare (COS+PY) or Galactic Rift (COS).
- Spells (Def & Buffs): Sword Barrier (COS) or Gilden Shield (TE), Missile Shield (AE), Faerie Glow (AE+COS) for your Martial Arts user, Gilden Strength (TE), Reviver (PY), Elixir (HY+TE), and possibly Air Screen (AE), Water Dance (HY) - i.e. Martial Artist with PY+AE+COS, attack mage with PY+TE/AE+COS, and depending on affinities (PY/HY bonus): healing characters with HY(Elixir)+TE+COS, the rest with PY(Reviver)+TE+COS. If you have unlocked Umbrology and prefer focusing on damage, Shadow Servant will considerably shorten the battle.
- Have Liberty Staff and/or Sage Rod equipped on a character with high MAG to Heal All if in a pinch.
- You should consider characters with special equipment, that makes them immune to a particular type of damage or status ailment (Iris & Nereid: CO, marvellous vs. Maelstrom, Salamander: HE, Mole & Diviner: Mind, Coppelia: high CO BO def + various status immunities).
- Note that this is an arguably ideal set-up, in no way compulsory: it is entirely possible (verging on easier ; ) to defeat the Seven Heroes with the limited techs, spells and equipment that go with a low Battle Count.
Battle Flow:
A slightly changed Rocbouquet comes at you first. Set up your barriers and buffs right from the start: you might just do that while the fight is easy; the buffs will last for the whole battle (unless your character goes down ofc) but the individual barriers will be cancelled at the beginning of the last phase by an enemy spell.
6000 dmg later, Subier joins the fray.
6000 dmg later, Noel appears.
Then Bokhohn, Dantarg, Kzinssie, Wagnas join in random order, one at a time, every time you bring the newcomer's HP (6000 each) to zero.
Every time a new Hero appears, they get one additional attack per turn until the Seven Heroes are all there, which means that when there are 6 Heroes, they get 6 actions per turn. But when the 7th appears, their number of actions will actually depend on your Total Battle Count, which means that if you have played normally (no grinding), there are high odds that at that last stage they will get a lot fewer attacks than previously (i.e. as few as 2 actions per turn).
The last phase starts with Vortex (which removes your characters' individual magic shields), Abyss Gate & Astral Gate, which can Confuse heavily and make Invisible the Gated character (which can be quite troublesome: Mind immunity is useful here).
While Abyss Gate is active, the Seven Heroes regen 999 HP per turn. It can be cancelled by Cosmology spells but Abyss/Astral Gate will trigger again. A very troublesome special move in that state is Maelstrom, preceded by a possible Vortex.
The Seven Heroes have now 65535 HP: keep yourselves healed and hit them with what you have at your disposal. If you have a low battle count, it should be long(er) but easy if you have the Temptation Ward.
If you have a high battle count, you have top defensive and offensive spells and techs, and it should be all right too, haha.
Broken alternative: Rapid Stream + Hasten Time (HY) at every turn (last phase) to seal off the enemy completely.
Location: Frozen Sea: Snowdrifts: Den of Umbrage
Walkthrough: 4: Last Emperor: Last Dungeon.
If you do not grind at all (grinding is only necessary if you want to unlock all spells and / or all R&D), chances are you will never meet the following monsters. But if you decide to grind to gain access to all these cool spells and items, you are bound to grind a lot and see a lot of them! Up to you, then, to make the most of it and choose the best match for your party to deal with efficiently. You might also want to consider the monsters' possible drops, some being really nice.
How to deal with top mob monsters?
Top mob monsters are mini-bosses in their own rights, some with more than 10k HP and very powerful attacks. Some, with a strong party, you can dispatch in one attack; but the point, unless you have already reached the Last Generation, is to secure safe-ish time to use plenty of different weapons and magics so that most of your MLVs can benefit from the large Technical Points boost these enemies provide upon defeat.
General pointers: If status ailments work, use this to your advantage: it makes the battles much easier. If the enemy's STS Def is too high, possibly use Invisibility (why? see this section) or Hasten Time. Or prepare accordingly (Def, Immunities).
