The ITEMS section for the Remake Romancing SaGa 2: Revenge of the Seven is here.
Note on Items and Storage
There are basically 3 kinds of items:
- equipment (including battle-usable items), that can be equipped on your characters,
- inventory-usable items, that cannot be equipped but can be used in your inventory screen,
- and quest items, that you cannot equip nor use but are necessary to complete specific quests.
All these items can either be stored in your Inventory (accessible via the Select Menu) or in the Avalon Warehouse (2F, N-E).
In your Inventory you can store at most 7x5p= 35 different sorts of items (usable items pile up to 99, equipment up to 9, per sort of item). Additionally, you can carry, all in all, 35 items equipped on your characters. Note that if you get rid of an item (trash can icon) it is magically and conveniently teleported to the Avalon Warehouse. Careful: the content of chests opened and the items gotten while your inventory is full are lost forever (including quest items!).
Items stored in the Warehouse cumulate in the same way they do in the Inventory (9/99), but without sort limit.
Notes on Attack/Def Attributes and Status changes:
The only visible Defence value in the game is the Def against Slash attacks;
but in fact there are 8 Def attributes/values and possible immunities against Status ailments:
1) The 8 Def attributes are:
Physical Def | Slash (SL) Blunt (BL, Hit) Stab (ST, Pierce) Shot (SH, Arrow) |
Magical Def | Heat (HE) Cold (CO) Bolt (BO) Status (STS) |
All Def items have a corresponding numerical value for each category.
All attacks have at least one attribute and some may inflict Status ailments.
If total def for a particular attribute exceeds 128, damage for that attribute is nullified (= Attribute immunity).
Def = 0 against the few attacks with no attribute.
2) The possible Status ailments (and corresponding immunities) are:
Insta-death, Paralysis, Sleep, Dark (Blind), Mind (Confusion, Charm, Silence), Poison, Stun,
and the special flag Air Pressure ('Pressure' below).
Some Def items provide immunity against a few of these categories.
There are two additional special status changes:
- Float (FL), which provides immunity vs. Ground (GR) attacks.
- Invisible, which prevents specific targeting and wards against most physical attacks.
Enemies also have the 8 Def values and possible Status immunities (with one additional possible immunity, against the Horror spell).
See the Item Stats section and Status section for more info.
Notes on the Following Tables:
- SFC bug: weapons have two Attack Power values and the effective value is sometimes different (between brackets in the tables below), and some defence item stat-enhacing bonuses to stats are inoperative. In effect, most stat bonuses get -1 to the displayed value, min 0, except Rabbit Ears, Twilight Robe, Power Belt, Rabbit Foot and Candy Ring, that display the correct value. This was corrected in the Remaster and the displayed values are accurate, except for Sevens Sword 63 (65), Great Axe 42 (41), Feather Boots SPD+4(+3), Power Belt STR+3(+4).
- Some LV1 Workshop research is arranged from the start (noted as '[Workshop 400kG]' below).
- '[Re:XX]' = Remaster version only.
- 'Chest' = found in a chest at this location. See also the Local Maps section.
- 'Drop' = possibly dropped by this enemy. See also the Monsters, Victory and Rare Items sections.
- 'Equip:' = default equipment of this Class of characters. See also the Characters section.
- '(NR)' = non-removable.
- See the Gameplay > Items Stats section.
Weapons can be equipped in the characters' 4 Weapon slots.
Name | Atk | Built-in Techs / Special | Location (Price) | Weight |
Goblin Sword (01) ゴブリンソード | 4 | Final Strike | Chest: Maze of Memory (Green) Drop: Hobgoblin, Dobby, Weiss Goblin, King, (Re: Ancient Goblin) (600G) | 2 |
Long Sword (00) 長剣 | 8 | - | Workshop (Start) (800G) | 2 |
Steel Sword (02) 鋼鉄の剣 | 11 | - | Workshop [400kG] (1100G) | 2 |
Worm Slayer (03) ワームスレイヤー | 17 | Swarm / Final Strike | Chest: Fort Cyfreet Drop: Termite Soldier, Amnesia (1700 G) | 2 |
Crescent Sword (05) 三日月刀 | 19 | Moonfall Slash | Drop: Skeleton, Skull Demon, Skull Lord Equip: Desert Guard, Armed Merchant (1900G) | 1 |
Spectral Sword (06) スペクターソード | 23 | Suction / Final Strike | Drop: Dullahan (2800G) | 3 |
Harmonia Sword (04) ハルモニアの剣 | 25 | - | Workshop 800kG (2700G) | 2 |
Splasher (08) スプラッシャー | 29 | Divide / Final Strike | Chest: South Oubliette Drop: Champion (4800G) | 2 |
Blazing Sword (07) 炎の剣 | 30 | Prominence | Chest: Landship (4600G) | 2 |
Windgod Sword (0D) 風神剣 | 35 | Cyclone / Lightning Slash NR once equipped. | Equip with Aerology Spell Fujin Blade. (4600G) | 0 |
Phantom Sword (0A) 幻獣剣 | 37 | Windwolf Blade / Dragonfang Blade | Chest: Loess Ruins Drop: Dreadknight (8600G) | 0 |
Obsidian Sword (09) 黒曜石の剣 | 45 | - | Workshop 1.2mG (10000G) | 2 |