Evidently, if you do not care about MLVs, you needn't know anything about your enemies: just use Rapid Stream and your best skills to dispatch them in one turn.
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Name Class Rank (EV) (Race) | HP / TP / Element / Special Weak- / Strong+ Immunities | Item Drop: Normal Rare |
Bane Serpent 0AE ベインサーペント Aquatic 16 (1825) (Aquatic) | 4355 HP / 1711 TP / Water BL+ HE+++ Stun | 41 x x |
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
41 | 27 | 22 | 12 | 17 | 19 | 18 | 24 | 16 | 20 | 15 | 15 | 32 | 16 | 16 | 16 |
Actions: 1 per turn (alternates A/B)
A (Claws 22): (Claws), Twine Around x2, Feral Pounce x4, Poison Liquid,
B (Claws 33): Phlegm, Feral Pounce x2, Tackle x3, Bonecrusher, Fissure Strike.
Techs & Spells:
・(Claws) 通常(爪) SL CT
・Twine Around A6 巻きつき BL / Paralyze
・Feral Pounce 27 ファングクラッシュ SL CT
・Poison Liquid 94 毒液 STS CT
・Phlegm AF 粘液 SH / SPD down by [MA LV/4]+1
・Tackle A5 体当たり BL CT
・Bonecrusher 50 骨砕き BL CT / STR -3 / EVADE
・Fissure Strike 53 地裂撃 BL (Ground) / Behind / EVADE
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Bane Serpent is susceptible to all status ailments except Stun.
Sword Barrier vs. Claws & Feral Claws. BL (STS) Def against the rest.
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
42 | 31 | 21 | 16 | 18 | 16 | 19 | 30 | 24 | 18 | 20 | 20 | 64 | 64 | 64 | 96 |
Actions: 2 per turn (A then B)
A (x): Light Ball x2, Cyclone Twist, Lightning x2, Diamond Dust x3
B (x): Hypnosis x2, Gaze (Paralyze) x2, Poison Mist, Gaze (Charm), Gaze (Petrify) x2.
Techs & Spells:
・Light Ball DD ライトボール Light STS All / Blind ・Cyclone Twist ED サイクロンスクィーズ Water+Wind STS / Stun
・Lightning EE 召雷 Water+Wind BO / All BO
・Diamond Dust F1 ダイアモンドダスト Light+Water BL CO All
・Hypnosis AB 催眠 STS Sleep All / EVADE
・Gaze (Paralyze) B5 凝視(マヒ) STS Paralyze
・Poison Mist BE 毒霧 STS All / Poison
・Gaze (Charm) B4 凝視(魅了) STS Charm
・Gaze (Petrify) C3 凝視(石化) STS Petrify
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Gluttonous Ogre can be Stunned, put to Sleep or Poisoned (high STS Def: use Invisibility).
Have good STS Def, and possible immunity vs. Mind, Sleep, Poison, Paralysis, Blindness.
This guy is bad news, kill ASAP.
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
41 | 32 | 15 | 15 | 17 | 18 | 16 | 30 | 14 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 128 | 128 | 128 | 128 |
Actions: 2 per turn (B then A)
A (Claws 22): Horror x3, Hellfire, HP Absorb, Ghost Light, Ill Storm, Lifesteal
B (Claws 22): Fireball x4, Heat Wind x2, Flame Whip, Firestorm
Techs & Spells:
・Horror E3 ホラー Dark STS Confuse LV3
・Hellfire F7 ヘルファイア Dark+Fire HE CO
・HP Absorb DB 体力吸収 Wind None
・Ghost Light F8 ゴーストライト Dark+Fire STS Charm
・Ill Storm FA イルストーム Dark+Water STS Poison All
・Life Steal 7D ライフスティール STS -1LP
・Fireball C9 ファイアーボール Fire HE / Fire LV21+ HE All
・Heat Wind E9 熱風 Fire/Wind HE All / SPD -5
・Flame Whip CB フレイムウィップ Fire HE / Paralyze
・Firestorm EA ファイアストーム Fire+Wind HE All
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Insect Queen is immune to magic damage, and can be Stunned, put to Sleep or Poisoned (use Invisibility).