Dragon Blade (0B) 竜鱗の剣 | 60 | - | Chest: Firn Ruins (29700G) | 2 |
Sevens Sword [Re:0C] セブンスソード | 63 (65) | - | Give Fatestone to Weapon Blacksmith (50000G) | 2 |
Name | Atk | Built-in Techs / Special | Location (Price) | Weight |
Exorciser (18) 妖刀龍光 | 10 | (Moonfall Slash) / Exorcism () once sparked with Crescent Sword | Chest: Canal Fortress (700G) | 3 |
Greatsword (0E) 大剣 | 12 | - | Workshop (start) (1100G) | 3 |
Bastard Sword (1A) バスタードソード | 16 | Can use Sword Techs. | Chest: Watchman Nest (500G) | 3 |
Claymore (0F) クレイモア | 20 | - | Workshop 400kG (1100G) | 3 |
Drachenbrand (11) 青竜刀 | 22 | Moonfall Slash once sparked with Crescent Sword | Drop: Draft Red, Toadmaster. Equip: Desert Guard (2800G) | 3 |
Katana (1B) カタナ | 24 | Moonfall Slash once sparked with Crescent Sword | Equip: Levante Guard, Ninja [Re:] (3000G) | 3 |
Legendary Plover (14) 名刀千鳥 | 32 | (Moonfall Slash) / Jolting Slash () once sparked with Crescent Sword | Chest: Chonto Castle Drop: Sekishusei, Lizardlord (7700G) | 3 |
Triple Sword (12) トリプルソード | 33 | Dancing Sword | Drop: Giant (3500G) | 3 |
Zweihander (10) ツヴァイハンダー | 35 | - | Workshop 800kG (2000G) | 3 |
Vorpal Sword (19) ヴォーパルソード | 42 | Pesticide Blade / Killer Blade | Chest: Floating Castle Drop: Diablo (6600G) | 3 |
Dayblade (15) デイブレード | 45 | Sunlight (Req: COS LV 10) / Holy Light | Equip: Last Emperor (M) (13100G) | 3 |
Moonlite (16) ムーンライト | 45 | Moonlight / Lunar Blade Can also use Sword Techs. | Equip: Last Emperor (F) (13100G) | 3 |
Hauteclaire (17) オートクレール | 50 (35) | Surging Slice | Drop: Guardian (51900G) | 3 |
Cross Claymore (13) クロスクレイモア | 55 | - | Workshop (1.2mG) (6200G) | 3 |
Name | Atk | Built-in Techs / Special | Location (Price) | Weight |
Gothic Axe (1C) 戦斧 | 12 | - | Workshop (start) (1000G) | 3 |
Vorpal Axe (22) ヴォーパルアクス | 13 | Dance of Death | Chest: Floating Castle Drop: Diablo (6600G) | 4 |
Lady Hawk (1E) レディホーク | 19 | Feather Seal | Chest: Sunken Tower (1800G) | 2 |
Viking Axe (1F) バイキングアクス | 20 | - | Chest: Nuono Drop: Galient Blue, Viking, Garon (4100G) | 2 |
Broad Axe (10) ブロードアクス | 24 (22) | - | Workshop 400kG (1700G) | 3 |
Toamarine Axe (20) トアマリンの斧 | 29 | Boomerang | Chest: Bardic Grotto (5300G) | 3 |
Amethyst Axe (24) アメジストの斧 | 36 | Phantom Chivalry | Chest: Gelid Ruins (22500G) | 3 |
Destroyer (25) デストロイヤー | 40 | Destruction | Drop: Dantarg 3 & 4 (43800G) | 3 |
Great Axe (21) グレートアクス | 42 (41) | - | Workshop 1.2mG (5900G) | 3 |
Zircon Axe [Re:23] ジルコンの斧 | 50 | Crimson Flare | Chest: Maze of Memory (Blue) (30000G) | 6 |
Name | Atk | Built-in Techs / Special | Location (Price) | Weight |
Mace (26) メイス | 7 | - | Workshop (start) (700G) | 1 |
Skull Rod (2B) スカルロッド | 8 | Staff Strike | Drop: Magician, Deep One, Master, Queen (1400G) | 1 |
Quarterstaff (29) タンブラーロッド | 10 | Halt / Staff Strike | Equip: Mage for Hire (1200G) | 1 |
Cudgel (30) 棍棒 | 12 | - | Drop: Goblin, Ogre, Battle Ogre (500G) | 6 |
Battle Hammer (27) バトルハンマー | 16 | - | Workshop 400kG Drop: Cyfreet (1500G) | 2 |
Sage Rod (2D) セージロッド | 16 | Acuity / Staff Strike | Chest: Emerged Island Drop: Doctor (1600G) | 1 |
Comroon Hammer (31) コムルーンハンマ | 24 | Grand Buster | Zemio (Quest) (500G) | 1 |
Sledgehammer (2A) スリッジハンマー | 25 | - | Drop: Nightmare, Ogre, Battle Ogre (2700G) | 15 |
Silver Hammer (28) シルバーハンマー | 28 (23) | Hunter's Fury | Workshop 800kG (1600G) | 2 |
Liberty Staff (2E) リバティスタッフ | 28 | Blessing / Shatter Staff | Chest: Seer's Citadel (3100G) | 1 |
Holy Buster (2F) ホーリーバスター | 40 | Holy Light (once sparked with Dayblade) | Chest: Forgotten Town (10000G) | 3 |
Amber Mace (2C) アンバーメイス | 45 (40) | - | Workshop 1.2mG (4600G) | 2 |
Name | Atk | Built-in Techs / Special | Location (Price) | Weight |
Long Spear (32) ロングスピア | 11 | - | Workshop (start) (1000G) | 1 |
Trident (33) トライデント | 18 | Poseidon Shot | Drop: Nixie Equip: Diver (1600G) | 1 |
Naginata (34) なぎなた | 21 | - | Equip: Amazon (2100G) | 2 |
Diamond Spear (36) 金剛石の槍 | 24 | - | Workshop 400kG (4100G) | 1 |
Sharp Glaive (37) シャープグレイブ | 31 | - | Chest: Maze of Memory (Green) (4300G) | 2 |
Blue Quartz Spear (3A) 青水晶の槍 | 32 | Thunder Volt | Chest: Sunken Ship Drop: Snow Wyrm (17200G) | 2 |
Ranseur (38) ランサー | 33 | Poseidon Shot (once sparked with Trident) | Chest: Bardic Grotto Drop: Crab Rider, Nixie (4600G) | 1 |
Halberd (35) ハルベルト | 36 | [Re:] Can use Axe Techs. | Workshop 1.2mG (after Messina Mines cleared) (3000G) | 2 |
Poseidon's Spear (3B) 重水の槍 | 38 | Poseidon Shot (once sparked with Trident) | Chest: Emerged Island Drop: Termite Soldier (22500G) | 7 |
Gae Bulg (3C) 竜槍ゲイボルグ | 44 | Swooping Dragon | Drop: Fire Dragon, Ice Dragon, Storm Dragon, Dark Dragon (14600G) | 2 |
Divine Longinus (3D) 神槍ロンギヌス | 45 | Psycho Shot | Chest: Forgotten Town (29700G) | 2 |
Obsidian Lance (39) 黒曜石の槍 | 49 (47) | - | Workshop 1.2mG (7700G) | 1 |
Lance of Ukom [Re:3E] ウコムの鉾 | 54 | Prism Light | Chest: Maze of Memory (Black) 30000 | 4 |