Good STS & HE Def are a definitive plus. Mind immunity helps.
DEMON: DIABLO [04F ディアブロ]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
42 | 34 | 22 | 18 | 12 | 13 | 20 | 30 | 20 | 16 | 18 | 18 | 32 | 64 | 32 | 99 |
Actions: 2 per turn (A then B)
A (Claws 33): Poison Strike, Bloodsuck, Horn, Gaze (Charm), Hell Claw, Blade Net, Reaper Scythe, Swarm
B (Claws 33): Hellfire x3, Poison Mist, Stone Shower, Cyclone x2, Reaper Scythe.
Cast Missile Guard (vs. Cyclone). Mind immunity can be helpful. Drops: Vorpal Axe / Vorpal Sword.
Techs & Spells:
・Poison Strike C6 毒撃 SL CT Poison
・Bloodsuck B6 吸血 STS HP Drain
・Horn 6E ツノ ST CT
・Gaze (Charm) B4 凝視(魅了) STS Charm
・Hell Claw C5 地獄爪殺法 SL FRow CT / Poison / EVADE
・Blade Net 26 ブレードネット SL SH
・Reaper Scythe B7 死神のカマ STS LP-1 / EVADE
・Swarm 23 スウォーム SL SH All
・Hellfire F7 ヘルファイア Dark+Fire HE CO
・Poison Mist BE 毒霧 STS All / Poison
・Stone Shower D6 ストーンシャワー Earth BL All
・Cyclone 24 カマイタチ SH Row
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Diablo is susceptible to all status ailments except Stun and Horror (very high STS def: use Invisibility).
Sword Barrier negates all SL attacks; Missile Shield vs. Cyclone; good BL & STS Def against the rest.
FISH: ALBION [088 アルビオン]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
43 | 23 | 20 | 20 | 14 | 12 | 18 | 15 | 21 | 16 | 19 | 18 | 32 | 32 | 32 | 32 |
Actions: 2 per turn (B then A)
A (Claws 16): Horn x3, Double Stab x2, Skewer, Charge, Mega Thrust
B (Claws 16): Poisonous Blow x2, Cyclone Twist x2, Water Dance, Thunder Volt, Maelstrom x2.
Def: ST, BO. Drops: x / Panacea.
Techs & Spells:
・Horn 6E ツノ ST CT
・Double Stab 5F 二段突き ST CT / EVADE
・Skewer 61 くし刺し SL SH CT / Behind ST / EVADE
・Charge 62 チャージ ST CT / EVADE
・Mega Thrust 76 乱れ突き ST / EVADE
・Poisonous Blow F9 ポイゾナスブロウ Dark+Water BL / Poison
・Cyclone Twist ED サイクロンスクィーズ Water+Wind STS / Stun
・Water Dance D1 水舞い Water 1P Buff (SL BL ST SH HE Def)
・Thunder Volt 6B サンダーボルト BO All
・Maelstrom C2 メイルシュトローム Dark CO All
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Albion can be Stunned, Poisoned or put to Sleep.
Incidentally the best enemy to spark top Weapon Skills.
FLYING: FORGE WYRM [03F フォージウィルム]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
39 | 37 | 25 | 19 | 15 | 14 | 23 | 50 | 16 | 14 | 13 | 13 | 128 | 0 | 20 | 30 |
Actions: 1 per turn, A only | T1: Flame (All)
A (Claws 22): Kick x2, Feral Pounce, Horn x4, Stomp
Techs & Spells:
・Kick 95 キック BL CT
・Feral Pounce 27 ファングクラッシュ SL CT
・Horn 6E ツノ ST CT
・Stomp A7 ふみつけ BL / EVADE
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Forge Wyrm is susceptible to Blind, Stun, Sleep, Poison, Mind attacks. Bad coding must prevent it from using its B-set (Claws x2, Flame (Single) x2, Flame (All) x4), resulting in a top enemy rather easy to deal with (ibid. with Snow Wyrm, btw).
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
39 | 39 | 14 | 18 | 15 | 15 | 18 | 10 | 24 | 24 | 24 | 24 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 10 |
Actions: 1 per turn (alternates A/B)
A (x): Hypnosis, Ghost Light x2, Terror Voice x2, Ultrasonic Wave (All), Deadly Drive x2
B (Claws 22): (Claws) x2, Frost (All) x3, Frigid Veil, Frost (Single).
Techs & Spells:
・Hypnosis AB 催眠 STS Sleep All / EVADE
・Ghost Light F8 ゴーストライト Dark+Fire STS Charm
・Terror Voice B0 テラーボイス STS All Confuse LV1 / EVADE
・Ultrasonic Wave (All) B3 超音波(全) Dark STS All
・Deadly Drive E5 デッドリードライブ Dark None All Debuff (all stats for 1 action)
・(Claws) 通常(爪) SL CT
・Frost (All) BD 冷気(全) CO All
・Frigid Veil フリーズバリア Water CO Self Counter ・Frost (Single) BC 冷気(単) CO
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Fear is susceptible to Stun, Insta-Death, Pressure. High STS & CO Def and Mind Immunity are helpful.
HUMAN: MYSTIC [0DF ミスティック]
![]() |
Name Class Rank (EV) (Race) | HP / TP / Element / Special Weak- / Strong+ Immunities | Item Drop: Normal Rare |
Mystic 0DF ミスティック Human 16 (1825) (Human) | 3333 HP / 1819 TP SL+ STS++ | 42 Magician's Boots Twilight Robe |
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
42 | 30 | 20 | 21 | 20 | 20 | 23 | 20 | 25 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 32 |
Actions: 1 per turn (alternates A/B)
A (x): (Punch) x2, Ki Meditation, Paralysis, Ki Blast x3, Corkscrew
B (x): Fireball x4, Self-Immolation x2, Flame Whip x2.
Techs & Spells:
・(Punch) 0A パンチ BL CT
・Ki Meditation 99 集気法 STS Self
・Paralysis 9C 不動金しばり STS / EVADE
・Ki Blast 9A 気弾 BL / EVADE
・Corkscrew 9B コークスクリュー BL CT / EVADE
・Fireball C9 ファイアーボール Fire HE / Fire LV21+ HE All
・Self-immolation CA セルフバーニング Fire HE Self Counter
・Flame Whip CB フレイムウィップ Fire HE / Paralyze
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Mystic is a Fire Martial Artist! fortunately susceptible to all status ailments: Paralyze him with a fast character.
His rare drop is a nice Twilight Robe.
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
35 | 32 | 16 | 12 | 18 | 19 | 14 | 40 | 16 | 128 | 12 | 12 | 6 | 6 | 128 | 48 |
Actions: 1 per turn (alternates A/B)
A (x): Cyclone Twist x4, Water Dance, Diamond Dust, Prism Light x2
B (x): Wracking x3, Poisonous Blow, Life Water, Horror, Dark Wash, Deadly Drive.
Techs & Spells:
・Cyclone Twist ED サイクロンスクィーズ Water+Wind STS / Stun
・Water Dance D1 水舞い Water 1P Buff (SL BL ST SH HE Def)
・Diamond Dust F1 ダイアモンドダスト Light+Water BL CO All
・Prism Light F2 プリズムライト Light+Water STS All Confuse LV1 ・Wracking E2 ペイン Dark None / Stun
・Poisonous Blow F9 ポイゾナスブロウ Dark+Water BL / Poison
・Life Water CE 生命の水 Water STS 1P
・Horror E3 ホラー Dark STS Confuse LV3
・Dark Wash FD ダークスフィア Dark+Wind STS (ratio dmg)
・Deadly Drive E5 デッドリードライブ Dark None All Debuff (all stats for 1 action)
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Gold Baum naturally regenerates HP every turn. It is susceptible to Air Pressure attacks and Insta-death, but immune to Blunt and Bolt dmg. Not difficult, although several Prism Lights can be a problem. Nice rare drop (Rainbow Cap).