Name | Atk | Built-in Techs / Special | Location (Price) | Weight |
Fleuret (40) フルーレ | 6 | - | Workshop (start) (600G) | 1 |
Rapier (41) レイピア | 11 | Can use Sword Techs. | Workshop (400kG) (900G) | 1 |
Lob Omen (43) ロブオーメン | 17 | Mad Biter Final Strike | Chest: Messina Mines Drop: Werewolf (1500G) | 1 |
Soul Saber (46) ソウルセイバー | 20 | Suction* / Life Steal (* usable once sparked with Spectral Sword) | Drop: Robin, Bokhohn 1 (6800G) | 1 |
Cutlass (44) カットラス | 21 (23) | Can use Sword Techs. | Drop: Viking, Garon (2000G) | 1 |
Red Quartz Rod (47) 赤水晶のロッド | 22 (18) | Fire Dragon Flood | Drop: Forge Wyrm, Gold Dragon, Bokhohn 2, Rocbouquet 2 (17200G) | 1 |
Epee (42) エペ | 23 (21) | - | Workshop (800kG) (1700G) | 2 |
Star of Ilorina (48) イロリナの星 | 30 | Floral Extravaganza | Chest: Wandering Lake (10000G) | 2 |
Estoc (45) エストック | 38 (36) | - | Workshop (1.2mG) (3500G) | 2 |
Sword of Earth [Re:49] 大地の剣 | 49 | Light Wall | Chest: Maze of Memory (Red) (30000G) | 2 |
Name | Atk | Built-in Techs / Special | Location (Price) | Weight |
Darts [Re:53] ダート | 5 | - | Chest: Maze of Memory (Black) (700G) | 0 |
Longbow (4A) 長弓 | 7 | - | Workshop (start) (800G) | 3 |
Elder Bow (50) エルダーボウ | 11 | - | Chest: Goblin Hideaway Drop: Dobby, [Re: Boss Goblin] (500G) | 2 |
Reinforced Bow (4B) 強化弓 | 19 | - | Workshop (400kG) Drop: [Re: Ancient Goblin] (1000G) | 3 |
Fail-Not (4C) ウインクキラー | 20 | Heart Seeker | Drop: Weiss Goblin (2000G) | 3 |
Grim Reaper (4E) グリムリーパー | 27 | Execution Arrows | Chest: Gelid Ruins (6600G) | 3 |
Starlight Bow (4F) 星天弓 | 35 | Starlight Arrows | Chest: Mt. Chikapa (13100G) | 3 |
Steel Bow (4D) 剛弓 | 37 | - | Workshop (800kG) (3500G) | 3 |
Eres' Bow [Re:51] エリスの弓 | 48 | Solar Wind | Chest: Maze of Memory (Green) (30000G) | 2 |

Name | Atk | Built-in Techs / Special | Location (Price) | Weight |
Claws (57) 爪 | 18 | Hell Claw NR once equipped. | Equip with Claw Extend spell. (500G) | 0 |
Battle Items must be equipped in a hand/weapon slot. They disappear once used.
Name | Atk | Special | Location (Price) | Weight |
Balm (5E) 傷薬 | - | Recover 100 HP, Cure Poison | Storeroom Drop: Beastman, Creeper, Sidhe, Werefrog (1000G) | 0 |
Quality Balm (5F) 高級傷薬 | - | Recover 400 HP, Cure Poison | Storeroom Drop: Minotaur, Nasty Petal, Signal Tree, Peg Powler (5000G) | 0 |
Armor can be equipped in the Body slots.
Some additional equipment, usually Class-related, cannot be selected, sorted out or removed.
Other items, cursed, cannot be unequipped once equipped (you can hear an evil laughter if you try to remove them! : D, but they can be sorted out.
Name | Def | Immunities Special | Location (Price) | Wt | |||||||
SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS | ||||
Facemask (60) フェイスマスク | 2 | 4 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | - | Workshop (start) (1100G) | 1 |
Open Helm (61) オープンヘルム | 5 | 8 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | - | Workshop 400kG (1300G) | 1 |
Hellenic Helm (62) グリークヘルム | 8 | 14 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | - | Workshop 800kG (1800G) | 1 |
Closed Helm (63) クロースヘルム | 12 | 24 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | Dark | Workshop 1.2mG (2600G) | 1 |
Lion Helm (64) ライオンヘッド | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | Dark | Chest: Somon (Kzinssie's Mansion) (800G) | 1 |
Mighty Helm (66) マイティヘルム | 10 | 20 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | STR+1 | Drop: Triton, Black Legion, Noel 2 (2200G) | 1 |
Ironwill (67) アイアンウィル | 15 | 25 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 30 | Mind | Equip: Mole (NR) (2200G) | 2 |
Headband (68) ヘッドバンド | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | MAG+1 | Workshop (start) (1000G) | 0 |
Straw Beret (69) ストローベレー | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 30 | 5 | 5 | 5 | - | Workshop 400kG (1000G) | 0 |
Tricorne (6A) とんがり帽子 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 10 | - | Drop: Novice, Senior, Master, Doctor (1000G) | 0 |
Waterfowl Hat [Re:6B] 水鳥の帽子 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 10 | 30 | 10 | 10 | - | Chest: Maze of Memory (Red) (1000G) | 0 |
Magician's Cap (6C) マジックハット | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 10 | MAG+2 | Drop: Magician (1000G) | 0 |
Rabbit Ears (6D) ラビットイヤー | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 20 | 1 | 20 | Dark Paralysis Logic+2 | Drop: Beastman (1000G) | 0 |
Rainbow Cap (6E) 虹の水環 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 32 | 32 | 0 | 32 | - | Chest: Firn Ruins Drop: Gold Baum, Water Dragon (1000G) | 0 |
Sublime Cap (6F) 最強の帽子 | 13 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | - | Drop: Mad Ogre, Nuckelavee, Triton (1000G) | 0 |
Fire Circlet [Re:65] 火神防御輪 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 128 | 0 | 0 | 0 | - | Chest: Maze of Memory (10000G) | 1 |
There are 3 sub-types of Body Armor:
- Light Armor (light, moderate def).