INSECT: KAISER ANT [06F カイザーアント]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
41 | 38 | 18 | 18 | 12 | 11 | 19 | 25 | 24 | 14 | 18 | 18 | 24 | 2 | 18 | 36 |
Actions: 2 per turn (B then A)
A (Crescent Sword 19): (Sword), Moonfall Slash x2, Double Cut, Fillet, Whirlwind, Mach Blade, Vacuum Slash
B (Claws 33): Swarm x3, Double Cut, Cyclone x2, Stomp, Reaper Scythe.
Techs & Spells:
・(Sword) 00 通常(剣) SL CT
・Moonfall Slash 1D 落月破斬 SL SH
・Double Cut 11 二段斬り SL CT / EVADE
・Fillet 12 短冊斬り SL CT / EVADE
・Whirlwind 17 つむじ風 SH CT / Behind SH / EVADE
・Mach Blade 18 音速剣 SL / EVADE
・Vacuum Slash 1A 真空斬り SL / EVADE
・Swarm 23 スウォーム SL SH All
・Cyclone 24 カマイタチ SH Row
・Stomp A7 ふみつけ BL / EVADE
・Reaper Scythe B7 死神のカマ STS LP-1 / EVADE
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Kaiser Ant is susceptible to all status ailments except Horror.
It is a super swordsbug: Sword Barrier and Missile Shield will negate most of its attacks.
Great enemy for learning Sword Evade Skills if you wish.
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
38 | 36 | 18 | 18 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 8 | 40 | 40 | 32 |
Actions: 2 per turn (A then B) A (Claws 22): (Claws), Splinter x2, Entangle, Tentacle (Weak) x4
B (Claws 33): Hypnosis x2, Terror Voice x2, Gaze (Paralyze), Gaze (Charm) x3.
Techs & Spells:
・(Claws) 通常(爪) SL CT
・Splinter 80 刺 ST CT
・Entangle D4 足がらめ Earth STS GR All Stun
・Tentacle (Weak) AC 触手(弱) BL CT
・Hypnosis AB 催眠 STS Sleep All / EVADE
・Terror Voice B0 テラーボイス STS All Confuse LV1 / EVADE
・Gaze (Paralyze) B5 凝視(マヒ) STS Paralyze
・Gaze (Charm) B4 凝視(魅了) STS Charm
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Lots of status ailments work against Margarita: Insta-Death, Poison, Mind (Charm it), Sleep, Pressure.
Otherwise, Mind immunity will come useful.
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
40 | 32 | 35 | 23 | 15 | 12 | 23 | 20 | 24 | 24 | 24 | 24 | 26 | 13 | 26 | 64 |
Actions: 1 per turn | Target: Low HP
A (Crescent Sword 19): (Sword), Moonfall Slash x2, Double Cut, Fillet, Whirlwind, Mach Blade, Vacuum Slash
B (Claws 33): Wracking x3, Poisonous Blow, Life Water, Horror, Dark Wash, Deadly Drive.
Techs & Spells:
・(Sword) 00 通常(剣) SL CT
・Moonfall Slash 1D 落月破斬 SL SH
・Double Cut 11 二段斬り SL CT / EVADE
・Fillet 12 短冊斬り SL CT / EVADE
・Whirlwind 17 つむじ風 SH CT / Behind SH / EVADE
・Mach Blade 18 音速剣 SL / EVADE
・Vacuum Slash 1A 真空斬り SL / EVADE
・Wracking E2 ペイン Dark None / Stun
・Poisonous Blow F9 ポイゾナスブロウ Dark+Water BL / Poison
・Life Water CE 生命の水 Water STS 1P
・Horror E3 ホラー Dark STS Confuse LV3
・Dark Wash FD ダークスフィア Dark+Wind STS (ratio dmg)
・Deadly Drive E5 デッドリードライブ Dark None All Debuff (all stats for 1 action)
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Lizardlord is susceptible to all status ailments. Sword Barrier and Missile Shield will negate its most deadly attacks. Comes in groups: quickly dispatch one, disable the other.