- Heavy Armor (heavier, high physical def),
- and Robes (lightest, high magic def, stat-enhancing properties).
Name | Def | Immunities Special | Location (Price) | Wt | |||||||
SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS | ||||
Leather Armor (70) レザーアーマー | 3 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | - | Workshop (start) (1200G) | 2 |
Rigid Leather (71) リジッドレザー | 7 | 7 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | - | Workshop 400kG (1800G) | 2 |
Brigandi (72) ブリガンディ | 16 | 16 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | - | Workshop 800kG (3200G) | 2 |
Tiger Armor (74) タイガーアーマー | 20 | 20 | 10 | 10 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | - | Chest: Sealed Cave, Maze of Memory (Green), Maze of Memory (Red) (4300G) | 2 |
Crocodile Armor (76) ワニ革の鎧 | 8 | 8 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 4 | - | Drop: Beast King, Giant, Draft Red, Galient Blue, Alligator, Lizardman, Lizardlady, Lizardlord (800G) | 2 |
Iron Armor (78) 鉄の鎧 | 6 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | - | Workshop (start) (1600G) | 5 |
Steel Armor (79) 鋼鉄の鎧 | 8 | 5 | 7 | 7 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | - | [Workshop 400kG] (1900G) | 5 |
Silver Cuirass (7A) 白銀のチェイル | 15 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 10 | - | Workshop 800kG (3000G) | 4 |
Skysteel Armor (7B) 超銅金の鎧 | 25 | 15 | 20 | 20 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | - | Chest: Sunken Ship Drop: Dreadknight (5700G) | 14 |
Harmonia Armor (7C) ハルモニアの鎧 | 20 | 15 | 18 | 18 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 10 | - | Workshop 1.2mG (4300G) | 4 |
Dragon Armor (7D) 竜鱗の鎧 | 35 | 20 | 25 | 25 | 30 | 30 | 30 | 5 | - | Chest: Firn Ruins (10000) | 5 |
Black Gardiehl (7E) 黒のガラドリエル | 42 | 25 | 30 | 30 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | Dark | Chest: Sealed Cave, Maze of Memory (Blue, Black) (14600G) | 5 |
Hot Scales (7F) 赤熱の鱗 | 35 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 128 | 0 | 5 | 5 | - | Equip: Salamander (NR) (10000) | 5 |
Sevens Armor [Re:77] セブンスアーマー | 46 | 38 | 44 | 44 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 5 | - | Give Fatestone to Armor Blacksmith (20000) | 4 |
Name | Def | Immunities Special | Location (Price) | Wt | |||||||
SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS | ||||
Sorcerer Robe (80) 魔道師のローブ | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | MAG+1 | Equip: Mage for Hire, Diviner (1100G) | 1 |
Beetle Robe (81) 玉虫のローブ | 8 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 10 | 0 | 10 | 10 | MAG+1 | Chest: Termite Den Drop: Nosferatu, Hulion (1900G) | 1 |
Stardust Robe (82) 星くずのローブ | 4 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | MAG+2 | Drop: Deep One, Doppelganger (1300G) | 1 |
Rabbit Armor (75) ラビットアーマー | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 0 | 20 | 0 | 25 | Poison Logic+2 | Drop: Robin (1000G) | 1 |
Moonbeam Robe (83) 月影のローブ | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 | MAG+3 | Drop: Joker, Lilith, Manshark, Black Widow, Insect Queen (1300G) | 1 |
Elven Shawl (73) エルブンスキン (Elven Skin!) | 12 | 12 | 6 | 6 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 25 | Paralysis SFC only: Cursed (cannot be unequipped). | Chest: Iris Village (2600G) | 1 |
Sun Robe (84) 太陽のローブ | 10 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 | MAG+2 | Drop: Sundancer, Medusa, Marid (2200G) | 1 |
Twilight Robe (85) 宵闇のローブ | 10 | 4 | 15 | 40 | 30 | 30 | 30 | 30 | Logic+3 | Chest: Emerged Island Drop: Vampire, Mystic, Hippoman, Sorcerer (2200G) | 1 |
Avalonian Robe (86) アバロンの聖衣 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 | MAG+2 | Chest: Avalon (4300G) | 1 |
Erudite Robe (87) 識者のローブ | 3 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | Pressure | Equip: Court Mage (NR) (1200G) | 1 |
Suits prevent from equipping other body parts with gear: they allow only a Shirt, a Shield, and Accessories.
Suits halve Bow accuracy rate.
Quite logically, Prima Tutu only allows Accessories and a Shield.
Name | Def | Immunities Special | Location (Price) | Wt | |||||||
SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS | ||||
Protection Suit (88) プロテクトスーツ | 12 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 6 | 6 | 0 | 0 | - | Workshop (start) (2600G) | 12 |
Lamellar Suit (89) ラメラースーツ | 20 | 16 | 16 | 16 | 10 | 10 | 1 | 1 | - | Workshop (Set 1) (3000G) | 12 |
Sweatsuit (8A) スウェットスーツ | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 10 | 10 | 2 | 5 | Sleep | Chest: Fort Cyfreet (3200G) | 8 |
Plate Suit (8B) プレートスーツ | 35 | 30 | 30 | 30 | 20 | 20 | 3 | 3 | - | Workshop (Set 2) (4300G) | 12 |
Heavy Suit [Re:8C] ヘビースーツ | 55 | 45 | 45 | 45 | 10 | 10 | 3 | 3 | - | Chest: Maze of Memory (Blue) (17300G) | 18 |
Combat Suit (8D) コンバットスーツ | 25 | 20 | 25 | 25 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | - | Drop: Mad Ogre (1000G) | 8 |
Harmonia Suit (8E) ハルモニアスーツ | 45 | 35 | 35 | 35 | 20 | 20 | 5 | 15 | - | Workshop (Set 3) Equip: Last Emperor (10000G) | 10 |
Hydra Suit (8F) ヒドラスーツ | 30 | 30 | 30 | 30 | 30 | 30 | 5 | 10 | Poison | Drop: Pyrohydra, Vritra (22800G) | 16 |
Prima Tutu (A5) プリマチュチュ | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 5 | 64 | 64 | 5 | Paralysis Sleep Dark Mind Poison Full Armor | Equip: Coppelia (NR) (1000G) | 0 |
Gauntlets halve Bow accuracy rate.
Name | Def | Immunities Special | Location (Price) | Wt | |||||||
SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS | ||||
Knuckle Brace (90) ナックルカバー | 4 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | - | Workshop (start) (1300G) | 1 |
Gauntlets (91) ガントレット | 7 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | - | Workshop 400kG (1900G) | 1 |
Vambraces (92) ヴァンブレイス | 10 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | - | Workshop 800kG (3200G) | 2 |
Mastery Gloves (93) マスタリーグラブ | 12 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | DEX+2 | Workshop 1.2mG (2200G) | 1 |
White Gloves (94) 白手袋 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | DEX+1 | Drop: Dullahan (1200G) | 0 |
Mitaines (95) ミトン | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 4 | 25 | 4 | 4 | - | Drop: Watchman (1200G) | 0 |
Uncanny Gloves (96) 怪力手袋 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | STR+2 | Drop: Azure Demon, Crimson Demon, Peg Powler, Valkyrie, Silver Beat, Noel 1 (1000G) | 0 |
Oven Mitts (97) なベつかみ | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 25 | 1 | 1 | 1 | - | Chest: Miramar (1000G) | 0 |
Name | Def | Immunities Special | Location (Price) | Wt | |||||||
SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS | ||||
Leather Greaves (98) 革のすね当て | 4 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | - | Workshop (start) (1300G) | 1 |
Steel Greaves (99) 鋼の具足 | 6 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | - | Workshop 400kG (1900G) | 2 |
Silver Greaves (9A) 白銀の具足 | 8 | 4 | 6 | 6 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 10 | - | Workshop 800kG (2200G) | 1 |
Quicksilver (9B) クイックシルバー | 11 | 6 | 10 | 10 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | SPD+2 | Workshop 1.2mG (2600G) | 1 |
Rubber Soles (9C) ラバーソウル | 4 | 1 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 64 | 1 | SPD+1 | Chest: Fort Cyfreet Drop: Shade, Djinn (1500G) | 0 |
Magician's Boots (9D) マジックブーツ | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | MAG+1 | Drop: Nightmare, Mystic (1600G) | 0 |
Healing Sandals (9E) ヒールのサンダル (Heel Sandals) | 3 | 1 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | Built-in Tech: Heel Stomp | Equip: Vagabond F (NR) (1200G) | 0 |
Feather Boots (9F) フェザーブーツ | 7 | 1 | 7 | 7 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | SPD+4(+3) | Drop: Jann, Noel 1 (1800G) | 0 |
Name | Def | Immunities Special | Location (Price) | Wt | |||||||
SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS | ||||
Doublet (A0) ダブレット | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | - | Workshop (start) (1100G) | 0 |
Budo Gi (A1) 武道着 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 7 | - | Drop: Shade, Great One, Noel 1 Equip: Brawler (1500G) | 0 |
Protective Suit (A2) 防護服 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | - | Workshop 400kG Equip: Diver (1800G) | 0 |
Reinforced Garb (A3) 強化服 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | Sleep | Workshop 800kG (1900G) | 0 |
Power Belt (A4) 力帯 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | STR+3(+4) | Chest: Child & Mu Calf Drop: Azure Demon, Crimson Demon, Silver Beat, Great One, Noel 2 (1000G) | 0 |
Insulated Clothes (A6) 断熱服 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 32 | 32 | 5 | 5 | - | Chest: Landship Drop: Hulion, Bokhohn Equip: Last Emperor (1000G) | 0 |
Flurry Shawl (A7) 風花のショール | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 128 | 0 | 30 | - | Equip: Iris (NR) (1000G) | 0 |
Name | Def | Immunities Special | Location (Price) | Wt | |||||||
SL | BL | ST | SH | HE | CO | BO | STS | ||||
Silver Ring (A8) シルバーリング | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | MAG+1 Re: Sleep | Equip: Leon Drop: Nixer (1000G) | 0 |
Cat's Eye (A9) キャッツアイ | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 15 | Dark MAG+1 | Chest: Maze of Memory (Red) Drop: Sorcerer, Rocbouquet 1 (1000G) | 0 |
Starstone (AA) スターストーン | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 32 | 1 | 1 | 10 | MAG+1 | Chest: Canal Fortress Drop: Skull Demon, Zeno, Cultist, Purple Bane, Wagnas (1000G) | 0 |
Darkstone Ring (AB) 魔石の指輪 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 16 | 16 | 16 | 32 | Mind MAG+1 Cursed: cannot be unequipped. LP-1 to all when sleeping (except in Gerard's bed) except wearer (LP restored). | In Mole Cave (Termite Den), give the Magic Stone Fragment to craftsmole. (1000G) | 0 |
Entite Ring (AC) 精霊の指輪 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | MAG+1 | Drop: Gluttonous Ogre, Gold Dragon, Insect Queen, Rocbouquet 1&2 Equip: Last Emperor (1000G) | 0 |
Candy Ring (AD) キャンディリング | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 20 | 20 | 20 | Pressure Logic+3 | Drop: Gel Matter (1000G) | 0 |
Ring of Nibel (AE) ニーベルの指輪 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 10 | 1 | 10 | MAG+1 | Chest: Fiends Cloister (1000G) | 0 |
Merou Ring (AF) メロウリング | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 32 | 128 | 0 | 30 | MAG+1 | Equip: Nereid (NR) (1000G) | 0 |
Kris Knife (B0) クリスナイフ | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 20 | - | Chest: Sealed Cave Drop: Skull Lord, Gluttonous Ogre, Water Dragon (1000G) | 0 |