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
41 | 35 | 24 | 13 | 15 | 13 | 17 | 45 | 8 | 8 | 9 | 9 | 32 | 32 | 32 | 64 |
Actions: 2 per turn (A then B)
A (Claws 44): (Claws), Twine Around x2, Feral Pounce x4, Poison Liquid
B (Claws 33): Feral Pounce x2, Twinstrike x4, Triple Hit x2
Techs & Spells:
・(Claws) 通常(爪) SL CT
・Twine Around A6 巻きつき BL / Paralyze
・Feral Pounce 27 ファングクラッシュ SL CT
・Poison Liquid 94 毒液 STS CT
・Twinstrike 52 ダブルヒット BL CT / EVADE
・Triple Strike 5C トリプルヒット SL CT
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Blind it. Vritra is also susceptible to Mind attacks: a successful Charm works wonders (Marionette works also but only lasts one attack). Sleep can be useful to get a breather. Air Pressure attacks work. Equip items with BL (SL) Def. Sword Barrier cancels Claws and Feral Pounce. Great rare drop (Hydra Suit).
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
41 | 29 | 26 | 44 | 15 | 15 | 20 | 50 | 16 | 10 | 20 | 24 | 8 | 20 | 20 | 10 |
Actions: 1 per turn (alternates A/B)
A (Claws 16): (Claws), Kick x5, Twinstrike x2
B (Claws 22): (Bone Dart) x8.
Techs & Spells:
・(Claws) 通常(爪) SL CT
・Kick 95 キック BL CT
・Twinstrike 52 ダブルヒット BL CT / EVADE
・(Bone Dart) 83 ボーンダート SH
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
A brute that needs dispatching ASAP unless you can Stun it at every turn. Weak to BL HE STS. Air Pressure attacks work. Missile Guard nullifies Bone Dart.
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
39 | 31 | 18 | 24 | 16 | 15 | 26 | 25 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 32 | 48 | 48 | 48 |
Actions: 2 per turn (A then B)
A (Obsidian Sword 45): (Sword) x4, Airwave, Cross Cut x2, Mince
B (Obsidian Sword 45): Blades of Wind x4, Air Screen, HP Absorb x2, Solar Wind.
Techs & Spells:
・(Sword) 00 通常(剣) SL CT
・Airwave 15 空圧波 SL Pressure CT (ratio dmg)
・Cross Cut 16 十文字斬り SL CT / EVADE ・Mince 13 みじん斬り SL CT / EVADE ・Blades of Wind D8 ウインドカッター Wind SL SH ・Air Screen D9 エアスクリーン Wind STS (SL BL ST SH BO) Def Up ・HP Absorb DB 体力吸収 Wind None
・Solar Wind F6 太陽風 Light+Wind HE BO All
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Sephira can be Insta-killed. Air pressure attacks work. Sword Barrier cancels all her sword attacks and Blades of Wind. Sephira's own Wonderbangle nullifies all attacks with a SH component. Great drops: Wonder Bangle (the best evade-type shield only on SFC) / Will Guard (the best one on Remaster).
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
TechLV | MagLV | STR | DEX | MAG | LOG | SPD | STA | SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS |
41 | 37 | 28 | 20 | 14 | 17 | 18 | 25 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 6 | 16 | 16 | 8 |
Actions: 1 per turn
A (Claws 16): Kick x2, Feral Pounce, Horn x4, Stomp
B (Claws 22): Hypnosis, Poison Strike x2, Bloodsuck, Gaze (Paralyze) x3, Suction
Techs & Spells:
・Kick 95 キック BL CT
・Feral Pounce 27 ファングクラッシュ SL CT
・Horn 6E ツノ ST CT
・Stomp A7 ふみつけ BL / EVADE
・Hypnosis AB 催眠 STS Sleep All / EVADE
・Poison Strike C6 毒撃 SL CT Poison
・Bloodsuck B6 吸血 STS HP Drain
・Gaze (Paralyze) B5 凝視(マヒ) STS Paralyze
・Suction 21 サクション STS HP Drain
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Helldragon is immune to all status ailments.
Very dangerous, kill ASAP.
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Walkthrough: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
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