Rabbit's Foot (B1) ラビットフット | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 20 | 0 | 20 | Sleep Logic+1 | Drop: Watchman (1000G) | 0 |
Somon Ring (B2) ソーモンの指輪 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 5 | Mind MAG+1 | Somon (Kzinssie's Mansion) (1000G) | 0 |
Dash Ring [Re:B3] ダッシュリング | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 32 | See more when dashing | Equip: Ninja (NR) (1000G) | 0 |
Potency Ring [Re:B4] スキルリング | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | User gains more Technical Points (+50%). | Chest: Maze of Memory (Blue) (5000G) | 0 |
Bejeweled Ring [Re:B5] ドロップリング | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Raise Item Drop Rate (+1∼3%?) | Chest: Maze of Memory (Blue) (5000G) | 0 |
Flame Ring [Re:B6] 火の指輪 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 64 | 0 | 0 | 0 | HP regen in Fire environment | Chest: Maze of Memory (Red) (10000G) | 0 |
Water Ring [Re:B7] 水の指輪 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 64 | 0 | 0 | HP regen in Water environment | Chest: Maze of Memory (Blue) (10000G) | 0 |
Wind Ring [Re:B8] 風の指輪 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 64 | 0 | HP regen in Wind environment | Chest: Maze of Memory (Green) (10000G) | 0 |
Earth Ring [Re:B9] 地の指輪 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 64 | HP regen in Earth environment | Chest: Maze of Memory (Black) (10000G) | 0 |
Demon Ring [Re:BA] 百鬼の指輪 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 16 | 16 | 16 | 16 | Mind | Equip: Diviner (NR) (1000G) | 0 |
Power Ring [Re:BB] パワーリング | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 8 | 0 | 8 | 0 | STR+4 | Chest: Maze of Memory (Green) (10000G) | 0 |
Magic Ring [Re:BC] マジックリング | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 8 | 0 | 8 | MAG+4 | Chest: Maze of Memory (Black) (10000G) | 0 |
Quick Ring [Re:BD] クイックリング | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 8 | 0 | 0 | 8 | SPD+4 | Chest: Maze of Memory (Blue) (10000G) | 0 |
Thief Ring [Re:BE] シーフリング | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 8 | 8 | 0 | DEX+4 | Chest: Maze of Memory (Red) (10000G) | 0 |
Intaglio Ring [Re:BF] インタリオリング | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | Paralysis Sleep Dark Mind Poison | Viktor's Ghost (50000G) | 0 |
There are two types of shields:
- 'Shields' provide additional defence when they activate.
- 'Guards' nullify damage when they activate.
- Most Shields and Guards can only activate against physical attacks of selective attributes, when you character is using a one-handed weapon and tech: they are arguably rarely worth the defence equipment slot they take (other pieces of equipment may provide a more reliable defence).
- When Defending, Guards activation rate doubles.
- The effective activation rate depends also on each attack's corrective Evade value (displayed in the 'Eva' column in the tables of the Tech section) like so: Effective Activation % = Activation(%) x Eva / 16. If the Tech Eva value = 0, shield activation is impossible (i.e. most Short Sword techs, Aiming, Tomahawk..)
Name | Activation (%) | Def | Against | Weight | Location (Price) |
Great Shield (C0) 大盾 | 45 | 10 (20) | SL BL ST SH | 3 | Workshop (start) (1900G) |
Metal Shield (C1) 金属盾 | 45 | 16 (32) | SL BL ST SH | 3 | Workshop 400kG (2600G) |
Steel Shield (C2) 鋼鉄の盾 | 40 | 24 (48) | SL BL ST SH | 4 | Workshop 800kG (3400G) |
Obsidian Shield (C3) 黒曜石の盾 | 40 | 36 (72) | SL BL ST SH | 4 | Workshop 1.2mG (5700G) |
Skysteel Shield (C4) 超銅金の盾 | 20 | 40 (80) | SL BL ST SH | 6 | Drop: Champion, Knight, Toadmaster, Armored Drake, Giant, Dantarg 4 (7600G) |
Dragon Shield (C5) 竜鱗の盾 | 40 | 30 (60) | SL BL ST SH HE CO BO | 3 | Chest: Firn Ruins (5100G) |
Mirror Shield (C6) 水鏡の盾 | 50 | 28 (56) | SL BL ST SH HE CO | 1 | Drop: Plesiosaur, Sea Drake (4300G) |
Templar's Shield (C7) 聖騎士の盾 | 50 | 20 (40) | SL BL ST SH | 4 | Equip: Crusader (NR) (3200G) |
Name | Activation (%) | Def | Against | Weight | Location (Price) |
Leather Guard (C8) レザーガード | 15 | Evade | SL BL ST | 0 | Workshop (start) (3200G) |
Buckler (C9) バックラー | 20 | Evade | SL BL ST | 1 | Workshop 400kG (4300G) |
Metal Guard (CA) メタルガード | 27 | Evade | SL BL ST | 3 | Workshop 800kG (5400G) |
Harmonia Guard (CB) ハルモニアガード | 35 | Evade | SL BL ST | 2 | Workshop 1.2mG (7600G) |
Targe (CC) ターゲット | 18 | Evade | SL BL ST | 1 | Drop: Hobgoblin, Skeleton, Bone Head, Adept, Vicar (10000G) |
Earth Guard (CD) アースガード | 25 | Evade | SL BL ST BO | 1 | Drop: Ramah, Cyfreet (7600G) |
Willguard (CE) ウィルガード | 30 | Evade | All | 1 | Drop: Chariot, Sephira (5700G) |
Wonder Bangle (CF) ワンダーバングル | 100 | Evade (124) | SH (SFC only: All) | 7 | Drop: Beast King, Medusa, Valkyrie, Sephira (50000G) |
Name | Description | Location (Price) |
Anima Draught (D0) 生命力回復 | 1 character recovers 1 LP | Warehouse, Nomad Village, Witch's Sanctum Drop: Monster Schroom, Gold Baum Chest: Maze of Memory (1000 G) |
Puissance Liquor (D3) 術酒 | 1 character recovers 25 MP | Warehouse Drop: various enemies Chest: Maze of Memory (5000 G) |
Spirit Liquor (D4) 霊酒 | 1 character recovers 100 MP | Warehouse, Witch's Sanctum Drop: various enemies (10000 G) |
Divine Liquor (D5) 神酒 | 1 character recovers All MP | Drop: Nighthead, Bloody Mary.. Chest: Maze of Memory (1000 G) |
Imperial Salve (D7) 皇帝液 | Emperor recovers 100 SP+MP | Drop: Pyrohydra, Vritra, Croydon, Chesterton.. (10000 G) |
Aromatic Herb (D8) リラックスハーブ | Males recover 25 SP+MP | Drop: Spritzer, Grasshopper.. Chest: Maze of Memory (Blue) (100 G) |
Mistral Herb (D9) フレッシュハーブ | Male recovers 50 SP+MP | Nomad Village Drop: Ruffle Tree, Nighthead, Margarita.. (100 G) |
Passionate Perfume (DA) 情熱の香水 | Female/Unknown recovers 25 SP+MP | Drop: Hecteye, Snowlady.. Chest: Maze of Memory (Black) (100 G) |
Secret Perfume (DB) 神秘の香水 | Female/Unknown recovers 50 SP+MP | Drop: Scarlet, Lilith.. (100 G) |
Panacea (DD) 万能薬 | 1 character recovers All SP+MP | Warehouse, Nomad Village Gorgon, Albion.. (100 G) |
Barrier Stone (DE) 結界石 | Party recovers All SP+MP | Warehouse, Floating Castle Chest: Maze of Memory (100 G) |
Natural Essence (DF) 森の精気 | Party recovers 25 SP | Warehouse Drop: Bloody Mary, Margarita.. (100 G) |
Gaia Essence (E0) 大地の精気 | Party recovers 50 SP | Warehouse Drop: Earth Faerie (100 G) |
Crown (E1) 10クラウン) | Party recovers All SP+MP | Last Emperor: Avalon (talk to boy) (100 G) |
Thousand Cranes (E2) 千羽ヅル | Party recovers All SP+MP | Last Emperor: Avalon (talk to girl) (100 G) |
- At the Witch's Sanctum you can only buy a total of 15 potions (be it Anima Draught, Spirit Liquor or Mermaid Potion). Be careful: if you have already bought 15 potions before starting the Mermaid Quest, you won't be able to get a Mermaid Potion and consequently won't be able to complete the quest.
- The herbs that you can get in Nomad Village (top-right tent) after annexing the region are: 5x Panacea, then 5x Mistral Herb, then 5x Anima Draught. Available after any number of battles except 15 (so you can get your share after one battle).
- The recovery items readily available in the Warehouse in Avalon increase with "time", like so:
Item | At Game Start | After a Generation Jump | Last Emperor (after party Wipe / Emperor's Death) | Last Emperor (after Generation Jump) |
Balm | 50 | 20 | 99 | 99 |
Quality Balm | 3 | 5 | 20 | 25 |
Anima Draught | 0 | 1 | 4 | 5 |
Puissance Liquor | 10 | 10 | 40 | 50 |
Spirit Liquor | 3 | 3 | 15 | 18 |
Panacea | 1 | 1 | 5 | 6 |
Barrier Stone | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Natural Essence | 10 | 10 | 40 | 50 |
Gaia Essence | 3 | 3 | 15 | 18 |
These items are needed in your inventory to complete certain actions or quests and to access certain locations.
Note: Bard Quest items can be stored away once you have accessed Iris Village once.
Name | Description | Location (Price) |
Seabreeze Shell (EE) 海風貝 | Allows you to talk to Narwhal | Saigo Village (100 G) |
Ancient Magic Tome (EF) 古代魔術書 | Allows you to learn Black Magic | Emerged Island (100 G) |
Stoneboat (F0) 石船 | Allows access to Zemio | Salamat (0 G) |
Windmaker (F1) 人力風起こし | Allows access to the Floating Castle. | Somon (Hiraga 11+) (0 G) |
Eggshell (F2) 卵のから | Ingredient for Mermaid Potion | Savannah (Mermaid Quest) (0 G) |
Sea Swallow Nest (F3) 海ツバメの巣 | Ingredient for Mermaid Potion | Toba (Cliffs) (0 G) |
Lake Aqua Water (F4) アクア湖の水 | Ingredient for Mermaid Potion | Lake Aqua (Mermaid Quest) (0 G) |
Mermaid Potion (F5) 人魚薬 | Allows you to breathe underwater | Witch's Sanctum (Mermaid Quest) (0 G) |
Ice Seed (F6) アイスシード | Freezes lava at Mt Comroon top | Seer's Citadel (0 G) |
Moonlight Comb (F7) 月光のクシ | Purifies Lake Aqua | Termite Den (Mole Cave / Mermaid Quest) (60000 G) |
Magic Stone Fragment (F8) 魔石のかけら | Material for Darkstone Ring | Gemstone Mine (0 G) |
Mole Pot (F9) モールのつぼ | Pot to gather moonlight | Termite Den (Mole Cave / Mermaid Quest) (0 G) |
Bard's Horn (FA) 詩人のホルン | Bard Quest item | Avalon Inn 2F (0 G) |
Bard's Flute (FB) 詩人のフルート | Bard Quest item | Bardic Grotto (0 G) |
Bard's Bassoon (FC) 詩人のファゴット | Bard Quest item | Nuono / Sunken Ship (0 G) |
Bard's Conga (FD) 詩人のコンガ | Bard Quest item | Termite Den (Mole Cave) (0 G) |
Bard's Guitar (FE) 詩人のギタ | Bard Quest item | Zemio (0 G) |
Goblin Formation Scroll [Re:ED] ゴブリン陣形書 | Allows you to learn the Goblin Attack formation | Re: Maze of Memory (Green) (0 G) |
Fatestone [Re:EC] 運命の石 | Material to craft Sevens Sword or Armor in Avalon | Re: Maze of Memory (Blue) (0 G) |
Crushing Memory [Re:E8] 破の記憶 | Needed to access Maze of Memory (Yellow) | Re: Maze of Memory (Black) (0 G) |
Evil Memory [Re:E9] 邪の記憶 | Needed to access Maze of Memory (Yellow) | Re: Maze of Memory (Green) (0 G) |
Ruined Memory [Re:EA] 滅の記憶 | Needed to access Maze of Memory (Yellow) | Re: Maze of Memory (Blue) (0 G) |
Sinful Memory [Re:EB] 罪の記憶 | Needed to access Maze of Memory (Yellow) | Re: Maze of Memory (Red) (0 G) |
Queen's Legacy [Re:E7] クイーンの証 | - | Re: Maze of Memory (Yellow) (0 G) |
The two blacksmiths located on 2F of outer Avalon Castle (above the stables) can invent, research and develop new weapons (left) and defensive items (right) for you. Here is how this works:
The blacksmiths will ask for money to develop items.
What you can develop is not random: the proposed item categories cycle according to these two lists:
—> Sword —> Greatsword —> Axe —> Club —> Spear —> Epee —> Bow —> Halberd —>
—> Helmet —> Hat —> None —> Heavy Armor —> Light Armor —> Gauntlet —> Greaves —> Clothes -> Shield —> Guard —>
The category changes after 1 battle is started.
Some categories need to be triggered to become available:
Event | Unlocked Category | |
Weapons | Armor | |
From the start | Sword, Greatsword, Club | Helmet, Heavy Armor, Light Armor, Gauntlet, Shield |
Somon under control | Spear, Short Sword | Greaves, Guard |
Fiends' Cloister cleared | Bow | Hat, Clothes |
Armed Merchant problem solved | Axe | |
Messina Mine under control | Halberd |
If a category is not available, you won't be able to research anything that turn.
To unlock Suits, develop the corresponding level of Helmet + Heavy Armor + Gauntlet + Greaves for it to be available in the shop (in Miramar) in the next generation.
In each category there are several levels of R&D that must be completed in order.
The items of each level have a different price: 1) 400k, 2) 800k, 3) 1,2m G.
- The 'Game Start' column below shows what is available in the shops from the start.
- Steel Sword / Steel Armor R&D is already arranged for.
- Suits require no R&D other than that of its parts (see above).
Item | Game Start | LV1: 400kG | LV2: 800kG | LV3: 1.2mG |
Weapons | ||||
Sword | Long Sword | Steel Sword | Harmonia Sword | Obsidian Sword |
Greatsword | Greatsword | Claymore | Zweihander | Cross Claymore |
Axe | Gothic Axe | Broad Axe | - | Great Axe |
Club | Mace | Battle Hammer | Silver Hammer | Amber Mace |
Spear | Long Spear | Diamond Spear | - | Obsidian Lance |
Short Sword | Fleuret | Rapier | Epee | Estoc |
Bow | Long Bow | Reinforced Bow | Steel Bow | - |
Halberd | - | - | - | Halberd |
Armor | ||||
Helmet | Face Mask | Open Helm | Hellenic Helm | Closed Helm |
Hat | Headband | Straw Beret | - | - |
Heavy Armor | Iron Armor | Steel Armor | Silver Cuirass | Harmonia Armor |
Light Armor | Leather Armor | Rigid Leather | Brigandi | - |
Gauntlet | Knuckle Brace | Gauntlets | Vambraces | Mastery Gloves |
Greaves | Leather Greaves | Steel Greaves | Silver Greaves | Quicksilver |
Clothes | Doublet | Protective Suit | Reinforced Garb | - |
Shield | Great Shield | Metal Shield | Steel Shield | Obsidian Shield |
Guard | Leather Guard | Buckler | Metal Guard | Harmonia Guard |
Full Armor | Protective Suit | Lamellar Suit | Plate Suit | Harmonia Suit |
After paying the R&D fee and starting 5 battles, you get the prototype, and in the next generation (after a time skip) that item will be available in the relevant shops and the relevant recruitable characters will be equipped with it.
Remaster Only: Give a blacksmith the Fatestone (unique item) you retrieved from the blue Maze of Memory to get either one Sevens Sword or one Sevens Armor, both outstanding items (which also carry over with NG+, by the way).
R&D suggestion:
- Weapons: Greatsword, or the weapons in usage in your party. (Remaster: Up to you, the best weapons being in the Maze of Memory.)
- Armor: Clothes, Light Armor, Hat, Greaves, Gauntlet.
If your priority is Full Armor, evidently focus on: Helmet, Heavy Armor, Gauntlet & Greaves.
Each shop has fixed categories of items that change depending on R&D done during the previous generation.
There you can buy items and sell yours for half their value.
- Crescent Sword, Drachenbrand, Katana do not change.
- Until Halberd has been R&D'ed, Long Spear is for sale instead.
- SFC bug: After being developed, Full Armors in shops may regress one level; corrected in the next generation.
Shop Location | Item 1 | Item 2 | Item 3 | Item 4 |
Avalon | Sword | GSword | Club | Shield |
Avalon | Heavy Armor | Light Armor | Helmet | Gauntlet |
Somon | Spear | Short Sword | Greaves | Guard |
Nibel | Bow | Clothes | Light Armor | Hat |
Douglass | Club | Greaves | Shield | Guard |
Hofah | Sword | Greatsword | Heavy Armor | Light Armor |
Tefal | Sword | Greatsword | Heavy Armor | Light Armor |
Mobelm | Axe | Short Sword | Bow | Crescent Sword |
Mobelm | Clothes | Gauntlet | Light Armor | Guard |
Miramar | Heavy Armor | Full Armor | Halberd | Sword |
Miles | Sword | Bow | Guard | Light Armor |
Teretuva | Crescent Sword | Drachenbrand | Clothes | Light Armor |
Yuyan | Katana | Greaves | Gauntlet | Heavy Armor |
Liangshan | Katana | Halberd | Bow | Light Armor |
Tsukijima | Club | Bow | Guard | Hat |
Tsukijima | Greaves | Gauntlet | Heavy Armor | Sword |
As regions become part of the Empire, some shops will provide items for free:
- From the start (except as Gerard the 2nd Prince when alone): Avalon.
- Once part of the Empire: Somon, Miramar, Hofah, Yuyan, Liangshan, Tsukijima.
- If the Dragon Lair is abandoned: Nibel.
No-Spoiler Tips - Game Info - Gameplay - Characters - Techs - Sparking - Magic - Items - Monsters - Bosses - Maps - Trivia & Secrets
Walkthrough: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
Except where noted otherwise, everything here is my own work (including all screenshots, all maps, walkthroughs, translations & adaptations). The sources for all info & quotes are always mentioned. Please respect other people's work: kindly attribute to whomever. Thank you!
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